Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 65 World Situation (200 recommendations plus more updates)

Yesterday, the government navy set up numerous ambushes in the Chambord Islands and wiped out a large number of pirates.

Among them, there are more than 500 pirates with bounties on their heads, including but not limited to Sayama, who has a bounty of million, Ikyo, who has a bounty of million, and who has a bounty of million.

Under the leadership of the world government, the sea is stable and harmonious, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. They all sing the praises of the government's leadership and the strength of the government's navy.

We must unswervingly support the rule and management of the world government. This is the right path to achieve world prosperity and prosperity and the happiness and well-being of people around the world.

——"Navy Daily"

Doflamingo closed the newspaper, rubbed his temples with a headache, and asked Torebol in confusion: "Then the boy said let us read this newspaper."

Torrebol sucked in the snot that was about to fall to the ground, scratched his head and thought for a while and said, "He seems to have said that."

Doflamingo lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, he opened the newspaper again, stood at the Palace of Dressrosa, stared at the sea outside the island, and said, "He probably wants to tell us that the Navy is going to deal with the new The world is out"

"What?" Torrebol said in disbelief.

No wonder Torrebol was surprised.

In recent times, wars have broken out frequently in the New World, and just a few days after it settled down, red-haired Shanks worked hard to ascend to the throne of the New World in an unrivaled manner.

At this point, the situation of the four emperors' full strength has been formed, and the entire new world has been divided up, and no one dares to act recklessly.

Doflamingo adjusted his glasses with his middle finger. In order to verify his thoughts, he continued to analyze: "This operation of the Navy can be said to have wiped out all the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line. So far, the new world has lost its new blood supply. .

Now that Hongfa has just become the Four Emperors, the foundation is not strong enough. The navy has wiped out a large number of rookie pirates at this time. I am afraid it is trying to send a message to the other three emperors, so that Hongfa will fall into the lower ranks.

Some of those three old-school emperors must be dissatisfied with a young man being equal to them.

When the time comes, there will be internal fighting among the emperors, and the navy will reap the benefits.

It was a good move.”

At this moment, a figure immediately appeared in Doflamingo's mind, the naval officer who sent him fleeing - Lieutenant General Crane.

"Damn it! It must be that damn scheming old woman"

Doflamingo's heart trembled at the thought of this man.

Lieutenant General He has become one of his demons.

"And that kid, he guessed everything." Brother Ming remembered what Luffy said to him that day.

Being able to analyze the world situation so thoroughly, the empty-handed analysis half a year ago has now become a fixed number, which makes Brother Ming think highly of Luffy even more.

"Tch, who can become a chess player, who would be willing to become a pawn, what are you waiting for?"

Dressrosa, the land of love, passion and toys.

On the street, everyone, and every toy life, are filled with happy smiling faces.

"Ah sneeze!"

Luffy, far away in the Chambord Islands, stayed in a cozy little house, eating the fruit that Robin had just washed, while looking at the items in the system store.

After what happened yesterday, Luffy had a brief exchange with Vincent as a bounty hunter.

In the end, Vincent said that he would continue to pursue and enter the new world, and he must personally kill the Ripper Pirates.

Out of humanitarianism, Luffy separated from Vincent after giving him some spiritual encouragement.

Before leaving, a navy officer took a photo of him and Vincent and told him that the incident would be published in the Navy Daily on February 15th.

Originally, Luffy didn't have the habit of reading newspapers, and it was even more impossible to know that this newspaper was only distributed as a gift within the Navy and distributed for free.

Just when I got home, Robin said that Torrebol called and asked how Luffy was doing recently.

Luffy didn't know the progress of what he asked at all, so he casually said something about the newspaper and prevaricated.

As a result, Doflamingo misunderstood Luffy and put Luffy on the same level as him to analyze the world situation.

However, I have to admit that Dover's vision is still very vicious. Although he guessed the cause of the matter was completely different, the final result did not differ in the slightest from his analysis.

A month later, news of the war between the Beast Kaido Pirates and the Red-Haired Shanks Pirates spread throughout the ocean.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

In a small conference room, officers above the admiral rank gathered together.

Right in front of the meeting, Admiral Sengoku slapped a stack of information on the table in his hand, and said in a somewhat sad tone: "Crane, let's briefly analyze the impact of the war between the two four emperors on the situation in the new world. .”

After Zhan Guo finished speaking, there was a little commotion in the meeting room, and finally everyone focused on the white-haired woman sitting on the right side of Zhan Guo—Lieutenant General He.

Lieutenant General He sighed slightly and said: "The two emperors started a war, although our intelligence personnel did not see the whole process.

But according to the analysis of the situation at the time, it seems that the newly promoted four emperors, the red-haired Shanks, won the victory with a slight advantage.

After the war, the two islands located in the territory of the Kaido Pirates disappeared, and they should have been smashed into pieces during the battle.

After Red Hair wins, White Beard and Big Mom probably won't make any more moves.

At this point, the red hair has completely become a real figure in this sea.

In the next few years, the new world will usher in a brief period of peace, even under darkness.

It also means that the new world will be further out of our control. "

Lieutenant General He's voice fell, and the whole navy fell into deep thought.

Under the analysis of Lieutenant General Crane, the current situation of the Navy is not optimistic.

The New World, which is the second half of the Great Line, is where all kinds of talented people from all over the world gather.

The New World is not only a place for the Emperor Pirates to replenish their blood, but also an important place for the Navy to recruit talents.

The New World's separation from naval control will never be allowed to happen now.

Warring States tapped his fingers on the table with one hand, interrupting everyone's thoughts, and asked calmly: "He, what do you think we should do next?"

General Hezhong crossed his hands and leaned on the table, covering his mouth slightly. This was her usual action when she was serious. She said lightly: "Remember that plan that was not completed in the middle? At that time, the red-haired army suddenly emerged, and most of the navy's energy was taken away. Confined, the plan had to be shelved.”

Warring States was slightly moved, and after calming down for a moment, he said: "You are talking about the plan, right?"

The Qiwuhai plan can be said to be an idea of ​​the Warring States Period since the general period.

That is to say, it can weaken a large number of powerful pirates and put these powers in the hands of the navy; it can also weaken the scope of the four emperors' rule by helping these big pirates gain a foothold in the new world; if necessary, they can also be used as a source of force, Replenish combat power.

Afterwards, all the general-level non-commissioned officers issued their own proposals and some details.

In the end, the Warring States Period set the tone for the entire meeting.

"Okay! Then our next task is to find suitable candidates for Qi Wuhai.

Thank you for your hard work, everyone, let’s adjourn!”

Garp rubbed his eyes, wiped the gum from the corners of his eyes, and said with a sigh of relief: "The meeting is finally over, let's go home and continue to sleep."

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