Pirate's infinite transformation

Chapter 62 Natural Disaster of the Undead—The Lich King!


Gu Nian left the police station and was walking to the subway station when suddenly someone rushed from behind, grabbed the bag from her shoulder and ran away.

Gu Nian didn't have any precautions at all, and the bag was snatched away unexpectedly.

She reacted immediately and chased him immediately. There was no need to shout "stop" because the other party would definitely not stop.

But, you dare to snatch the bag near the police station, you are very brave!

But because there were people coming and going on both sides, Gu Nian's speed slowed down. From time to time, he bumped into people and apologized to them. For a while, he couldn't catch up with them.

"Help, catch the robbers!" Gu Nian shouted.

But people nowadays only want to protect themselves and rarely meddle in other people's business. Most people not only did not step forward to help, but instead hid behind. Some stood still and watched Gu Nian chase the man who robbed him. , as if watching a 100-meter race. pb

Others continued walking their way, looking back from time to time to see if Gu Nian had caught up.

In short, it was completely with the mentality of watching the fun.

Gu Nian had no choice but to immerse himself in the pursuit, and finally chased the man into an alley. Looking on both sides should indicate the back entrance of the hotel. There are trash cans at the door, exuding the smell of not-so-fresh leftovers.

Sewage that smelled of sourness spread outward from the ground centered on the trash can.

There was no one in this narrow alley, and even the light was much darker than outside. It is now half past six, and the sky is gradually getting dark.

Even on the main road outside, it was half dark, and it was even darker inside the alley.

But the man who grabbed the bag stopped running, stopped and turned to face Gu Nian.

Gu Nian was alert and immediately checked the situation around him, only to hear footsteps behind him.

When he turned around, he found two men walking behind him, and both of them were holding knives in their hands.

Gu Nian turned sideways and looked at the three of them warily. The person holding her bag also had a knife in his hand.

These three people were obviously well prepared, and it was not as simple as specializing in robbery.

It seemed that he had led her here on purpose.

Who sent them?

Gu Nian thought about it. As a small-time police officer, she usually dealt with trivial matters in the neighborhood and had never encountered a major case. It's her first day at work in the criminal investigation team. She has never handled any major cases, and she hasn't offended anyone on the street. It's really not like anyone would take advantage of a little person like her.

Seeing the three people gradually approaching, Gu Nian was blocked by the three people and had no place to hide or retreat.

"Who sent you three?" Gu Nian asked coldly, "You are not trying to rob me at all, you just want to lure me here."

"Haha, we just use money to do things, you should think about who we have offended." The man holding the Gu Nian bag sneered, "Don't worry, we won't kill anyone, we will just hurt you a few times. Now you have two choices . Just stand here obediently and get slashed a few times by us, without resisting, and then you can leave. Otherwise, if we start a fight, you will still be injured despite the effort, and we will be tired too."

Gu Nian looked at the knives in their hands and heard what they said, but no one would really stand here and wait for the knife to slip.

Her gun has not been issued yet, and she is not allowed to take the gun out of the police station except when handling a case. Now Gu Nian can be said to have no weapons at all to defend herself.

Gu Nian didn't dare to glance around, but suddenly kicked her leg to the side, and the trash can, which was smelly and surrounded by flies, fell directly towards the person holding the bag.

The man was startled and hurriedly avoided the trash can. His face suddenly became fierce: "You are looking for death!"

With that said, he swung his knife and stabbed Gu Nian.

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