
Ye Feng and Gurba looked at each other, and both stepped back a little distance.

Neither of them was in a hurry to take action.

The reason why Ye Feng didn't take action was.

He was afraid that the captain was up to something! And how strong is this person?

After all, this is the world of One Piece!

That’s a lot of strong people!

Just pick anyone out and you can beat the shit out of him.

As for those pirate subordinates before.

That is a group of "cannon fodder".

Completely at the level of an ordinary person.

The streets are full of them!

Just like that, dozens of seconds passed.

Ye Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

"Why do you want to catch me?"

Originally, he didn't want to kill anyone.

If the other person has good intentions.

Neither will he.

He just wanted to leave the island.

did not expect.

When the other party gets off the boat and comes over.

He shouted: "Catch him here."

Ye Feng was shocked by these words.

Are all pirates that cruel?

But that's right.

If pirates aren't cruel and don't do bad things, why do they need the Navy Headquarters?

the other side.

Gurba looked at the ship in the distance, feeling a little anxious.


The monster blocked him!

I wanted to run!

If you can't go all out, then of course you won't go all out.

After all, if you can't fight, you will die!

However, when Gurba saw the opponent's speed.

He was a little desperate.

too fast!

Can't run at all.

In response, Gurba's mind began to race rapidly.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and shouted to Ye Feng.

"Brother, are you a devil fruit user?"

"I see that you are talented, and you are probably not an ordinary person."

"So, I asked my men to test you."

"Sure enough! You are not an ordinary person."

"Although my men are dead, it doesn't matter. They are just rubbish. I want to ask you a question now."

"Do you want to be my crew member? Are you so powerful? Let's conquer the world together!"

the other side.

After Ye Feng heard what Gurba said.

His mouth couldn't help but curl up.

No wonder the other party is so cowardly, it turns out he thinks he is a devil fruit user.

It's still that kind of animal devil fruit.

Ye Feng glanced at his body.

Then, he nodded silently.

Really, so similar.

After all, the other party has seen other people's forms before.

Moreover, it has now transformed into another form for some reason, and its combat power suddenly exploded, killing the opponent's men instantly. This is indeed a fact.

However, maybe the other party took him for a fool.

What does it mean to test him?

Is the other party stupid? Or are you stupid? I dare to say these words.

Or even go around the world together?

who do you think You Are? Yonko?

"Tch, I thought he was some big shot, but he turned out to be a coward." Ye Feng muttered.

He was always wary of the other party's dirty tricks.

It turned out to be nothing more than a "coward".

In this regard.

He said to Gurba: "I refuse, I don't want to be a companion with a stupid pig! Also, you are too weak, you are not worthy."

"What!? You dare to scold me?"

"I will kill you!"

Gurba was furious.

He hates it when people make comments about his body shape!

Aren't you just a little fatter?

As for it!

Also, he is Gurba who has a bounty of one million on his head! Not weak at all!

What a bullshit devil fruit user, I'll kill you!

all of a sudden.

Gurba picked up the mace beside him, ran towards Ye Feng, and swung it at him.


The moment Gurba picked up the mace.

A smile appeared on Ye Feng's lips.

next moment.

His entire body disappeared in place.

"Huh? What about people?"

Gurba looked around, but couldn't find Ye Feng.

"On your head! Stupid pig!" A faint voice came into Gulba's ears.

Suddenly, Gulba couldn't raise his head in a hurry, and hurriedly swung his mace to fight back.

"What a stupid pig! How dare you believe what the enemy says?"

Ye Feng, who suddenly appeared next to Gurba's waist, laughed.

The next moment, he raised his green fist and blasted it with all his strength!

He named this move: "Kidney Strike".

"What!? When did you?" Gurba was startled and had no time to defend himself. He could only tighten his body muscles and pray that the injury would be less severe.

But, it's too late.



As if he had been hit hard, Gurba flew backwards and fell heavily on the beach in the distance. There was a low impact sound, and then he became motionless and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

see this scene.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes.

Being cautious, he planned to wait for a while and check whether he was dead or alive.

If you take this blow from him, you will either die or be disabled.

However, the other party is really stupid.

With his great speed, he toyed with Gurba.

Indeed, he jumped in the air at first, a full ten meters high.

Being small and thin, he can really do it.

But it’s also the limit.

But Gurba saw no sign of him, and he was really anxious.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng said something to Gurba in mid-air.

He lowered his body and immediately landed on the ground. He immediately ran to Gurba's waist and punched out.

However, there is no such feeling as tofu exploding.

But think about it, the head and waist are naturally different.

The head is the most vulnerable part.

The waist is different, and the guy is very fat, covered in fat to protect his body.

A punch might be offset by the fat.

But at least.

He estimates that with one punch, your kidneys will be shattered!

"Hmph, the stupid pig is so weak, but the goblin is so strong." Ye Feng's face was filled with pride.

Then, he glanced at the mace next to his feet.

After just beating the guy away, this thing naturally fell to the ground.

He directly picked up the mace.

After that, Ye Feng walked in the direction of Gurba.

I don't know if that guy is dead or not.

For the long nights and many dreams.

Must "make up for it"!

Smash your head to pieces!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes showed a little evil spirit.

He had never killed anyone before.

I didn't feel any discomfort at all.


After dozens of seconds.

Ye Feng stood five meters away from Gurba.

He observed it for a while from five meters away, feeling a little confused.

"Are you dead or not? I can't understand!"

After all, if a half-dead person is lying on the ground, motionless, he naturally doesn't know whether the other person is dead or not.


His patience was worn out.

"What are you afraid of? I've already punched him, go ahead!" Ye Feng forced himself to be brave.


Gurba, who was motionless, suddenly stood up!

"Damn monster! Die!"

Ye Feng glanced at it, then sighed and shook his head.

This person, even if he doesn't last any last hits.

Soon, he will die.

Immediately, Ye Feng retreated a long distance and ignored Gurba.

Because when Gurba stood up.

His body was swaying and he couldn't stand firmly.

During this period, he fell to the ground several times.

Moreover, Gurba spurted a large amount of blood from his mouth while speaking.

Among them, there are also some broken objects.

If Ye Feng guessed correctly, those things were probably internal organs.

Take another look at the whole person.

Gurba's eyes were slightly bulging, his face was bloodshot, and his waist was dented, and a bloody hole was made.

And the blood kept flowing out.

Judging from the situation, he probably won't live long.

Immediately, Ye Feng turned back and walked towards the location of the pirate ship.

"Stop! I'm not dead yet!" Gurba shouted with a ferocious look.

Answered by Gurba.

"Hmph, you're dead! Stupid pig, I'll give you a gift by the way."

Immediately, there was only a mace flying over from a distance.


It was like something had been hit.

Finally, a stream of blood flew out.

Gurba fell down with lifeless eyes, and there was no reply for a long time.

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