Super Seminary: Elf Throne

Chapter 19 Completion of God-killing Power

"If you want an equal deal, we should be honest with each other about what's going on behind the scenes."

Although Dukao's cold words were transmitted through communication, Irene could clearly feel the coldness. It's a very hostile word. If you don't explain it clearly, you may be thankless again this time.

"Okay, okay, haven't I been here on Earth for almost half a month? I have been staying next to the super warrior named Wei Ying and analyzed a lot of technologies about the power of killing gods. I just need the last step of the underlying code. .”

Reina did not expect this to be the case, and said in a teasing tone: "I didn't expect you to have penetrated to this extent. The technology of the God-killing Power only has the last underlying code left, and it can be analyzed very quickly!"

"That's natural. With the level of our technological core computers, we can basically do whatever we want to do. If it weren't for the God-making Project and other research projects, the bottom layer would have been cracked long ago. For others I dare not say that, this near-celestial body level computer research is quite deep."

Irene proudly told that she had 500 years of glorious scientific and technological achievements, but she couldn't stop like a buzzing fly.

"Stop, I just want to ask what kind of equipment and what kind of warships you can provide us."

Dukao's voice sounded again, interrupting Irene while expressing doubts, but it also proved that there was still room for discussion on the matter.

"Well, you don't have many god-killing weapons in total now. I'll give them to you. Let me think about it. How about giving you two god-killing weapons and a medium-sized battleship. But I don't have a battleship for the time being. I will borrow it later. 'The use of gluttony."

Irene explained in a borrowed way, which puzzled Dukao, but Rena could see the meaning on Irene's face.

"Two God-killing weapons for the underlying password of the God-killing power. Do you think we are stupid? Not enough!"

Reina refused before Dukao could speak. She had been on Earth for a long time and had gradually learned some of Earth's bargaining skills. It was very easy to talk.

"Hey, the quality of my God-killing weapon is very good, and it can quickly turn a code into a weapon. It is also very cost-effective for China in its current situation. Taotie has the support of the God of Death Karl, and he must also have the God-killing weapon and other weapons in his hands. A void-level warrior!"

When Eileen said this, Reina looked obviously startled. She opened the secret communication line that had been useless with some uncertainty, hoping to get some information from others to judge whether what she said was correct.

Before Reina could get the data to compare, Irene continued: "With the number of people in the Xiongbing Company, it is still difficult to defeat them. Besides, I helped you solve the problem of Sun Wukong losing control before. The new anti-decryption code attached to it , plus a battleship is absolutely benevolent and righteous."

"How do we know if what you said is true or false? If I give you the password, the God-killing weapon will not work when it malfunctions through special means. The safety of the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company cannot be guaranteed, let alone reliable."

Dukao's considerations are reasonable. After all, there is only one password. It would be bad if the other party regrets it after giving it.

"Let's do this. I'll give you three years of door-to-door service, two semesters of knowledge tutoring, Taotie's detailed response methods, and finally help you solve a problem. That trouble can be any problem, except directly annihilating Taotie's entire army and fighting against Holy Kesha, Demon Queen Morgana is going to the main office."

Eileen's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and she looked like she was in pain, but in fact, all the knowledge required some manpower to do, and she did not waste resources at all. She was really a good businessman, and she almost put everything she could think of that would be useful to them. No matter how much effort I put into it, I added everything.

Dukao hesitated, what Irene said was garish but also very tempting, especially the understanding of the enemy and some important knowledge professors, which was exactly what they lacked.

"Three years of visiting are not enough, at least 10 years and the driver must be upgraded in time to ensure the stability of the weapon. At least one year of teaching. Those ignorant children need to learn a lot."

When Irene heard Dukao's words, she jumped up like a child, showing an excited and happy expression, and asked forcefully: "Then you agree?"

"Agreed, this can be regarded as our friendly gesture to the elven civilization. After all, if you show goodwill to help China first, then China will definitely not appreciate it. If you come with goodwill, then we should welcome you warmly, right? Hahaha!"

Dukao finally laughed out loud before Irene, and was happy to get more detailed information about the enemy. He knew who the enemy was, how powerful it was, and how much destructive power it could achieve. That way they can counterattack accordingly, and the elven civilization seems to know a lot.

Irene was also very happy. She saved a lot of time and could use it to study the fourth generation of divine bodies, and could face Morgana earlier.

"I will now give you the status of the Taotie civilization, as well as the rough data on the void engine that Karl gave them, as well as the data on the battle with their void warriors. As for the God-killing Martial, I don't know who to give it to, so I will just give you the unlocking password and the transport password. You guys, you can just tell the soldier how to open it, it’s very convenient.”

Irene quickly teleported as if she was afraid that they would regret it. She teleported them all within a few minutes, and then happily waited for the earth's civilization to send over the underlying code that she deserved.

But Dukao didn't speak for a long time, which made her a little impatient. She even felt that Dukao and the others had gone back on their word.

"It's okay. Deno No. 3 needs to confirm the authenticity, so the response will be a little slower."

The person speaking this time was Rena. She knew the technological level of this world. Although Deno-3 was a product of Deno civilization, it had gradually fallen behind others after not being upgraded for a long time. Data analysis and other aspects took a long time.

"Well, don't worry about waiting, I still have time anyway."

Erin drank Coca-Cola again unhurriedly. The bubbles and liquid flowed out of Erin's mouth along the mouth of the bottle. The sweetness and the feeling of the bubbles sliding across her mouth were very comfortable.

Suddenly, Reina asked a question, which was also the question that was interrupted by the monkey just now.

"You seem to know the earth very well?"

"You have a relatively good understanding of the situation here. I also know that this will become a target of public criticism. Reina, I have a feeling that you will be in danger. Do you want my help then?"

As Irene spoke, she brought the topic to Rena herself, making her wary and fearful, and she looked at Irene with a frown.

'It is definitely impossible to predict the future, but maybe she wants to take action against me, but why did she say she didn't dare to touch me just now? What did she mean? ’

"Who can touch me on this earth? I am the goddess of dawn!"

Rena did not shy away from saying what Chuuni said, especially the goddess of dawn at the end, who said it righteously.

"With your current level of ability development, any civilization with some means can control you. It's best to strengthen the password of the solar flare. This is my advice to you."

As soon as Irene finished speaking her powerful words, Dukao sent over the underlying code of the god-killing power. Overjoyed, she turned around, opened the wormhole and left regardless of whether Reina understood it or not.

"Operation? Solar flare code? What does it mean!"

Reina lowered her head and thought. The last words Irene said touched her heart. She really didn't develop her abilities very well. Apart from lethal attacks like solar flares, there were only a few small nuclear-like explosions left. .

Although the underlying mobilization code of solar flares is complicated, there are rules to follow. This is equivalent to the backdoor they prepared for themselves. Through special calculation methods, they can drive the solar flares in the body to bomb. However, that kind of backdoor cannot be implemented without the consent of the person, so it cannot be deciphered.

"I really don't believe that I will encounter a civilization that can force me to release solar flares. I am a goddess!"

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