Super Seminary: Elf Throne

Chapter 7 Void Warriors and Void Weapons

The tall white and blue void warrior saw a police car flashing red and blue lights, and immediately shot a powerful energy beam directly through it.

Penetrated by high-heat energy, the gasoline inside heated up and exploded instantly. The policeman in the car had no chance to react before he was drowned in the flames and died.

Ordinary citizens who were driving had never seen such a scene. An inattentive accident caused a series of car crashes that blocked the road. They got out of the car and fled. The scene was chaotic for a while, and only a few sensible people called the police.

At the same time, the army stationed near the Juxia City Airport received orders and mobilized more mobile armored vehicles and a large number of soldiers, hoping to eliminate this tall and armored outsider.

As they were preparing, Irene had already arrived behind the Void Warrior. When she appeared, a long sword transformed from nothingness to void and from void to substance in her hand, and struck at it. The huge blue and white mecha didn't even have a chance to react before it hit the ground like a cannonball and blasted out a large amount of smoke.

Irene is holding a gorgeous sword. The stem is dark blue and as transparent as ice. It has spiral patterns on it to increase friction. The sword grid is golden and has a pair of gems in the middle that look like blue eyes. , very gorgeous and dangerous at the same time.

"Give me all the permissions to break the army, open the secondary biological engine inside, and let me see who is more powerful, the void weapons or the void warriors!"

A purple beam of light penetrated the smoke and went straight to Irene's body. Then the energy did not hit her, but bounced away when the distance was extremely close. It was Yao's auxiliary defense that caused this effect.

The void warrior who landed on the ground flew out of the smoke, analyzing Irene in the air while outputting frantically.

‘An unknown creature is being analyzed. The target is highly encrypted and cannot be analyzed. The known knowledge base is being retrieved for matching. The non-super-god gene belongs to an alien species. ’

The Void Warrior, who really couldn't find the information, could only use dialogue to ask the other party's origins in anxiety.

"What civilization are you from and which galaxy are you from?"

"Have you finished analyzing and talking? It's my turn!"

After speaking, Irene disappeared into the micro-wormhole again, holding the fully unlocked void weapon to attack the enemy.

‘The void engine is turned on, the air is redefined, and the air index is reduced after the definition is completed. ’

However, Irene was not affected at all and still hit one of the void warrior's legs. There are no bloody scenes, but neat metal cuts and wire-like things inside.

"You still have four chances to release the first stick, keep going!"

‘Gravity is redefined, the definition is complete, gravity is completely lost, unknown creatures are redefined, and they cannot be defined. ’

The power of activating the void engine to destroy the army is beyond imagination. It is also one of the highest products of the elven civilization. It has never been used except for that time against advanced civilization.

The whole situation is also very clear. Irene has no problem beating the Void Warrior. After all, it is just a mass-produced version of the Void Engine, and its actual combat capabilities are only comparable to second-generation super soldiers, and she is a third-generation elf warrior who can compete with third-generation super soldiers.

"Sure enough, it's just an ordinary void warrior, but since it can be installed on the body, there should be something we can learn from."

While Irene was talking to herself, she had cut off one of the Void Warrior's legs again, and the Void Warrior was not equipped with any god-killing weapons except for releasing high-energy beams that had no effect at all.

The Void Warrior has no expression, but its anger and unwillingness can still be heard from its tone.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you, forcefully activate the maximum power of the void engine, and self-destruct the void matter."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Aileen did not wait any longer. Yao's figure suspended above his head waved a soft-looking energy bomb, as if releasing a flying balloon.

But after hitting the void warrior again, the void power that was gradually being aroused in it was quickly reduced. This is Yao's best control ability.

"Sister Eileen, please stop wasting your time. Aren't you unwilling to be exposed prematurely? The humans around us are unanimously recording our battle process!"

"Okay, let's resolve the battle quickly so we can go back."

Several micro-wormholes opened around the Void Warrior. Irene slashed at the Void Warrior's arms and wings behind her like a phantom. It was suspended in the air without the help of flight.

Irene calmly grabbed the man's stick, then held it in front of her and looked at it carefully. Even Yao, who was possessed by her, revealed his phantom to observe the void warrior.

"You, what kind of civilized creature are you? My god Karl will not let you go!"

"I know, isn't he Karthus? He studies the ultimate fear of the void, the super genetic code and the void matter. He is a god with the highest level of technology in the known universe. The void engine in your body is one of the products of void technology, so I just captured you alive instead of killing you directly."

"Do you think you are strong? You can smell the farts of my god Carl!"

Erin smiled with satisfaction, looked at this body that was almost entirely mechanical, and said, "Whatever you say, you will be very valuable anyway, providing me with valuable technology."

"By the way, send a message back to Taotie Civilization and tell them that China is protected by our Elf Civilization. Anyone who dares to cause trouble should think about it himself."

After saying that, she connected to EVA to block all dark communications and any other communication methods on the Void Warrior. This time she was sent to Venus through the wormhole, and then she disappeared from all detectable sights, completely invisible.

On the highway, the newly established security circle was in a state of confusion. Everything passed too quickly. First, aliens as tall as mechas appeared and killed people wantonly, and then another alien came out to stop them. They fought with each other. The battle was over in less than 20 minutes.

To be honest, if it weren't for the remains of the mecha on the ground, as well as the injured and sacrificed soldiers, they really wouldn't think that what they just experienced was real. It was too science fiction, just like in the movies.

About a few hundred kilometers away, Yao rubbed her chin in confusion and thought. There were some things she still didn't understand, and she looked uncomfortable.

Irene really couldn't stand Yao's way of forcing herself to think, so she waved her hand and said: "Okay, if you have any questions, just ask. What philosophy can I come up with?!"

"Isn't China's Dukao uncooperative? Why should we stand up for China? Of course, you are still as domineering as before, like a strong-willed woman!"

"Um, is this how you describe my image?!"

Erin thought of Hua Mulan in China. Her father joined the army and no one could tell whether she was a boy or a girl. She lowered her head to look at her breasts, which looked like a regular international airport.

"Okay, let's get to the point. Just like what I said before, feelings. When you have feelings for something, you will naturally protect it, even if you can no longer fit in here."

Irene and Yao reunited with Gaxi again, and then the three of them returned, preparing to continue looking for other owners of the super-god genes of the Divine River Civilization.

Suddenly her body stopped, and thinking of a pretty good super gene, she turned around and returned to the scene of the incident, but this time she went invisible, and the movement was almost reduced to a minimum.

At the outermost edge of the road cordon, Qilin was helping injured people and colleagues. She seemed so refined and motivated, not slacking off at all.

‘Because I joined, it has really changed a lot. Perhaps since I brought the elven civilization to Earth, the entire originally planned timeline has begun to distort. ’

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