Super Seminary: Elf Throne

Chapter 85 Heading to Fraser (2)

"No, not going home, just going back to bring some elves. And we have to prepare before going back. After arranging the strength, we will go to Fraser to get some void matter. Finally, we will set off to go back and wait until we come back. When the time comes, we will come back stronger!”

Erin is confident that if all the void matter is collected, the law of causality can be created, and it can even simulate a black hole and control this operation.

The only thing that made her a little regretful was that this was still an ordinary void engine after all, not like Ge Xiaolun's heroic core. Irene only stole part of the anti-void ability he used. Although it already occupied a large area, it was still not a complete anti-void ability.

Whether it is the required void quality or Ge Xiaolun's anti-void authority, they must be obtained from Angel Yan. As for Angel Yan, apart from being deployed in the Melo Heavenly Court, the place where he stayed most of the time was Fraser.

She definitely can't go to Merlot Heaven. She has no authority and no way to pass the nine blockades, so it is safest to go to Fraser. It is just an ordinary low-level civilization and it is easy to find Yan.

Moreover, Liya is still jumping around there, which can be regarded as an opportunity for Irene to go. Enisid may know the deeds of the elves, and maybe they can communicate with each other.

Irene casually connected the communications between Lin Ge and Ga Xi and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"Linge, Jia Xi and Yao, the Elf Fleet will leave in a few days and return to the Elf Galaxy to find some support. It will take about two months to go back and forth. You just stay here and continue to complete the guardianship mission. Don't Let the angels and the others die, otherwise the void quality will be gone."

"Wait a minute, why don't you take me with you when you go back? In fact, I'm of no use here, so let me go back with you."

Yao's voice came out before the two of them, and Erin could imagine her expression when she spoke. It was definitely a preparation for crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. She had always been like this.

"Just stay here honestly. The war here should be over soon. Then Ge Xiaolun won't treat you to a lot of delicious food, such as ice cream, right? You don't like eating the food here very much. Do you want to give up?"

Facing the cunning Irene, Yao thought about it and felt that it was right. Anyway, I can still go back in the future, and without the threat of void warriors here, I won't encounter any danger at all.

"Okay, okay, remember to bring some elf specialties back. I still like to eat fruits."

"It's not like everyone is leaving. What are you afraid of? You can still return to Venus, but you need Jia Xi's help. Eva can't stay here. The only one who can use micro-wormholes is Jia Xi. Just follow her."

Yao didn't say anything anymore, and in the end she could only deal with it. Neither Jia Xi nor Lin Ge liked talking nonsense, so they accepted the task calmly.

After determining the matters on Earth, Irene did not rush to let the elf fleet set off, but gave them time to make preparations. After all, if she wanted to go to Fraser to get the void quality or something, she would be fine.

"I'll leave this to you Luna, I'll go find Angel Yan."

Luna nodded in agreement. Only Irene had seen Angel Yan here, and the rest were just information obtained from the documents. It is suitable for Irene to compete with anyone else, and the other person's status has now reached that of a king. When the king talks to the king, Luna also feels that their status is equal.

A few minutes later, outside Fraser's atmosphere, a small, ultra-long-distance wormhole opened, and Erin jumped out of it.

She was wearing pure white armor with white wings spread out on her back, her left hand tightly holding the scabbard at her waist, and she was scanning the coordinate planet that she had never visited before in a plain and casual manner.

"I remember that Liya's coordinates should be around here. Well, I found them!"

On Fraser Planet, since the arrival of the ancient sword demon, more and more strange phenomena have occurred.

Some people degenerated into demons and were driven to cause chaos everywhere. The traces of demons spread all over the north of Fraser. The tribes that originally spread all over the north disappeared and almost all were slaughtered.

Then a new miracle appeared, not Ainecid from the southern kingdom, but a new and unknown elf.

It is said that they are similar to humans but beautiful and kind. Wherever they go, flowers and plants bloom like early spring. They have a pair of star-like wings on their backs and can dance in the sky. They are more beautiful than butterflies and more fragrant than flowers and plants.

Enisid, who was far in the south, also heard about this legend and asked other knights curiously about it.

"Maybe it's some mysterious creature, maybe it's ugly. Don't believe those words, it's all a trick to deceive children."

Enisid shook her head and said: "No, I heard that the number of demons is indeed decreasing. They seem to be hunted by certain species, probably elves. I used to not believe in gods, but Sneff, the barbarian king in the north, said, He saw God and angels appear in front of him at the same time to help him, but they were defeated by the devil.

And at the moment he was defeated, an elf with wings like the stars on his back appeared and gave him the correct route and instructions. "

"Do you believe Sneff? He is the leader of the barbarians. He is not trustworthy at all except for his strength. Maybe he was driven crazy by the devil."

Enisid didn't think so, otherwise Sneff wouldn't have come here in such a hurry, with only one soldier.

Just as Ainecid was thinking, a meteorite slipped across the sky and continued to fall without any sign of disappearing. And the landing point is hundreds or even thousands of miles away from Enisid's city.

"Is that a meteorite?"

No one knows that that is actually the elf they are discussing now, but it is not Liya but the Elf King Irene.

Irene accelerated when she was about to land, and soon she landed smoothly above a forest.

Her appearance caused a commotion among many plants in the forest, yes, they were plants. There are at least 15 tree people in this forest, which are the tree people summoned by Liya.

Of course, it's not all her. Erin clearly feels that some of the tree people are strong and some are weak. The different summoners determine the strength of the summoned objects.

Erin landed slowly, and there was a big eye next to her looking at her, but there was no sign of attack.

The special elves of the natural system all have one characteristic. As long as they are plants, whether they are plants that survive at night or are active during the day, they will not do anything to the natural elves.

To put it in fantasy terms, if the natural affinity of the nature elf is at full value, the vegetation will only consider her to be a part of the forest, not an enemy.

"Liya, Liya, where are you? I'm Erin!"

Erin walked in the woods which were not very easy to walk, and from time to time she would look at the tree roots exposed on the ground. She left nature as soon as she appeared and never really stayed in the forest. Even if she did, it would have been hundreds of years.

So every time I walk, I am always careful. There are a lot of lichens and fungi here, and there are even small animals. They don't hide when they see Irene and still look for food everywhere. The laws of nature are particularly obvious here.

As Erin walked, she just stared at a group of small animals and seemed to have forgotten about looking for Liya.

"Hey, aren't you looking for me? Why are you here?"

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