Pirate god level combat power

Chapter 48 Who is in despair

"What the hell is going on? Why are we all getting smaller?" Kent Danding's men were completely dumbfounded. .25shu.

This kind of thing cannot be explained at all.

"It's an esper. It must be a devil fruit user. I never expected that a legendary esper would appear in a small village like this!" One of his subordinates judged the current situation.

The villagers in Windmill Village also looked at this scene with some curiosity.

More than a hundred of Kent Danding's men turned into children, and even Kent Danding himself turned into a child accidentally.

At this time, all the villagers stood up, full of courage facing the little pirates who were only as tall as their knees.

"Damn pirates, they actually want to attack our village. We won't let you go." Someone wanted revenge.

"But who is helping us secretly?" Some people want to find the savior.

At this time, in the jungle on Mount Kolbo, Dis, the commander of the King's Army of the Kingdom of Goa, was still waiting for news.

News of Kent Danding's successful massacre of the village.

Once Kent Danding kills all the villagers in Windmill Village, then all his king's troops will come out of the jungle and kill all the Kent Danding Pirates.

Yes, according to their plan, the Kent Danding Pirates are just a scapegoat.

They were used by King Staley, and in the end they could only be killed and silenced.

"Did Kent Danding fail?" Dis couldn't believe it. A pirate group of hundreds of people couldn't even take down a small village?

"Reporting to the commander, we saw from a distance that the Kent Danding Pirates are being attacked by the villagers of Windmill Village!"

"This group of trash!" Dis was almost vomiting blood.

He didn't expect that Kent Danding's pirate group really couldn't take down Windmill Village.

"The villagers of Windmill Village robbed the guns of the Kent Danding Pirates, and now they have a certain ability to resist." The spy continued.

"There are thousands of us. Listen to my order and kill them all to annihilate the Kent Danding Pirates. By the way, let Windmill Village disappear completely!" Dis said gloomily.

Soon, thousands of loyal troops of the royal army rushed out of the jungle and fought towards Windmill Village.

The villagers who were attacking the Kent Danding Pirates also saw the King of Goa Kingdom's army rushing out.

"We are the king's army of the Kingdom of Goa, and now we are here to destroy the Kent Danding Pirates under the order of King Staley!"

shouted the vanguard of the king's army.

"The king's army came to deal with the pirates?"

"The king's army is here to protect us?"

For a moment, the villagers in Windmill Village seemed to believe in the King's Army.

"No, everyone run away, those people are in the same group as the pirates!" Maginot reminded the people around him.

Just when the others were about to escape, the King's Army did rush into the crowd of members of the Kent Dantin Pirates who had just returned to their adult bodies but had their weapons taken away.

With swords raised and lowered, the king's army frantically harvested the lives of these pirates.

"Dis, what do you mean? Aren't we partners?" Kent Danding roared unhappily when he saw that his men were being slaughtered by the king's army of the Kingdom of Goa.

However, his roar was quickly drowned out by the crowd.

Kent Danding was directly hacked to death by the king's army, and was hacked beyond recognition.

"Are the king's troops really here to kill pirates?" Some villagers began to hesitate.

However, while they were still hesitating, the king's army surrounded them all!

"Now, I suspect that there are many members of the Kent Danding Pirates hiding among the villagers. Now we need to strictly check!" Dis said coldly.

"How could it be? We all know each other as villagers, and I can testify that there are no members of the Kent-Dandin Pirates among us!" Village Chief Upp Slap shouted.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a villager was chopped to the ground with a knife.

"Found one! He has a gun!"

Then, the villagers with guns in their hands were hacked to death by the king's army one after another.

These guns were snatched from the pirates of the Kent Danding Pirates just now.

But, there's no way to explain it.

Then, some villagers who did not have guns were also attacked.

Only then did they realize that the King's Army really wanted to kill everyone in their Windmill Village.

These guys are so crazy, so heart-wrenching.

King Staley, what kind of cruel king is he?

Everyone understood the conspiracy of the king's army, but they were unable to resist.

At this time, the villagers of Windmill Village were almost desperate.

The beautiful Makino also shed helpless tears, and said to herself: "My child hidden in the wine cellar, my mother can no longer grow up with you. I hope you can survive."

"King Stali is really a cruel guy." Mulun looked at this scene and rushed out decisively.

At the same time, Khalifa and Joelle Bonny were also following behind him.


"Golden armor, fire suppression!"



The three people rushed out from the south of Windmill Village and rushed directly into the crowd of the King's Army.

If the King's Army of the Kingdom of Goa massacred the villagers of Windmill Village one-sidedly, then the same was true for the three men of Mullen.

The combat power is not on the same level at all.

"What's going on? Someone is coming!"

Commander Dis was shocked.

At this time, the villagers of Windmill Village were also extremely shocked to see the King's Army men falling down like wheat cut down by sickles.

"Could it be that they are the ability users who saved us when the Kent Danding Pirates came just now?"

"Three people who are so strong and terrifying, what kind of terrifying power this is."

These villagers had never seen such a scene before.

Although most of them are well-informed, the hero Garp, the most vicious criminal Drago, the new Pirate King Luffy, even red-haired Shanks, Fire Fist Ace, etc., etc., these big names have been here before. Windmill Village.

However, these people rarely fight in Windmill Village, and they have never shown terrifying superhuman strength.

Now, such a battle is seen by these villagers, and they are simply shocked.

"The other party is too scary!" Dis instantly judged how scary the other party was.

Especially the guy in the golden armor.

"It's him! The guys who annihilated the Hissix Pirates, could it be that Damonte was also killed by them?" Dis was extremely shocked.

If Damonte is killed, the king's army in his hand will not be enough.

"Quick, retreat!"

Dis didn't think about King Staley's mission at this time. He just wanted to escape from here.

However, their way back is blocked by a huge pacifist.

Exactly x30!

"Laser, light!"


The despair that the villagers of Windmill Village had just experienced was now completely experienced by Dis and his more than a thousand king's troops.

Even more terrifying despair!

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