God's Pirate

Chapter 24 Nuoqi Gao

The time came to eight o'clock in the evening, the sun had just set from the west, and darkness enveloped Cocosia Village.

In order to celebrate the overthrow of the rule of the Aaron Empire, after dealing with the fishmen, the villagers of Cocosia Village decided to hold a buffet banquet.

The villagers brought out their best food to entertain the three of them, lit a bonfire and started the carnival.

With the orange bonfire shining on his face, Al looked listlessly at the banquet in front of him.

Normally, Al would have rushed up to eat and drink a lot, but during the day, Ajian's words unconsciously echoed in his ears, igniting his longing for his hometown.

A lonely man sat beside the wooden house, staring blankly at the bonfire in front of him, quietly listening to the cheers of the villagers and the sizzling sound of the sparks extinguishing in his ears.

After taking care of the fishmen, Kasa, who had ended the effect of the thief, returned to his human appearance.

People in the village witnessed his heroic pursuit of the fish-men, and most of them regarded him as the hero who saved Cocosia Village.

Now he is surrounded by people in the village. Some ask him why he can become a fishman, some praise him, and some praise him.

Casa, who loves to be famous, also enjoys it, constantly bragging about his great achievements, and can also see several little fans surrounding him.

Maybe there will be a late night chat?

Garou, who had received treatment, had already left after eating, saying that he was going to train. He is really a training fanatic!

Not long after the banquet started, Nami said she wanted to be quiet and left leisurely.

As the cool night breeze came, Al yawned, hugged Bai Yuan to his chest, and leaned against the wooden house to take a nap.

Suddenly, a pleasant female voice came from the side:

"Mr. Captain, aren't you going to the banquet?"

Al opened his left eye and glanced at the person. She has short bright purple hair tied with a red rope, has wheat-colored skin, a conspicuous tattoo on her right hand, and is wearing clothes and pants made of linen.

Nami's sister? He cheered up and said with a smile:

"Call me Al. I've eaten enough, so I'm a little sleepy now! Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to see why the hero who saved our Cocosia Village is so lethargic." After saying that, Noqigao smiled at Al.

"It's nothing, just a little sleepy."

Looking at the girl's smile, Al's homesickness dissipated a lot. I couldn't help but comment silently in my heart: Well, she does not look as good-looking as Nami, but is it just because she is a few years older than Nami? She has a really good figure

"So Al, do you want us to take a nap at home? Nami might be at home too." Noki asked with a slight smile, her eyes moving.

Nami's house? By the way, I’ve been there before. I wonder what that extremely tenacious orange tree looks like. Has it sprouted yet? Forget it, go take a look.

"Okay!" Al stood up after making up his mind and followed Nokigao towards the Orange House.

After crossing the village and walking along the dirt road for a while, Al finally saw the orange grove.

Walking through the orange groves full of fruits, what comes into view is a one-story wooden house.

After opening the unlocked wooden door, what came into view was a two-meter-long dining table and a small kitchen. Next to the bed were bedside tables, and next to the table lamp were Nocchi, Nami and Bell. Mel's photo.

Are you really poor? Have you saved all your money? There was only one bed. Did they both sleep together? This this

Al shook his head to get rid of his scattered thoughts, walked to the dining table, pulled up a chair and sat on it.

Then he opened his mouth and was about to speak when Nokigao spoke first.

"Nami isn't here. I'll go find her. Al, you can take a nap first." After saying that, without waiting for Al's response, he opened the wooden door and walked out.

"You're so impatient." Al whispered, then leaned on the chair and took a nap.

"Al, Al, wake up!"

In the Orange Room, Al, who was taking a nap, suddenly felt someone shaking him, and a call came from his ears.

‘Hey, why did I sleep so hard! What time is it now. It must be that Aaron who made me consume too much energy." He defended his carelessness, and Al raised his eyelids with difficulty.

He opened his eyes drowsily, the high moon came into his eyes, and then raised his head to look at the person swaying him.

Um? Short purple hair, wheat-colored skin, and a smiling face appeared in front of him.

What is Nuoqigao! Stop making noise and let me sleep a little longer! I closed my eyes again as I thought about it.

The shaking force still came, and Al had no choice but to open his eyes again.

The bright moonlight covered the ground with a layer of silver gauze, and Nuo Qigao, who had left and returned, stood there and shook himself gently.

Under the moonlight, her face was covered with white silver makeup, looking mysterious and moving.

Is she back? Al shook his head to dispel his sleepiness.

Looking up again, Noqigao looked particularly beautiful under the moonlight decoration.

Well, what! It looks quite beautiful now! Silently retracting his comments at the campfire, Al's sleepiness finally dissipated.

Then he looked at the picture of the beauty under the moon in front of him, and his eyes followed his head to his neck, and along his neck to her top made of linen.

Well, tops!

Wait, where are your clothes!

Al's face began to turn red, his throat began to feel hot, and his heart began to speed up unconsciously.

Although I had never seen it before when information was developed, this was the first time that it had actually appeared in front of me, right?

Her wheat-colored skin was bathed in the bright moonlight, and a beautiful scenery comparable to a foreign art oil painting came to mind.

The naked Nuo Qi stood in front of her, covering her body with one hand and gently shaking herself with the other.

Seeing the sober Al looking directly at him, Nuo Qigao's face remained calm, with only a hint of shyness flashing deep in his eyes.

Containing the throbbing in his heart, Nuo Qigao said with a smile:

"Al, what do you think of me?"

His body froze completely and his breathing gradually became hasty.

"You" tried your best to open your lips, but you couldn't speak!

The hand in front of him moved slightly, and Noqigao said with a bewitching smile on his face:

"Do you want to?"

Like a witch's curse, even the hasty breathing became stagnant.

Is this, is this the legendary body-holding technique?

Why does this scene feel so familiar?

Just like Al said to Nami, just like what Nami said to Nami.

Should I say that you are worthy of being sisters?

Are you the devil?

Heartbeat suddenly accelerated.


Really want

Al's face became even redder, and his mind was filled with scattered thoughts, colliding and rubbing against each other.

With a devilish smile, Nozhigao gradually approached.

"Can't it be worse than Nami?"

He stretched out his left hand and caressed the red face, then put his head to the other person's ear, caressing the auricle with his seductive words.

At this moment, you are better than her!

His rapidly beating heart seemed to have stopped running, his chaotic brain was dominated by desire, and his right hand couldn't stop trembling and he began to raise it rapidly.

Sliding his left hand along his face to his heart, Noqigao continued:

"Then let me replace Nami, okay? That child has given too much to the village. We can't leave her with nothing in the end."

what are you talking about? When did I say that? Nothing!

It's like being splashed with cold water in the cold winter, and the brain quickly cools down.

Al finally came to his senses, lowered his raised right hand, organized the words in his mind and was about to speak.


After kissing Al's cheek gently, Nokigao said in a low voice:

"Then let me complete this deal. Okay?"

The seductive words came, but no trace of affection could be heard.

Al's stiff body was relieved, his heart resumed beating, his brain was completely awake, and his red face began to fade away.

"That's enough, stop." He stretched out a hand to stop Noqigao who wanted to go further.

Standing up slowly, looking directly into Nuo Qi's surprised eyes, Al said in a calm and solemn tone:

"We don't have the kind of deal you think of. So you don't need to do such a thing! As for the content of the agreement, it's best for you to ask yourself, right?"

After saying that, he left as fast as he could and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye.

This speed is much faster than during the day

The stunned Nokigao was left standing there.

He was still whispering: "Running so fast? Am I so scary?"

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