Pirate's Day

Chapter 15 Lecherous Man Sanji

"Santo-ryu: Demon Slayer!"

"Santo-ryu: Tiger Hunt!"

"Santo-ryu: Crab Sting!"

"Three Swords Technique-"

On Buggy the Clown's pirate ship, Zoro was practicing with Yao using the "iron block". When he got up, he was about to explode with his ultimate move. Suddenly, he heard Nami's "Here we come", and he and Yao turned their heads at the same time. Sure enough, a few sea miles away, a sea restaurant with a bow shaped like a white fish head was floating on the sea.

"That's the end of our agreement!"


"Then I'm leaving~"

"Wait a moment."

"Are you going to invite me to join you again?"


"You are really determined to give up, but I will never become a pirate! But... thank you for the invitation. I am also having a good time during this time~"

"Then... let's have a meal before leaving. We're already at the restaurant anyway."

"Your treat~"


Nami directed the pirate minions to park the pirate ship farther away and put down two small boats, one for her and her treasure, and one for Yao, Zoro, and Usopp.

"Bucky, thank you for watching the boat~"

Before getting off the ship, Yao smiled at Bucky who walked out of the small dark room and raised the square piece of meat in his hand. Bucky was in a good mood. Hearing this sentence, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot and his face turned green with anger. Already...

Nami and Usopp rowed side by side, and the two boats quickly approached the restaurant on the sea.

"Welcome, idiot!"

As soon as the four of them entered the door, a burly, rough man came forward while rubbing his hands with a lewd smile on his face, which made people's skin crawl all over. He was none other than Paddy, the chef and combatant of Barati at Sea Restaurant.

"Idiot? Shouldn't I be a guest..."

Nami glanced at Paddy speechlessly and deliberately stayed away from him. The four of them sat down under the guidance. They didn't know what to eat, so Yao simply asked him to have a portion of each dish. Anyway, he and Suo Long's appetite is very big.

Paddy has been a chef for so long, and this was the first time he saw someone ordering everything. Seeing that the four of them were all young and dressed in ordinary clothes, unlike the rich masters, he was not in a hurry to serve the dishes and touch them. With a bald head and a serious face, he said:

"I'm very sorry, idiot! Our charges are not cheap. We have a portion of every dish... I wonder if you have any money?"

Without saying anything, Yao took out a bag of berries from his arms and threw it to Paddy:

“Tip, no need to ask for it~”

Paddy opened it, took a look, weighed it again, it was a thousand bucks at least, and immediately replied with a smile:

"Idiot! You are too generous! The food will be here soon~"

He turned around and rushed into the kitchen. Not long after, dishes with delicious flavors and flavors were served. Yao, Zoro and Usopp all ate them happily, while Nami ate more elegantly.

About five minutes after eating, a man with blond hair and curly eyebrows, wearing a crisp black suit and holding a cigarette entered the restaurant with a dinner plate. He had just brought the food to a beautiful woman in a suspender skirt and was pouring wine attentively. As he said his words of praise, he suddenly glanced at Nami. For a moment, it was as if he was struck by Cupid's arrow in the heart. His eyes turned into peach blossom shapes and he forgot about the beauty in the suspender skirt.

"Ah, Dahai, thank you for allowing me the honor to meet her today!"

"Destiny, please laugh at me as a fool who falls in love."

"Beautiful lady, if I can spend the rest of my life with you, I will be willing to sacrifice my soul to the devil."

While dancing, he half-knelt down next to Nami, took Nami's hand, and was about to kiss her hand with a gentleman.

However, just a moment before the kiss, Yao suddenly reached out and pressed on the back of Nami's hand, so:


He kissed the back of Yao's hand all at once.

"Ah, today I am really too——"

Opening his eyes with satisfaction, the blond man saw that the hand he was kissing was actually Yao's hand. The "happiness" that reached his mouth was instantly cut off in his throat. He stood up suddenly and kept saying:

"Bah bah bah..."

After he finished vomiting, he glared at Yao angrily and shouted:

"You kid don't want to live anymore, you dare to destroy -"

Halfway through speaking, I suddenly heard an angry and rough voice behind me:

"Sanji, you stinky cook, what are you doing to my distinguished guest!"

It was Paddy who had just come out of the kitchen with the food.

Sanji turned around and said with disdain:

"No wonder you are not polite at all. It turns out that I am the guest of this stinky cook like you! Also, who allowed you to call me by my first name? No matter how big or small you are!"

After hearing this, Paddy became furious. He walked over and gritted his teeth and said:

"You, a stinky cook, have no right to call me a stinky cook! Only when there are customers can there be a Western restaurant. Your attitude is so bad, are you trying to scare away the customers and make the Western restaurant close down?"

Sanji looked back at Yao who had started eating again. Seeing that he had eaten every plate cleanly without wasting any, his expression suddenly softened a lot.


He turned around and gave Paddy a snort, and did not continue to dwell on the previous matter. He turned around and rushed into the kitchen. After a while, he rushed out again and walked to Nami carrying a tray:

"I've just been rude. I'm here to serve you the dessert 'Assorted Fruit Cheese' and the after-dinner wine 'Grand Marnier'. Please use it with caution, Your Royal Highness, the beautiful princess."

"Wow, you are so considerate, thank you~"

Nami looked surprised.

"It should be~"

Sanji's tone was gentle and natural.

At this time, a guest dining by the window suddenly stood up with a look of horror on his face, pointed out the window and said shakily:

"Then...isn't that the Klick Pirates' ship?"

Although the sentence was not particularly loud, it seemed to light the fuse of the powder keg, causing the whole place to explode.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Many guests and chefs ran to the windows in panic, including Nami and Usopp.

"The skull and crossbones flag with the intimidating funnel placed between the two ribs is unmistakable, it is the Klick Pirates!"

"What's going on? Why is the number one overlord of the East China Sea here?"

"Did Crick have his mind set on coming to this restaurant on the sea?"

"No way……"

After seeing the flag of the approaching pirate ship clearly, everyone who looked out the window, except Sanji, was sweating profusely and pale with fear, even the burly rough guy Paddy was no exception.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

After recovering from the shock, Usopp rushed back to Yao at a speed of almost 100 meters, and suggested with a look of panic:

"Yao, let's run away!"

Yao raised his head and glanced at Usopp:

"I'm not full yet."

After saying this, he lowered his head and ate happily, making Usopp almost want to cry.


Nami also ran back at this time and said with a serious face:

"Do you know who Klick is? He is the pirate commander with 50 ships and 5000 subordinates! And according to rumors, he has never lost a battle. He is also cunning and cunning, even the navy has I have fallen into his trap several times and suffered heavy losses. He is a very terrifying pirate, and cannot be compared to Bucky and his ilk!"

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, and Usopp became even more frightened after hearing it. However, Yao still did not stop eating. He just took the time to reply "Oh" to express that he understood, and then there was no more What follows almost makes Usopp burst into tears on the spot.

"Forget it, I don't care about you!"

Seeing that Yao was so stubborn, Nami was so angry that she stamped her feet, turned away, and soon joined the crowd of people fleeing.

The moment Nami just walked out, the front door of the Haihai Restaurant opened with a creak, and two figures appeared at the door.

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