Pirate's Day

Chapter 21 The wound on the back is a swordsman’s shame

"I didn't swing the knife just to be played with by this kind of toy!"

As time went by, Zoro's mood became more and more chaotic, which not only caused a more rapid consumption of physical strength, but also caused the self-confidence that had been built up over a long period of time to quickly begin to collapse.

Gradually, Zoro's consciousness began to become blurry, and a figure seemed to appear in front of him, which was his senior sister Kuina.

Hawkeye caught Sauron's moment of confusion and avoided his slash. When he was in the air, he hit him hard on the back of the neck with a knife, making his memory instantly more profound and clear. .

The first scene in my memory was a full moon night ten years ago.

Zoro challenged Kuina for an unknown number of times, but it ended in Kuina's victory after Kuina knocked away Zoro's swords, which were still two-sword style at that time.

But even though she won, Guina was not happy. She touched her newly developed flower bones with a gloomy expression and felt sorry for herself.

"Zoron is so good. He is a boy. Unlike me, as a girl, I will never, never be able to become the world's number one swordsman..."

The sad words, in the end, led to two lines of tears, quietly sliding down the smooth and white cheeks illuminated by the moonlight.

Zoro looked at Kuina's actions and blushed a little. Seeing her wretched look, his expression suddenly changed and he became angry:

"The person who defeated me is still complaining. This is too despicable! Besides, you are my target!"

Kuina was stunned when she heard this and turned her head to look, only to see Zoro step forward and stretch out his right hand:

"Promise me, one day, either you or I will become the strongest swordsman in the world!"

Kuina's heart trembled. Looking at Sauron's serious expression, she wiped away her tears and high-fived Sauron:

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Memory jumps to the second scene. On a dark afternoon, a funeral procession walked forward in heavy rain like cotton needles.

The black and white photo on the hearse looked a bit blurry. As the camera kept zooming in, a young face was revealed - it was Guina.

The memory jumps again, in the third scene, in the forest, the sunset is gradually setting, and the sky is filled with rays of rays.

Zoro held the dumbbell in his mouth and swung the wooden sword with all his strength with both hands, smashing the three practice pillars into pieces.

In the fourth act, in the gymnasium room, the afterglow of the setting sun shines through the window, adding a sense of sadness.

Zoro knelt in front of his teacher Koushiro and asked the teacher very solemnly to give him his senior sister Kuina's sword and the Taoist script, and swore to the teacher:

"I will become as strong as her, and become the world's greatest swordsman, and let my fame resound throughout the heavens!"

"Just like... we agreed!"

The memory ends here.

Zoro stood up from the ground, his eyes clear again, but his physical strength had been exhausted, and even standing was very strenuous.

Hawkeye obviously didn't expect Sauron to be so resilient. The most important thing is that until this moment, his eyes were still so firm and full of ambition. He couldn't help but ask:

"What are you carrying? What do you long for at the end of your strength? Sad weakling."

Sauron's eyes trembled fiercely, and his mind suddenly became clearer than ever before. The whole world gradually began to turn white, and all sounds seemed to disappear. In the end, there were only eagle eyes in his eyes and his own heartbeat in his ears.


Zoro once again took up the posture of the three-sword style, and Yao's smiling face could not help but appear in his mind:

"The world's best swordsman? Not bad. The Pirate King's partners must at least be of this level~"

His eyes sharpened:


Just as he shouted out the word, his vision suddenly blurred, and there was a sharp pain in his left chest, and he no longer had the strength to use any subsequent movements.

"Why don't you retreat? Do you want your heart to be stabbed directly?"

Hawkeye held the knife that was stabbed on Sauron's left chest, and for the first time his eyes showed what could be called surprise.

"I don't know, I just feel that if I take a step back here, all the vows and agreements I have made will be far away from me, and I will not be able to come back here again."

Blood continued to flow from the corner of Zoro's mouth, and his life was in danger, but his tone was more calm than before, and his eyes no longer showed any panic.

Hawkeye stared at Sauron and suddenly said:

"Yes, this is called defeat!"

Zoro grinned:

"Then I can't even retreat!"

Hawkeye: "You won't retreat even if you die?"

Sauron: "It's better to be dead!"

"What a strong heart, I would rather die than lose!"

Hawkeye stared at Zoro closely, feeling so shocked for the first time since he went to sea to become a pirate.


Hawkeye pulled out the knife, took a few steps back, and put the knife into the scabbard:

"Boy, sign up!"

Zoro seemed to feel something, and assumed the posture of the three-sword style:

"Roronoa Zoro!"

Hawkeye raised his right hand and grasped the handle of the big black knife on his back:

"I will remember it, the long-lost strong man!"

With a snap, he pulled out the big black knife:

"Then, as a swordsman's etiquette, I will use this strongest black sword to take your life!"

"That's really grateful!"

Zoro stared at Hawkeye, took a deep breath, and knew very well that after this blow, if he didn't succeed, he would be successful!

"Being number one in the world, or death?"

Sauron held the sword in both hands and started spinning it. The moment Hawkeye rushed towards him, his sword skills completely exploded:

"The Secret of Three Sword Styles: Three Thousand Worlds!"


The two men missed each other, and Hawkeye swung his sword in an instant.

"Who's winning?"

Seeing the two of them standing there like wooden piles, the others couldn't help but feel very curious.


"Crack, click!"

The two knives in Zoro's hand broke into four pieces.


A large amount of blood spurted out from Zoro's abdomen.


Zoro knelt on the ground.

Hawkeye, on the other hand, was still unscathed.

The outcome is self-evident!

"Lost," Zoro sheathed Hedao Yiwen, "I didn't expect that I would lose..."

"Is this the strongest power in the world?"

Zoro stood up, turned around, faced Hawkeye, and opened his arms.

Hawkeye was stunned: "What?"

Zoro grinned and said:

"A wound on the back is a shame to a swordsman!"


Hawkeye raised his hand and raised the black knife.


A slash of the knife and blood splattered.

Zoro lost consciousness instantly and fell backward.


Usopp's eyes widened and he roared loudly, but at this moment, there was a person who was more excited than him, not Yao, but Sanji.

"Why, why do you have to do this?"

"Obviously, as long as you give up your dreams, you won't die!"

"Why are you so stupid? You have to seek death!"

Sanji's pupils couldn't stop trembling. Every time he asked a question in his mind, he was holding back more energy. In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and shouted hysterically. It seemed like he was asking Zoro a question, but in fact it was more like asking a question to Zoro. Question your own heart:

"Isn't it easy to give up on your dreams?!"

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