Allard Gunslinger in Marvel

Chapter 18 Salva Giant Pier

"Do you need any other equipment?" Mei picked up a few guns and checked them, and finally picked a pistol that could emit high-intensity electric bullets as her weapon.

This kind of electric current bullet is much easier to use against metal pole robots like Ultron than E-bombs.

Neil put the two guns into the gun bag on his waist. The huge size could barely fit into the gun bag that could accommodate a submachine gun.

"No need, other weapons and equipment are all restraints for me." Neil said, putting all the Ska 600 bullets in the box into the bullet bag. The bullets were like cannonballs, which made the bullet bag bulge.

Seeing this, May quickly put two new ones on Neil.

Reaching out and loading a bullet, Neil pressed the hammer, placed his other hand in front of the muzzle of the gun, and fired a shot into the palm of his hand.


There was a deafening gunshot, like a cannonball, which scared the surrounding agents to their feet and raised their rifles to aim at Neil.

Mei, who was standing aside, was also startled. After discovering that Neil shot at her hand, she raised a hand towards the agents to indicate to them that Neil was not a threat.

"Very good power, it can indeed be regarded as a small hand cannon." Neil looked at the burnt blackness on his hand, activated his magic power to shake it, and flicked off a pile of black slag powder.

In his palm was a metal bullet that had been flattened by impact. All the gunpowder in the bullet had been burned away, so the warhead was burnt black.

Mei stretched out a finger, wanting to touch it curiously, but Neil held out his hand to stop her.

"It's still very hot. If you try to grab it with bare hands, it will burn your hands in an instant." Neil laughed.

Mei exhaled and gave Neil a strange look, "You weren't this good before."

Neil shrugged, the bullets in his hands spinning and dancing on his fingertips, and the hot steel seemed to have no feeling in his hands.

"I was injured before, but now I'm healed."

Mei shook her head secretly and raised Neil's threat to a higher level. If the previous Neil could make SHIELD relax, then the current Neil can definitely make SHIELD fully vigilant.

A large part of the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. could allow Neil to recuperate at the base was because they believed that Neil was not a great threat. Data showed that Neil was still afraid of firearms.

And now, after Neil has the ability to ignore firearms, if he goes back to two days ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely give him the highest level of confinement treatment, at least they will lock him in a cage made of metal dozens of centimeters thick. in the room.

After frowning and looking at Neil again, Mei sat aside, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Hopefully Coulson is right

Neil originally wanted to chat with May, but when he saw that May was sitting aside and stopped talking, Neil had no choice but to sit aside and put on the music player Colson lent him, which contained songs from the 1980s. Country music of the decade.

Closing his eyes, Neil pretended to rest, but actually secretly began to absorb the magic contained in the surrounding air.

The Quinjet flew at an extremely high speed at an altitude of 20,000 feet, and all the magic power in the places it passed was sucked clean by Neil.

The coast of Africa, the giant pier in Salvador.

"Sir, we're here." The driver shouted behind him.

Mei, who had been meditating, opened her eyes instantly, glanced at Neil beside her, and found that he also had his eyes closed. She thought Neil was asleep, and reached out to push his shoulder to wake him up.

As a result, the moment his fingers touched Neil, a violent force burst out from Neil's body.

Mei was directly thrown away by the powerful air wave. Neil opened his eyes when he saw this. He flashed to Mei who was leaning back in the air and hugged her gently.

"Are you okay?"

Mei struggled and jumped down from Neil's arms, her face a little flustered, obviously in shock.

"You shouldn't touch me casually." Neil said solemnly.

The self-protective magic power on his body will form a film and wrap it around his body when he absorbs the magic elements. This is an instinctive way of protection. Anyone and life that touches this film will be blown away by the air waves.

"Sorry." Mei breathed deeply.

Fortunately, this is just a wave of air, without any lethality. Instead, it has the characteristics of soft air flow.

Mei shook her head and took out the pistol on her waist. "Let's go, let's go find trouble with Ultron."

Arriving outside the cabin, there was a forest behind and a Quinjet parked next to it.

"That's the Avengers plane." Mei reminded.

Neil looked around and saw a man with curly hair on the Avengers plane through the glass.

"Hey, who are you guys?"

A man got off the Avengers' plane and shouted at Neil and his group vigilantly.

Mei walked forward quickly and showed her ID, "Hello, Dr. Banner, we are agents sent by Director Fury, ready to help you kill Ultron."

Reaching out to take Mei's ID and looking at it carefully, Bruce Banner relaxed and breathed a long sigh of relief. He reached out and shook Mei Xu's hand, "Hello, thank you for your support. I just heard it on the team communicator. Gunshots, Tony and the others must be fighting with Ultron and Crowe's mercenaries, you should hurry up and support them."

After everyone heard this, they quickly ran towards the cargo ship in the distance.

"Why was he left on the plane?" Neil asked Mei curiously.

May was not as relaxed as Neil, running and panting heavily, "Because he can't get hurt, otherwise it will make things worse."

"Is he the Hulk?"

Neil frowned. He knew that there was a non-human species among the Avengers, but he didn't expect that the Hulk was also human at the beginning.

That kind of violent, angry personality is what Neil hates.

A life with this kind of temperament must be a difficult monster to deal with in Arad, and the videos he saw online proved that Hulk's destructive power is too powerful. This unstable life is very likely to harm ordinary people.

Therefore, Neil doesn't have any good feelings towards Hulk.

"I hope you won't lose your temper, otherwise I'm not an easy guy to mess with."

Neil squinted his eyes. After knowing that Hulk was a human being, although he removed Hulk from the list that could be killed, he would definitely not have any intention of holding back if Hulk went crazy.

As the team moved forward at high speed, a huge explosion sounded from the cargo ship.

Two metal figures flew out of the large hole created by the explosion. The figure in the front was slender and ferocious, and the figure in the back was smaller, but painted in gold and red. The person inside should be Iron Man Tony Stark.


Seeing Ultron, Neil roared violently and shot out like an arrow off the string.

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