The morning in the Atlantic Ocean is beautiful. The dawn has begun to shine slightly. The setting sun is accompanied by darkness, and I find the hurried figure in the woods.

Neil flew at an extremely fast speed, flashing his hands a few times, disassembling and reassembling the captured gun in mid-air.

“Very sophisticated and subtle design”

Neil was a little curious. The structure of this pistol was something he had never seen before. The exquisite design looked like a machined product.

But as far as he knew, there was no such assembly line machine tool in the entire heaven.

After all, the power of this gun is too small. Simple gunpowder bullets may not even be able to break the skin of a minotaur without the blessing of magic. How can such a weapon have a complete production line!

Unless the empire has no intention of using such a gun to deal with monsters

Neil frowned. He had long been deeply disgusted by the empire's various confusing civil war behaviors.

No longer thinking about it, his top priority now is to escape from the pursuit coming from behind.

Speeding all the way.

The forest gradually gave way to muddy paths.

Finding a tall tree, Neil leaned down slightly, jumped up to the treetop, and looked around. Directly in front of him was a flat road. The dim street lights and the dim light of dawn illuminated the road clearly, and on that road At the end of the road is a small town.

Neil looked at the surrounding environment. He had just thought that the decoration of the old castle was strange. Now that he saw the steel jungle in front of him, he was sure that he had indeed come to a place that he had never been to or even seen or heard of before. place.

"Is it a secret space that hasn't been announced yet?"

Neil raised his hand and patted the bracelet on his arm, urging the remaining magic power to penetrate it, but nothing happened.

The spatial locator was damaged, and all his belongings, including weapons and equipment, could not be taken out. At this moment, he was seriously injured, and one of his legs was completely broken. If it weren't for the gun he just grabbed, he would really have to use Hand-to-hand combat comes.

Neil felt the magic around him, and his expression became even heavier.

The magic elements contained in the air of this space are extremely rare, and there is not much magic left in his body. If there is no magic replenishment, he may not be able to resist the power of firearms, even if they are just gunpowder bullets.

Neil has been to many spaces where the magic power attached to Arad is scarce. This space can be regarded as the one with the lowest magic power among the hidden spaces he has been to. It can be said that it is basically non-existent.

No wonder the weapons in this space are just simple gunpowder firearms. For a space with scarce magic power, gunpowder firearms can be powerful enough!

Every life in Arad has magic power in his body since birth. Even for the most ordinary civilian, the magic power in his body is enough to help him strengthen his physique and strengthen his bones and internal organs.

Using magic applications is an ability that every Arader is born with.

The martial artists of Suran use magic to strengthen their bodies, improve their physical fitness, and practice physical skills.

The gunmen in the heaven will use magic to create guns, and add magic and elements to the bullets to enhance the power of the guns.

The mage uses magic to combine elements, which can activate various powerful and strange forces, and even break space, change space, and create space.

Likewise, magic can be attached to the outside of the body to resist damage and changes.

So Arad's life is generally resistant to beatings.

For people without magic power, no matter how strong their physical fitness is, all they have left is muscles. They cannot activate magic power to control elements and strengthen their bodies. Guns are also fatal to them.

Thinking of the weapon in his hand, Neil held his hand tighter.

Suddenly, a strong wind struck in front of Neil, followed by a crisp gunshot.

Neil's figure flashed, he jumped casually on one foot, panned instantly, and jumped to another tree, dodging the incoming bullets.

"Want to capture me alive?"

Lowering his head and glancing at the shallow crater in the trees, Neil flashed again, leaving a streak of light on the spot.

bang bang

Several consecutive sniper shots sounded, causing Neil on the treetop to scatter and move away.

"The hyena is restraining the target, and the osprey is quickly capturing it!"

On a low branch in the distance, a sniper held a firearm and lowered his head to speak to the communicator on his collar.

"Osprey received it, approaching the target!"

While dodging bullets, Neil suddenly noticed a change in the airflow above his head. When he looked up, he saw a dark Quinjet illuminated by the light of dawn in the distance. A hole opened under the cabin and a cannon-like weapon was stretched out. .

Neil's dark eyes shrank, and the muzzle flash suddenly appeared. With his astonishing eyesight, he reacted quickly and fell towards the tree.

Snapped! ! !

A pitch-black cannonball flew towards Neil, bursting out with a sonic boom in an instant. When he was still dozens of meters away from Neil, there was another bang, and the cannonball exploded, revealing a sheet of silver arc light. The large network covers no blind spots.

Seeing that it was about to wrap Neil's whole body, Neil reached out and grabbed a thick branch, pulled hard, and the air accelerated again, avoiding the electric grid and falling to the ground.

After judging the location where the gunman on the ground had fired, Neil turned a corner and fled quickly in the other direction.

The 100-meter tree covered by the large net was instantly entangled, and the entire tree was bent and almost uprooted by the blast. At the same time, the arc flashed and the fire lit up the trunk, leaving charcoal marks.

"The Osprey missed and the target has fled. Be careful, the target is very fast and has a gun in his hand. Everyone should keep a distance of at least three hundred meters." Nick Fury's voice sounded in the communicator.

Nick Fury, who was still in the castle in the distance, was giving various instructions while watching the images from several monitors.

"The osprey continues to pursue, and the hyena goes to the city to prepare for the attack. Don't let him enter civilian areas."

Next to him was Coulson who was receiving treatment. Coulson was worried about this operation and had to receive simple treatment while monitoring.

"I think three hundred meters may not be a safe distance for him."

Nick Fury shook his head, "It's just a small-caliber pistol. It's impossible for him to attack us. No matter how far the distance is, it will be very difficult for our people. His speed is too fast."

When Coulson heard this, he had nothing to say and just hissed.

"Hey, be gentle. I'm not like some perverts who don't feel pain. I'm still a healthy man." Colson complained to the doctor.

"Sorry Director, I will pay attention."

The doctor suppressed a smile. She had never seen the director of SHIELD like this. The last time she saw Coulson injured was in the medical room of the Helicarrier. Coulson's whole body was covered with cloth.

"If you are willing to go to the rear and receive treatment in peace, I don't think she will let you feel pain." Nick Fury said with a dark face.

Coulson smiled with difficulty, "I am now the director of SHIELD. If I don't personally take charge of the overall situation in this kind of matter, but let the previous director take over, I think after I retire, that lucky bastard will not Will let me go."

"So you're ready to let me retire in peace?"

"No, don't even think about it."

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