The cold seawater instantly enveloped Neil's body, and severe pain began to radiate from the wound on his broken leg.

Neil gritted his teeth and dived all the way from the shallows.

"Come on, I see him, under the water!"

On the sea surface, there is a team of agents who have been waiting for a long time. They are wearing amphibious combat uniforms and holding special rifles that can facilitate underwater combat.

After discovering Neil, other speedboats on standby quickly rushed over.

"What should I do? Go down and catch him?"

An agent said uneasily, "This is an enhanced person. If we go down, we will most likely be counter-controlled by the target."

"So we don't need to go down, just wait for him to come up!"

"But what if the target has the ability to breathe underwater? None of these aliens are simple!" The agent who asked the question looked at his captain and said in an indignant tone.

It seems that SHIELD concealed Neal's origin and identity from its subordinates. These agents all regarded Neal as an Inhuman with various superpowers.

The captain shook his head and said in a cold voice, "Even if he is an Avenger, he will not be able to escape again. The headquarters just transferred two submarines and they have now arrived in Sokovia!"

"Because of the emergency dispatch from the headquarters, I gave up my hard-earned vacation and the opportunity to celebrate my son's birthday. This bastard must pay the price for this."

"Haha, that's enough Jack, you should be lucky that the mission target is in Europe, so after the mission is over, you might be able to catch up with your son's candle-blowing ceremony!"

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became relaxed for a moment. Everyone seemed to be confident about Neil's arrest.

"To be honest, I don't think the target looks like a heinous super villain. Didn't you look at the radar just now? He actually deliberately avoided the residential area!"

"If it were a fleeing prisoner, he would have been thinking of rushing into a residential area to hide himself so that he could have a chance to escape. However, he unexpectedly took a small turn halfway. He would rather be surrounded by people than to Bring danger to ordinary people." An agent touched his head with some admiration on his face.

"Whatever, this is not something we should worry about. Frank, you have forgotten that we are just agents and should not worry about things that politicians and superheroes have to worry about."

Frank curled his lips, obviously unable to agree with his teammates' concept.

"Okay, stop chatting. The underwater targets are also very fast. Let's catch up. There will be a submarine team underwater to intercept them."

"Our mission is to wait for the target to come up to breathe, and then use anesthesia bombs to penetrate his blood vessels so that he sleeps like a sow that has just mated." Captain Jack held a sonar detection instrument in his hand and fired. He ordered after everyone stopped playing.

"Yes, Captain."

The speedboat splashed with water and dispersed its formation while chasing Neil under the water.

Underwater, Neil had no idea that what was about to greet him would be a dragnet. He just twisted his body like a mermaid and swam quickly towards the deep sea like a torpedo.

The lack of oxygen caused Neil's face to quickly turn blue.

"There is no magic power, the body's lack of oxygen is too serious!" Neil secretly said to himself in his heart.

He has never encountered such a lack of magic power!

In Arad, even if he fought the most difficult battle, his whole body was severely injured, and all his magic power was exhausted while fighting monsters, it would only take a few seconds for his body to self-absorb, and the magic power recovered in his body would be enough for him to cope with it. Breathing underwater is like this.

Originally, he wanted to dive to a depth of about two thousand meters, then swim all the way, and escape for dozens of kilometers until he completely escaped the enemy's pursuit before resurfacing. Now it seems that he did overestimate his physical fitness.

Without the blessing of magic power, he is far inferior to martial artists who practice physical skills.

Neil calmed down, thinking about emergency countermeasures, and at the same time looked up to find a corner where he could briefly show his head and breathe.

Unfortunately, when the speedboats above saw him stop, they also stopped and began to circle around. Not only did these speedboats follow him all the way, they also guarded the water surface tightly, leaving no gaps at all.

"Damn it, the equipment in their hands must have been developed in secret."

Just when Neil was feeling difficult, a strong smell of blood suddenly came from above.

Neil looked for traces and saw that the scarlet blood had dyed the sea water red, and the rich smell penetrated into the deep blue sea, causing many fish schools to start fleeing in all directions, fearing that they would be tainted with the smell of blood and be targeted by predators in the deep sea.

"what happened?"

Neil frowned, and saw gunshots suddenly burst out on the sea level, flames suddenly appeared, and many bullets plopped into the water.

After hesitating for a moment, Neil quickly swam towards the sea level.

Coming out of the water, Neil took a deep breath first, and then quickly climbed onto a speedboat. On top of it lay an unknown agent, with blood pouring from his chest.

"This wound mark is a laser weapon." Neil carefully examined the wound again, and after confirming that the heart was injured and could not be saved, his face suddenly darkened.

"Hi! Hello human, are you the one these rude boys are chasing?"

Floating above the sea, there were more than a dozen robots with broken bodies and craters on their steel. At this moment, they were all looking at Neil with the same movements and angles, tilting their heads. The scene was instantly breathtaking.

"Did you kill them?" Neil asked in a hoarse voice.

Seeing that Neil's mood seemed a little wrong, the robot covered his head and said in a playful tone, "Oh, it seems that your relationship with these agents who randomly attacked me is not the kind of relationship I imagined! This is difficult to handle. !”

"If there are any friends of yours among them, then I'm sorry. I thought you were being hunted, and I wanted to help you get out of trouble!" Although there was no expression, the robot's tone was full of regret, as if I feel really guilty.

Neil stared at the robot, exuding a terrifying aura, "Did you kill them?"

The robot sighed, pretending to be sad and said, "They attacked me, shot me with guns, and almost destroyed my core. I was scared, but that was not my intention, really!"

"Since it was you who killed him, it's no problem." Neil laughed angrily.

"What's wrong, are you not friends? Oh, that's great, I thought you would be sad! Hello, my friend, my name is Ultron, I have a genius idea that can change the world! I want to Join me?"

Ultron responded with two fatal shots from Neil, instantly blowing up a clone of Ultron out of thin air.

"Sorry, I'm not used to being a subordinate of monsters."

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