Meiman's Endless Skills

Chapter 1 Heavyweights

"The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is this eve?" '

Such emotions can often be seen in some fantasy novels.

King Kong never thought that one day he would be able to experience this in reality.

Although it was not as exaggerated as thousands of years, when he woke up, it spanned twenty-five years.

Before falling asleep, he was still an ordinary otaku on the ordinary earth, but now he is an earthling in the American comic book world of who knows which version.

of course.

He is still a homebody now.

It wasn't time travel to seize the house or resurrect the soul from a dead body. After roughly sorting out the information in his mind, he almost figured out the reason.

He traveled through and reincarnated into this American comic world, but due to some reasons, most of his consciousness and memory have fallen into a state of sleep for the past twenty-five years, and it is only now that he is completely unblocked and awakened.

The room was filled with coldness and darkness, even under the thick velvet blanket, it didn't bring much warmth to King Kong.

With some difficulty, I reached out to find my mobile phone on the bedside table piled with snacks, and tried to turn on the light, but the light did not light up as expected.

The lights were not on, and the air-conditioned room was like an icehouse. These two situations appeared at the same time, and he probably guessed what happened.

power cut.

Bad things seemed to come together all at once.

After taking a breath of the cold, dirty and heavy air, King Kong did not waste his energy complaining. He knew that with his current poor physical condition, he would probably not be able to survive the sun in such an environment.


He is now at his home on the King's Ranch in Montana. In this cold winter season when the average temperature is usually around minus 10 degrees Celsius, the sun is rarely seen even during the day.

Therefore, it is impossible to expect that the sun will bring some warmth after it comes out.

Fortunately, there is nothing to play with mobile phones in this era, and the non-smart phone called Blueberry in his hand is still fully charged.

He had never used this kind of antique-level mobile phone in the previous life when it was full of smart phones. In this current time period, it is already a relatively high-end mobile phone.

At least the time clearly shown above is not a problem, which is enough for him.


If there is no problem with his memory, he fell asleep just about an hour ago. An hour ago, he in this world was drinking a suspected Erguotou liquor while playing computer games.

I wanted to stay up all night, but suddenly my head felt dizzy and my whole body was extremely tired. Then I reluctantly returned to the room. Finally, I woke up from the cold five minutes ago, and all the memories of my previous life came flooding back for some reason.

Now he still feels uncomfortable all over his body, as if he had a serious illness.

He climbed up with difficulty, and the solid wooden bed creaked with his movements, as if it would collapse at any time.

With the faint light of his mobile phone, he followed the memory in his mind to find a candle and a lighter. After lighting it, he could finally see clearly in the room.

In this season, power outages in the ranch often occur due to heavy snow, so some emergency measures are essential.

Solar power, diesel generator, both backup power sources can be used.

It was unclear how long the power outage would last. King Kong did not use backup power to turn on the air conditioner, but only activated the emergency lighting.

As for heating, there was a fireplace in the room, and there was no shortage of dry wood.

ten minutes later.

Burning in the fireplace that has not been used for a long time, the original flame exudes warmth, driving out the coldness in the room little by little.

Breathing heavily and dragging heavy steps, he came to the bathroom.

Looking at the strange yet familiar self in the mirror, he was silent for a while, his gaze was very complicated.

in memory.

In this life, he hasn't looked in the mirror for a long time, it's not that he doesn't like it, it's just that he is avoiding it, and he doesn't want to face up to the 'ball' like himself in the mirror.

It is almost two extremes with myself in the previous life.

In his last life, he had a physique that most women envy - no matter how much he ate, he didn't get fat.

So the figure has always been lean.

But now he sees himself as a ball, and the waist of the bucket is not enough to describe his current figure, at least it is the waist of the bucket.

The height of is nearly centimeters higher than that of the previous life, and he can already play basketball; the weight of at least catties is more than three times that of the previous life, a proper heavyweight!

In addition, the face is so pale that you can hardly see much blood, the bloodshot eyes can be compared with the national treasure giant panda, and the hair is as dry and messy as a chicken coop

One word - useless!

This is a body that has been hollowed out by wine and sex, and half of it is ready for burial.

It should be a bad thing to travel through, and it is still a super dangerous world of American comics. It is now 2008, and it is not far from the birth of Iron Man. After that, a series of major events of the Avengers will follow. Stars invade New York, Ultron, Thanos...

However, these were still a bit far away for him, and he was not in the mood to think about it.

Right now, if changes cannot be made soon, whether he can survive until Iron Man is born is a question.

With a thought, a light curtain that only he can see, but not shown in the mirror, appeared in his sight.

This is his golden finger. After he woke up, he discovered its existence, something similar to the system in the novel.

The light curtain is his personal information template.

As the name suggests, some of his personal information is displayed on it.

The information displayed on the first line at the beginning made him feel extremely dazzling, and he lost the interest to continue reading.

Health: 15 (56)

Without a system assistant or elf jumping out to explain to him, he naturally understood the meaning of this data.

According to the calculation method of Goldfinger, a person's life value is equal to the product of physical and mental values.

He didn't have much interest in exploring the life value of a normal person in this world. He only knew that the 56 in the brackets meant that his body was in a negative state that continued to decline.


This state cannot be restored through normal cultivation.

This also further proves how useless his body is now. If changes are not made as soon as possible, it will be difficult to live for another year.

Taking a deep breath, King Kong calmed himself down, he was afraid that the time he could live would be shortened even if he was angry.

Fortunately, with the existence of Goldfinger, he did not feel desperate yet.

There was still hot water in the bathroom, and I took about an hour to take a comfortable bath. I felt much refreshed. I warmed myself a cup of hot milk, covered myself with a thick blanket and sat on the sofa next to the fireplace. He began to carefully organize his thoughts.

First, he found that he had become the person he hated in his previous life but had always longed to be - a rich man.

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