The end of the ninja world

Chapter 12 Is Sugimoto the protagonist?

The chasing spy No. 2 looked confused. Thousands

Did you say "goodbye"? I believe you as a ghost.

"Hmph, retreat without fighting. Are these the current Konoha ninjas?" Spy No. 2 tried to use provocation to keep Ye Xiaobei.

Ye Xiaobei ignored it and continued running all the way. I can't beat you.

"Hmph, where is your dignity as a ninja?" Spy No. 2 was still determined to give up.

After hearing this, Ye Xiaobei's face was filled with dark thoughts. He was already a ninja, so what else could he do to save face? Real ninjas have never been favored in history. It is the samurai and generals who charge head-on and make achievements on the battlefield.

Ninjas are only used to do dirty work. Those samurai looked down upon ninjas, thinking that they were a group of villains who only knew how to sneak around and conspire.

Although Ye Xiaobei traveled to a dimension where a ninja became the master, he did not feel at all that he should throw away his life for the so-called "ninja's dignity".

"If you keep chasing, our people will be here soon! Why don't you run away!" Ye Xiaobei's foot strength is indeed not as good as that of Spy No. 2. It will be detrimental to himself to keep fighting like this.

"..." Spy No. 2 felt that the Konoha ninja in front of him was indeed different. He was greedy for life and fearful of death, but he could also put himself in the enemy's shoes.

The sound of Sugimoto and Spy No. 1 fighting in front gradually stopped.

"Hey, anyone who offends our Konoha will be punished no matter how far away he is!" Ye Xiaobei suddenly changed his face 180 degrees. The scientific ninja tool in his hand hit Spy 2 crazily.

The person who had just been trying to convince him to run away suddenly took the initiative to attack. Spy No. 2 felt that he had been tricked.

"You must have thought that your Captain Sugimoto won, right?"

"You must think that your spy No. 1 won, right?" After firing a few shots, Ye Xiaobei turned around and continued running away.

There is not much ammunition for scientific ninja tools. Each person is only equipped with ten, including two for each ninjutsu with the attributes of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth. The only ammunition for offensive ninjutsu is wind, thunder and fire. Just now, Ye Xiaobei shot out three shots in one wave.

Spy No. 2 used water escape to launch a fire attack, but Feng and Lei avoided it by dodging.

At this moment, he wanted to bet with Ye Xiaobei on who would win the battle ahead.

"Sugimoto is destined to lose. I have already investigated and found out that he is only a third-level genin. But the opponent I left for him is a makushita-level genin."

"Don't rely too much on ancient information." Ye Xiaobei smiled. In fact, Ye Xiaobei smiled, not only because his opponent underestimated Captain Sugimoto's strength, but also because Spy No. 2's words revealed that other Ninja Villages also use this ranking system. This was one of the pieces of information he had always wanted to know about other ninja villages.

The curtain rises in the third section of the prologue, which is a hurdle for most ninjas. Many people will choose to practice now for the Chunin Exam before testing the waters. But Sugimoto Hiko was in a special situation. He was promoted too quickly. As a result, the number of tasks required to be promoted to Chunin was not enough, so he had to prepare for the makushita war.

"Ninpo Technique: Fist of the Tiger!" Sugimoto suddenly jumped up in front of him, his fists were like the wind of a tiger, and he attacked Spy No. 2 with a fierce force.

Ye Xiaobei's heart almost jumped out of his chest. This was the feeling of the legendary Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. No wonder Sugimoto said that his tier competition was based on punch after punch. No one could block such a fierce punch.

"Hey, I won the bet." Ye Xiaobei turned around and made a face. When he heard the sound of the two fighting each other stopping, he knew that Sugimoto must have won.

Spy 2 had a beeping expression on his face: "This is impossible!"

However, in the face of overwhelming strength, no amount of unwillingness is just an embellishment for the winner.

boom! Spy 2 encountered this blow head-on and fell down like a kite with its string broken.

"Ninpo: Ichiraku Ramen!" Ye Xiaobei also shouted in a decent manner.

In Sugimoto's surprised eyes, Ye Xiaobei threw out the "Chakra Ramen" in his hand, like a big net, wrapping Spy 2 tightly.

"What kind of trick is this?" Spy No. 2 was horrified. Thin and dense chakra threads were wrapped around his body, and the end of the thread was tightly held in Ye Xiaobei's hand.

"How come this kid has so much power of forbearance? How can he master it to this extent?" Spy No. 2 was worried. Now one versus two would be extremely detrimental to him. "I underestimated this kid. But such a powerful young ninja Why is there no information at all?”

"Surprise or not, surprise or surprise." Ye Xiaobei pulled the chakra ramen a little tighter.

"Shichiro, you did a great job." Sugimoto Hiko took out the rope and was about to take someone.

"Junior is bullying someone too much!" Spy No. 2 shouted, and with difficulty, he took out a string of detonating talismans from his tied arms and detonated them directly on his body.

The huge shock wave of a string of detonating talismans made Nokobei unable to maintain chakra ramen, and Sugimoto had to stop and focus on defense. But Spy 2, who was hit by the explosion at close range, was probably dead.

In the smoke of gunfire, the figure of Spy No. 2 actually stood firm. A layer of water gathered around him, covering his whole body like a protective film. He did not suffer any fatal damage from the series of explosions of detonating symbols.

Ye Xiaobei cursed secretly: "No wonder I have never seen anyone killed by a detonating charm. It turns out it goes against the universal law of 'there is no harm in smoke' in animation works."

"Water Escape." Sugimoto frowned.

"I've seen him use ninjutsu several times before, and it was also water escape." Ye Xiaobei added.

"Are you the original ninja from the Land of Water?" Sugimoto asked Spy No. 2.

Ye Xiaobei drew a question mark in his mind: "What does the original Water Kingdom mean?"

"Those who have lost their country dare not mention their homeland." Spy No. 2 showed grief and anger.

"I don't know what you are hiding, but since you are here, I have no choice but to capture you." Sugimoto said no more. He concentrated his chakra again, this time with a hint of thunder in his fierceness.

Captain Sugimoto's chakra attribute must be Thunder Release. Ye Xiaobei's eyes widened. You must know that thunder escape is the favorite escape technique of the protagonists who have traveled to the world of Naruto. It is handsome and stylish. Ye Xiaobei began to doubt whether he was the protagonist or Sugimoto was the protagonist.

"It's sad, you don't know anything, Sugimoto, and that Shichiro." Although Spy 2 blocked the detonating talisman, he still suffered internal injuries due to the shock wave, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Xiaobei was happy when he heard what he said, and even played with me like you knowothg, yexiaobei.

"I think you are at least a makushita dan, so do you know how to practice for the dans after twelve years?" Ye Xiaobei asked.

"We are just fighting for our ideals and have firm beliefs. We will naturally have the opportunity to improve."

"Just say you don't know." Ye Xiaobei said.

"..." Spy No. 2 felt that this kid was really trying to make him angry in a different way.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Beast Chasing Fang" Sugimoto took advantage of Noh Xiaobei's distraction to spy No. 2 and used his trump card.

The Thunder Chakra actually condensed into a fierce tiger, and with the force of thunder, it attacked Spy 2 at an incredible speed.

"You are wrong to think that I can only escape with water. Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

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