A black doctor from a certain American comic

Chapter 18 Masturbating in broad daylight

Mindy has no reservations about Murphy's professor. After all, he is the person she is closest to in the world.

However, Mindy's teaching to Murphy was not just a cram-feeding of things into Murphy's head, but rather a structured and planned approach.

She believes that the current Murphy should mainly focus on close combat, supplemented by firearms. As for the killer's other skills such as tracking, counter-reconnaissance, defense and early warning, self-healing, and situational awareness, we will talk about it later.

After all, Murphy didn't want to be a killer, he just wanted to make himself stronger in a short time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three gunshots suddenly rang out in the silent field.

Murphy exhaled a breath and shook his sore arm. The experience points of firearms seemed to be harder to obtain than Xingyiquan.

At this time, Murphy and Mindy were both standing in an abandoned factory in the suburbs of New York.

This place is Mindy's safe house, surrounded by barbed wire, but this obviously doesn't trouble Mindy.

As a killer, if he does not have his own safe house, he is undoubtedly a soulless killer.

Although Mindy is not a serious killer, she is still worried that one day the brother and sister will get into trouble and have to leave their current home. So plan ahead and build several safe houses similar to this abandoned factory in New York City.

Generally speaking, the establishment of a safe house is quite expensive. Like the big dog Ethan Hunter in "Mission: Impossible", a safe house cannot be purchased for millions of dollars.

However, there is a way to live rich and poor, and the safe house Mindy built in the wilderness and abandoned factory does not cost much money. He only needs to open a hidden location to place arms, cash, identification, and easy-to-use materials. Just a bunch of simple things like stored food and water.

Murphy remembered that Smith seemed to have a safe house in the suburbs of New York, a fully automated building. Well, the kind of fully automated building that opened the door for a mouse, but unfortunately it was blown up by Big Beard.

"One has seven rings, one has four rings, and one has eight rings."

Mindy put down the telescope and looked at the darkening sky: "Brother, let's just stop here today. It's already very late."

"Okay." Murphy nodded. Although he was very dissatisfied with the progress of his firearms, this thing depends on talent, and you don't have to be stubborn to improve quickly.

After casually firing a shot at the target, Murphy turned and walked out with Mindy.

"Huh?" Murphy was very surprised. Could it be that one shot of ten rings can directly increase an experience point?

In order to verify his conjecture, Murphy quickly ran to the gun target.

"Eh?" Mindy blinked and looked at Murphy's retreating figure, wondering what happened to Murphy?

Under Mindy's speechless gaze, Murphy blocked the bullseye of the target with his gun and fired five or six times in a row.

"Brother, even if you are not satisfied with the progress of your firearm, there is no need to be angry like this, right?" Mindy felt that Murphy was so childish and cute. Well, this was indeed the brother she was familiar with.

"Can't you?"

Murphy was a little disappointed. It seemed that the Silly Dog System would not leave such a big backdoor for him.

Mo Fei drove the car on the way home.

"Brother, don't be too anxious. Although your firearms talent seems to be a little worse than your fighting talent, it is already very good. When I first received training, my progress was not as good as yours!" Mindy He secretly glanced at Murphy's face and comforted him.

"Afraid? I'm not very anxious?" Murphy looked confused.

Mindy pursed her lips and snickered secretly, I think you are almost hysterical, aren't you very anxious?

However, he did not expose Mo Fei's intentions and changed the topic.


"What bad luck." Murphy threw a piece of jade pendant made of mixed materials onto the coffee table.

"Brother, forget it, just think of us as doing good deeds." Mindy smiled: "Just like when our parents were still alive."

"That's all I can think about, what else can I do?"

In the afternoon, Murphy was seeing a doctor. As a result, several gangsters carried a seriously injured and dying gangster to his medical center for treatment.

It looked like it was the product of a gang war, and the severely injured intestines were exposed.

Mo Fei never accepts patients like this. Firstly, his medical skills are not good enough to deal with such injuries. Secondly, it is troublesome. If someone dies here, it will be easy for the relatives of the deceased to take revenge. It is also very easy. attracted the attention of the police.

The gangster wanted to put a knife to Murphy's neck and force him to treat him, but soon the neighbors around him taught them how to behave.

Then, all the young bastards knelt down and kowtowed to seek medical treatment.

This battle not only gave Murphy a headache, but also made the matter worse, which was very bad.

With no choice, he reluctantly came to help.

The little gangster who was seriously injured was lucky. Murphy, who really didn't want his hospital to be involved in a life-threatening lawsuit, fed him a few slices of carrots and barely survived.

The result... these gangsters are a bunch of poor people and can't afford medical expenses.

Murphy felt that he had really screwed Husky. He didn't even have time to use magic medicine like carrots, so he gave it to a gangster, but he didn't give me a hundred yuan?

If you don’t give me a hundred dollars, are you still human?

However, the leading gangster took out a piece of jade pendant and gave it to Mo Fei, saying that they were from the Fuqing Gang and that the jade pendant was his family heirloom. In the future, as long as someone comes to him with that piece of jade pendant, he will try his best to help.

Murphy feels his balls hurt!


What era are you in, do you think you are making movies? Do you think I'm stupid for still playing such outdated tricks?

Do you want to offset your medical expenses with this tattered jade pendant?

You should also get a better piece of jade. You probably can't even buy this jade for $10.

And come to you for help with a jade pendant?

Even if I, Murphy, starve to death, die outside, or jump from the Empire State Building, there is no way I can use this jade pendant.

But looking at how poor these little gangsters are, they really can't get much money, so what can Murphy do?

I had to wave my hand and tell them to go away.

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