A black doctor from a certain American comic

Chapter 52 Look what I’m doing

The fiery red sun was wrapped in a layer of golden yellow, dyeing the white clouds red, and the rippling sea surface was sprinkled with golden light. .

From time to time, the waves roll up white and crystal clear spray.

Sun, air, beach, sea water, you name it.

In the corner of the rock wall, four of Murphy appeared together.

"The ultimatum given to Charlie by Noeri was at 9 o'clock in the morning. It's already 8 o'clock in the morning, leaving us less than an hour. How much more time do you need?" Dylan looked at his watch and said to Mindy anxiously.

"Ten minutes at most!" Mindy's fingers were typing frantically on the computer keyboard at a speed that even Murphy felt ashamed.

"Noairi is also an IT player, and his firewall here is very strong."

Mindy is hacking into the security cameras of Noire Manor. If the hack is successful, their war will be much easier.

The firewall at Noeri's home is very strong, but defense is always much more difficult than offense!

And the prevention and control measures in his manor are as incomprehensible as Jarvis in Baby Nini's house.

Mindy is a little difficult to hack, but not intractable.

"Dylan, right? I heard that you are also mercenaries? But I have never heard of you before, are you new to the scene?" Mindy was operating the computer while still having the energy to distract herself from talking to Dilan.

"We did come to work not long ago, but we work for Charlie and are considered his fourth generation angels." Dylan said honestly: "Charlie's Angels, do you know?"

"Charlie's Angels? It's still a little famous. It specializes in taking orders from some government departments and has a strong official background." Mindy thought for a while and said: "But I remember that Charlie's previous Angel had a conflict with the Continental Hotel and was killed directly. Two of them died in terrible circumstances, and I don’t know what happened to the remaining one?”

"Two angels died? Continental Hotel?" Dilan was dumbfounded. She had never known this news...

"If others consider Charlie's official background, they will give him some face and not do anything to his angel, but those people at the Continental Hotel are all lunatics who are desperate for money, and they would not dare to kill his angel. That's weird." Mindy said: "The job of Charlie's Angels is safe and dangerous. You have to weigh the people you can mess with and the people you can't mess with."

Dylan was silent.

She had never thought about these questions before...

"What is your role on your team?"

"What?" Dylan looked at Mindy blankly.

"Positioning? You don't understand this?" Mindy asked strangely: "A wise man like a think tank, a fighting master, a sniper, a hacker, a medical person, an auxiliary..."

"We..." Dilan's face turned red: "We have not considered these issues..."

"So you are the type who knows everything but knows nothing?" Seeing that Dilan did not refute, Mindy smiled and shook her head: "Then it's not easy for you to survive until now!"

Dylan: "..."

"You should get to know the configuration of the top mercenary teams in the industry and learn from them. Don't always focus on falling in love. Each of you should learn more skills and make up for the shortcomings of the team. Only then can you go further. And I didn't die in a stinking ditch by accident!" Mindy said earnestly, and at the end of her words, her fox tail was finally exposed.

Humph, if you, a coquettish bitch, hadn't seduced my brother, he wouldn't have been in any danger last night!

She didn't want Dylan to pester Murphy anymore.

Dylan was speechless.

What she said made sense, and I was speechless.

Murphy coughed and said, "Mingdi, you are on a mission now, please stop saying a few words."

"Okay!" Mindy blinked and manipulated her hands as fiercely as a tiger. Finally, she pressed the Enter key and said, "I have controlled all the surveillance cameras. All they saw were the surveillance images from ten minutes ago. And the timely picture will appear on my computer."

Mindy and Ji Zeer carefully watched the timely surveillance cameras.

"What are you doing?" Dylan asked depressedly.

"Look for their movement trajectories and defense weaknesses, and find the best attack points, attack routes, and retreat routes." Ji Zeer kindly explained to her.

As a retired Mossad agent, Ji Zeer is very strong in many fields such as firearms, fighting, driving, and situational awareness.

Dylan: "..."

She felt that what Mindy said made sense. Maybe their team should also complement the configuration that a top mercenary team should have?

"What are they doing? The defense is too lax, isn't it? There are loopholes everywhere. Could it be that they are luring us and have some arrangements secretly?" Ji Zeer frowned.

"No!" Mindy glanced at Dilan: "That's because you didn't find out who the opponent this Noi Rui chose! Generally speaking, the strength of two opponents is always about the same, so I'm pretty sure that this This is the power that Noeri has now."

Dylan: "..."

You just keep talking, what do you want me to do?

The Noairi Group's loose defense gave Mingdi no pressure to let Murphy go for a test run.

That's right, Mindy wants to make Murphy one of the main players in this operation, instead of just letting him play the role of soy sauce.

Because even though Murphy has strong fighting and firearms skills and can compete with her, if Mindy really wants to kill him, it will be effortless.

Murphy's crisis awareness is so poor!

The skills he developed in a peaceful environment look good, but when he is actually used in a bloody fight, he will soon have to kneel down!

For example, if someone comes to assassinate her, her keen intuition will warn her in advance, allowing her to avoid the crisis and fight back.

Murphy must experience some real bloodshed!

After Mindy and Ji Ze'er discussed and formulated tactics, they split into two groups, Murphy and Mindy went together, and Dilan and Ji Ze'er went together.

Each moved closer to the hostage holding area.

Standing outside the high wall, Mo Fei took a deep breath and jumped up after a moment. He touched the wall with his palms and kicked his feet on the wall. Like a gecko swimming on the wall, he quickly climbed up and climbed over the wall easily. .

After Xingyiquan lv3, Mo Fei was given many practical tips.

After entering the wall, Murphy lowered his body and sneaked quickly, heading towards the route set by Mindy as quickly as possible.

Taking advantage of the gaps in their defenses, Murphy easily passed most of the checkpoints.

At a corner, there were two people smoking and chatting with their backs to Murphy.

Murphy stepped lightly, strangled one person's neck and twisted it, killing the other person. At the same time, he swept his left elbow and hit the other person's neck. Taking advantage of his severe pain, he turned his free right hand into a knife. , struck his throat, stopping him from making a sound.

Both hands came up and crushed his neck.

Murphy was traveling very fast.

He couldn't help but lament that with such a huge hole in Noeri's body, even if he said he didn't want it, his body would become honest.

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