After taking a look in the mirror, Murphy was quite satisfied with his current image. .biquge

He was wearing a white Jack & Jones casual suit, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He had a handsome appearance, with sword-like eyebrows flying into his temples, and thin lips that looked very tender. It was impossible to tell that he was 25 years old. People.

"At the age of 18, I am still as beautiful as a flower!" Murphy sighed.

"Brother, please wake up, you are already Ben San's man!"

Mindy rolled her eyes helplessly.

Murphy's face turned red, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he argued, "18 years and 90 months cannot be counted as Ben San...18 years old!...Can an 18-year-old be counted as Ben San?" The words that were difficult to understand, such as "I am only a man of 18 years and 90 months" and "18 years and 90 months can only be counted as two if rounded up", etc., made Mindy helplessly laugh: the room was full of people inside and outside. The air of joy.

"Brother, can we seek truth from facts?"

"I'll always be 18 anyway!" Murphy snorted arrogantly.

"Okay, okay, brother, you will always be 18!" Mingdi coaxed Murphy like a child, pushed Murphy on the back, and pushed Murphy out of the house.

As soon as Michaela appeared at JFK International Airport, Murphy rushed to greet her and hugged her tightly: "Welcome back, girl!"

Michaela wore a black tank top, a blue denim jacket, and hot pants on the lower body. Her long, slender and round legs were very sexy and charming.

That fox-like little face is full of charm and very eye-catching!

Murphy just remembered not long ago that he still has his real girlfriend - Mikayla!

She was traveling in Japan before, and Murphy received a call from her last night, saying that she would be back today, so Murphy got ready this morning just to pick up Mikaela.

Mikayla is only 17 years old and a student of the Municipal Academy of Sciences, while Murphy is already 25 years old, 8 years apart. This is why Murphy specifically argued with Mindy this morning about Murphy's age. .

"It's so good to see you again, uncle!" Michaela put her arms around Murphy's neck, jumped on him, clamped her legs around Murphy's waist, and kissed him hard on the face.

Well, uncle is Michaela’s nickname for him.

Murphy helped Michaela lift her and put down her salute, saying, "Come down and let's talk about it when we get home!"

"No, I want you to carry me, uncle."

Mindy looked quite heartbroken, but she had no choice. This was her brother's real girlfriend after all, and she couldn't make any excuses to stop them from getting close.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, Mo Fei never has a girlfriend for more than three months.

Michaela has already wasted more than a month traveling in Japan. How much sweet time do they have left?

Due to his girlfriend's request, Murphy had no choice but to carry Michaela on his back and arrived in front of the Ford Cobra.

But as Michaela twisted and rubbed, the feeling of a full 34c of roundness rubbing against his back was indescribable to outsiders.

"Wow, uncle, you actually bought a sports car?" Michaela looked at the Ford Cobra in surprise.

"I made a lot of money some time ago, so I spent the money to buy a sports car." Murphy coughed, trying not to smile proudly.

"How did you make money? Uncle, you didn't rely on your medical skills to cheat, did you?"

Murphy felt hurt, and Michaela's words were like a sharp sword inserted directly into his heart.

Well, even his little girlfriend knows about his Buddhist medical skills.

"How can you be so distrustful of your uncle?" Murphy pinched Mikayla's pretty face in feigned anger and said, "I earned this by relying on my true ability!"

Opening the back compartment of the Ford Cobra, he put Michaela's luggage compartment in: "You are in Japan, do you know the recent major events in Chinatown?"

"I don't know." Michaela shook her head.

"Wu Zhihao, the grandson of Uncle Seventh, the godfather of Chinatown, was killed. He offered a reward of US$500 million..." Seeing that Michaela and Mindy were both in the car, Murphy started the Ford Cobra.

"I know this! I know!" Michaela exclaimed excitedly: "The murderer is a doctor named James. He uses the Yin-Yang and Five Elements of Chinese Taoist culture to kill people. It was a Chinese detective named Qin Feng who found out!"

"Nonsense! That's what I found out! It's just that I don't care about fame and fortune, so I let Qin Feng steal the limelight!" Murphy raised his eyebrows: "But you are in Japan, how do you know about this?"

"There is a bratty little kid in my cousin's family. He really likes detective stories! I heard from him that the case that happened in Chinatown has shocked most of the detective community, but he personally thinks that things are far from being as simple as they appear. "

Mikaela is one-eighth of Japanese descent. She went to Japan on vacation and stayed at her cousin's house.

"Oh." Murphy nodded.

"Then uncle, you made 500 million US dollars?"

"No, it was done in cooperation with Qin Feng and others. I only got 125 million US dollars, but Qin Feng didn't get as much as me, only 625 million US dollars."

Mo Fei didn't allow Qin Feng, a weakling, to steal his limelight in front of his girlfriend.

"Mindy!" Michaela finished her relationship with her boyfriend and turned her attention to her sister-in-law. It seemed that she also knew the importance of following the family line.

"I brought you a gift too, it's very beautiful!"

"Really?" Mindy smiled sweetly and enthusiastically on her face, but she didn't know what was going on in her heart. She asked curiously, "What gift is it?"

No matter what kind of gift you offer, I, Mindy, will not accept it even if I starve to death, die outside, or jump off the Empire State Building.

Michaela took out a small box from her pocket, which was the gift she had already prepared for Mindy - a purple crystal bracelet.

There is this exquisite little pendant on it. The pendant is made of sterling silver. Mindy put it on the bracelet without any sense of inconsistency. The entire bracelet is crystal clear purple and sparkles in the sun. The amethyst is made of different rhinestones. When connected, it feels refreshing and cool when worn on the hand, making people feel more comfortable.

"So beautiful!" Even with Mindy's temperament, she couldn't help but feel amazing. After all, she is a girl. There are some who don't like beauty!

Two little girls started whispering in the back seat.

Well, I, Mindy, am a person with integrity. I am definitely not coveting this small bracelet. I just want to penetrate into the enemy and disintegrate the enemy from the inside!

That’s right, it’s Jiang Zi!

"Did you have fun in Japan?" Murphy asked with a smile while driving.

"I'm very happy!" Michaela counted on her fingers: "We went to see Mount Fuji, Fuji Five Lakes, Korakuen Garden, Ueno Park and other scenic spots. They are all beautiful!"

"There's just one bad thing. That little brat from my cousin's house always kills people wherever he goes!"

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