Pokemon Sato

Chapter 39 Temporary Separation

The rain continued, and the firelight and figures were cut together.

In the square in front of the Main Hall, the aftermath of the battle was still tragic. On the central side, people in the Jianghu saw the two people who were both injured. Suddenly, someone shouted: "The eunuch of the East Factory is injured..."

Then, someone else said: "Yes, it seems that the witch was injured before..."

The surrounding fire swayed, and in the shining light, people's hearts beat violently, and they seemed to have uncontrollable beating desires. After all, Dongchang had made a lot of noise in the world over the years, first in Liangshan, then in Nanping County, and later It's Fang La's rebellion again. If one of them can kill the other, the fame will naturally be transferred to himself.

For those who are involved in martial arts, this kind of temptation is no worse than peerless martial arts.

"Senior brother...what should I do? They seem to be taking the opportunity to kill...the eunuch." Qin Mian had a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

The people next to him were hesitating while holding the hilt of the sword. During the struggle, the eyes of the people over there became intense. Cao Shaoqing's eyes were fixed on the injured figure. He thought for a moment, and after a moment, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his cold mouth. , the White Dragon Sword sank in his hand, he pushed his thumb on the hilt, and walked out.

"The governor of Dongchang is not a strong martial artist..."

As soon as the words came out, some of the people in the front began to draw their swords. After a few clanging sounds, they suddenly rushed over with their own weapons.

The pace of walking slowly increased and turned into a gallop.

As soon as he took a step, the water splashed up, and the figure bumped into it. His thumb pushed the hilt of the sword away, revealing a slight cold light. With a crash, the long and wide white dragon sword drew a white line and crossed the front of the Jianghu guest. neck.


At the moment when the head fell off the shoulders and necks, Cao Shaoqing entered the battle circle with a horizontal sword. The more than ten Jianghu people who rushed towards him had already fought several moves with their weapons. The swords moved quickly, opening and closing. Originally, this was The sword is adapted to suit the battlefield, and is particularly useful in group battles.

Then the first Jianghu person who entered the range of Cao Shaoqing's sword was hit by countless swords. The moment blood spattered, he fell down and the ground was stained with blood.

The blade of the sword was not stained with blood, and the palace robe flew around before being sheathed in an instant. The cold eyes on the rouged face looked at the second group of Jianghu people who were already a little timid and wanted to come forward, and said in a cold voice: "A bunch of scum. .”

In the rain, I turned around and walked back.

"The eunuch...what are you talking about?"

"It seems to be scolding us..."

"If you can't get up, there are too many of us, so kill him."

"Ouch, my stomach hurts... You go first."



"Amitabha...Heroes, please listen to what the poor monk has to say..." Abbot Zhihui, who was in the middle and back, took some pills and walked forward slowly, "Shaolin has been stained with a lot of blood today. Kill again. The cause in this life will be the result in the next life. I hope you will stop the sharp sword in your hands for a moment and think of me, the Buddha, in your heart."


A cold snort came from the nose of the injured figure over there, with a little blood remaining on his lips, and he slowly spoke: "I only believe in causes and consequences in this life...the next life? Even a cow and a horse don't know... Monk, you are good at martial arts, but you are too old."

When he stood up, Bai Ning frowned and endured the pain. When the silver thread fell on his shoulders, he raised his eyes: "Do you know, the governor suddenly had an idea..."

The figure of the old monk stood still, his eyes lowered and silently looking at the accumulated water.

"...I won't send any future certificates to you from Shaolin." Bai Ning spoke slowly, walking towards the old monk. However, he didn't say much, he just smiled.

The smile was a little cold.

The young man lying on the ground was thankful that he did not die from his injuries. He groaned and raised his head, and gave an order to some people in a daze: "What are you still doing? Kill him and give it to me." Kill him!!" A shrill voice screamed.

Over there, among the people, some hesitated and backed away. Bai Ning looked pitifully at the disabled man on the ground and walked over. Someone finally couldn't help but drew his sword and rushed out, and was immediately knocked to the ground by a crossbow bolt. At this time Hundreds of Dongchang fans and Jinyiwei have begun to control the surrounding area.

Bai Ning squatted down and stared at the people on the ground. Huang Lan squirmed twice, "You...what do you want to do...Dharma's body is no longer here..." The moment he finished speaking, there was already He spoke softly: "Go back and tell the old man behind you, tell him that it's good to eat and sleep alive. The foundation built over a hundred years will be lost if you don't say it. Our family will find him."

After saying that, he moved his hand and blood splattered. The young man on the ground cried out heartbreakingly, and one of his arms was torn off and thrown at his feet.

"Take your heads and get out." The figure stood up, no longer looking at the wailing person, and turned towards Zhihui.

Dozens of Huang Lan's men, disguised as Jianghu people, tremblingly helped him up, dragging his severed arm that was still connected by veins, and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

But then, Bai Ning glanced back, Cao Shaoqing nodded knowingly, and followed with a few followers.Immediately, his eyes turned and rested on the woman who lowered her head and spoke silently for a moment, and she could only sigh in her heart.

I can't miss you... Bai Ning took a deep breath, walked towards Zhihui, and stood in front of her. It was already late at night, and the rain was getting lighter...

"Admiral, you hold too much resentment in your heart, and you are connected to the magic power of Moyun Sect. If you don't look back, you will really fall into the devil's path, lose your mind, and you will only become a walking zombie."

"You must have been frightened by the governor's words. After all, just one edict can cause your Shaolin to fall apart."

"There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering and we can finally turn around..."

"I have been working hard for this country over the past few years, sacrificing my life and blood, but who remembers me, Bai Ning? Can the Lord Buddha transform this suffering?"

"..." Abbot Zhihui fell silent.

"Ha ha ha ha....."

Bai Ning suddenly laughed, and the desolation echoed in the square. After a moment, he said again: "...Monk, do you know what it feels like to kill your own relatives? Even though he made a big mistake, he is still connected by blood. Ah, my brother... I can still recall his cry and begging voice... Can Lord Buddha transform this suffering?"

There was still silence.

"Since he can't be transformed, he won't blame me if I burn down several Buddhist temples, right?" Suddenly Bai Ning calmly patted the old monk's shoulder again, pointed at the collapsed Tianwang Temple, and pointed at the surrounding It was extinguished and there was still smoke rising from the rest of the temples, "Today's matter... I think let's forget it. From now on, the performance of the ultimatum will depend on your performance in Shaolin. Otherwise, your worldly property will be separated and you will starve to death." .”

In silence, the old monk finally spoke: "...so...that's it."

"Just admit defeat. It's already late at night. Prepare the wing. I'm a little sleepy." Bai Ning walked a few steps and looked at him sideways: "And...how many martial arts secret books...our family I’m somewhat interested in Shaolin Kung Fu, so it’s best not to fool me with transcripts.”

She tapped him with her fingers in the air.

ps: Third update, I’ve finished yesterday’s post, and I’d like to ask for some votes.

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