
Chapter 81 79 There is one more person among us (4k)

Chapter 81 79. There is one more person among us (4k)

A few minutes later.

Russell and Subway, Giant Bear and Arctic Wolf, after a series of friendly exchanges and comparing information, they finally roughly confirmed that both parties were victims and had just been attacked by tower ghosts disguised as the other party.

Russell poked the two people opposite him with his cell phone for a long time. Arctic Wolf dropped a drop of holy water on the palms of the two teenagers. Nothing happened, thus confirming that the opposite party was not undead in disguise.

"I really didn't expect that you two are here." Arctic Wolf sighed.

"I really didn't expect that there is actually a student codenamed Husky." Subway sighed.

Russell sat down in the stairwell and roughly analyzed the ghost's methods:

"It seems that this ghost is very cunning. It split into four souls, two by two, pretending to be a group of people in the tower, and contacting another group of people respectively.

"Then, no matter how the real person reacts or provides information, the disguised dummy will react in a similar way. This allows the four ghosts to perform flawlessly."

The Arctic Wolf next to him felt very uncomfortable as he recalled what happened.

Two first-year students were able to kill two ghosts. The second-year giant bear teamed up with him - it should be considered a joint effort - and actually let one ghost escape!

Russell seemed to understand what the Arctic wolf meant:

"Husky, you don't need to blame yourself too much. We took advantage of the raid, and you seem to have been raided in turn."

Giant Bear also agreed with Russell’s opinion:

"Well, these ghosts are actually just more cunning and good at disguise, and their combat effectiveness is actually average. Even if the four ghosts added together are far inferior to a single second-year student - as long as the latter has attack methods against the spirit body."

"By the way, Giant Bear, your Blazing Sun Talisman may not have been taken away." Russell suddenly said.

"Why?" asked the giant bear.

Russell explained:

"Classmate Juxiong, let's review it. The spirit body can pass through physical matter. Even if the soul is separated in front of you, it can also escape through the wall, right?"


"But your Blazing Sun Talisman is a physical object. How can it pass through the wall if the soul is holding it?"

Juxiong felt that Russell's logic was very clear, but he still questioned:

"But I saw it with my own eyes. It held the Blazing Sun Talisman and disappeared through the wall."

"But, have you noticed one detail?" Russell's brows raised, his expression solemn, "These souls wear clothes when they are disguising themselves."

"What's wrong with wearing clothes?" Arctic Wolf looked confused.

Russell continued to follow his own logic:

"If these ghosts can transform into flashlights, clothes and other foreign objects when they are disguised, then they may also pretend to be holding the Blazing Sun Talisman. But the real Blazing Sun Talisman was not actually taken away by the souls through the wall."

The giant bear felt it made sense, nodded and said:

"It's possible, maybe the split soul just put it on the ground after snatching the golden talisman. I was too impatient at the time, and the environment was dark, so I didn't notice it at all. Let's go back and take a look now! Maybe the talisman is still there It wasn’t taken away!”

So, Russell, Subway, Giant Bear, and Arctic Wolf walked down the stairs together.

The sound of footsteps echoing in the silent stairwell

On the way, Russell deliberately changed the topic to disperse the fear and panic atmosphere:

"As we all know, when humans become ghosts, they all wear clothes - well, most of them wear clothes. It can be seen from this that when they die, the items they wear will also become part of the spirit body.

“You guys think, if someone dies while wearing an exoskeleton armor, will a ghost with the exoskeleton armor appear?

"Furthermore, if the Gundam pilot dies, can we find a ghost who can open the Spirit Gundam?

"In addition, I think that in order to improve the ghost's afterlife, it is best to carry mobile phones, game consoles and other entertainment items with you when you die."

In the team, except for Russell, the other four people seriously thought about Russell's problem.

The original atmosphere of fear dissipated.

"The ghost who drives the Spirit Gundam is so cool!" Subway, who was walking at the back, became interested when he heard it.

"Is this a question that a living person should think about?" Feng Chime, walking in the middle of the team, couldn't help but curse.

When Arctic Wolf heard Russell mention his cell phone, he habitually took out his cell phone to check the news in the White Wolf Club group, trying to dilute his nervousness.

A group member sent a message: "Boss, boss, when are you going to teach that freshman named Russell a lesson? Are you really going to videotape the whole thing?"

Another group member retorted: "The boss taught a first-year student, and it was over in the blink of an eye. Where did the 'whole process' come from?"

The Arctic Wolf looked gloomy and sighed helplessly.

"Husky, what are you looking at?"

Russell's face came to the Arctic Wolf's shoulder at some point.


The arctic wolf screamed in fear.

"Russell, don't suddenly appear behind others and look at other people's phones."

He moved his phone away and immediately glanced at the phone screen, worried that Russell would see the chat message just now.

Fortunately, at this time, the two chat messages just now have been deleted.

The latest messages came from a first-year girl named Ospreay, who was one of the four people who bullied Kuroba together with Shiro.

Osprey's message is:

"Have you heard? There is a very ferocious ghost in the equipment warehouse of the junior high school gymnasium. My roommates and I are exploring inside.

“My roommate Violet said that it felt like there was indeed an extremely weird supernatural energy flowing in the air in the equipment warehouse.

“She is a genius at sensing energy and never makes a mistake.

“There’s really a problem with the gym’s equipment warehouse!”

The Arctic Wolf breathed a sigh of relief. He probably didn't see the information about himself, so he clicked his phone and closed the screen.

Unexpectedly, Russell behind him suddenly said:

"Husky, although I don't know what you are looking at.

"But according to the general ghost story routine, any information you see when you turn on your phone at this time may be meaningful and valuable. It may be closely related to the results of our final investigation."

"It has nothing to do with you, freshman." Arctic Wolf snorted disdainfully.

Although what I'm looking at does have something to do with you... He muttered silently.

5 people continued down.

Russell, Subway, Wind Chimes, Giant Bear, and Arctic Wolf stopped.

They arrived at the stairwell where the giant bear and the split soul had fought before.

Five people searched for a long time, but did not find the Blazing Sun Talisman.

"Well, it seems that after we left, the ghost body, or its split soul, has taken away the Blazing Sun Talisman." The giant bear shook his head and laughed at himself, "I didn't expect that I would actually commit this crime. Such a stupid mistake, almost as good as a husky."

Arctic Wolf thought this sounded strange and could only comfort himself, "What does Husky have to do with Arctic Wolf, the boss of the White Wolf Club?"

Russell wasn't too disappointed - he wasn't the one who lost the thing anyway.

He suggested:

"The information I have obtained shows that the tower ghost's status is not high. Based on the vague results of divination and prophecy, he is at most the level of a second-year student.

"We have just killed three of its souls and severely damaged one of its souls. The main body should be in a relatively weak state. We can take the opportunity to find it and completely solve the problem of ghosts causing trouble in the tower!"

What Russell didn't say was that he just needed a contracted spirit.

If you don't take advantage of today to conquer the ghost and wait for it to recover from its weak state, it will be harder to find opportunities in the future.

"The five of us join forces to deal with a weak ghost easily!" Arctic Wolf also supports this plan.

Wind Chime also nodded:

"The specialty of this ghost is that it is weird enough and good at disguise. If we are separated for a short time, it can disguise itself as anyone. But as long as we are all together, the ghost's disguise ability will be of little use and there is no threat at all."

"This guess makes sense." The giant bear recalled the previous encounter and Miss Thorn Bird's request for him to bring another person, and asked Russell:

"Russell, in the information you received, did it mention that when multiple people work together in a team, they are more likely to encounter ghost-related anomalies."

Russell nodded lightly:

"I checked the information. All the students who encountered abnormalities and expressed 'extreme fear' afterwards were acting with other students near the tower. However, their memories are relatively vague and they cannot tell clearly where the fear is."

"That's right! I understand how this ghost scares people!" Arctic Wolf patted his thigh and suddenly understood:

"If there are multiple people acting together, such as two people, it will find a way to separate the two people, and then send out a ghost to contact the two people, pretending to be another person. Based on the reaction of the real person, let the ghost Make corresponding reactions and appear to be flawless. It will not be until the end that the ghost soul reveals its identity, launches a surprise attack, and achieves a huge frightening effect!"

After saying these words, Arctic Wolf felt that his IQ had improved a bit.

Russell looked indifferent and noncommittal.

"Then the five of us get together, don't separate under any circumstances, and search the tower again to see if we can find any traces of the ghost's body." Feng Chime suggested.

Everyone nodded and prepared to continue walking down the stairs.

But Russell stood there and made no move.

"Russell, what's wrong with you?" Subway asked.

Russell's expression was cold:

"Everyone, I have a little question. Are the five of us already determined? Next, the five of us will get together and try not to separate as much as possible."

"Yeah, what's wrong? And why do you keep emphasizing the number of people?" Arctic Wolf asked in confusion.

A smile appeared on the corner of Russell's mouth, but his tone was as cold as ice:

"Is there a possibility?

“When we started, there were only [four people] right.

"Are any of us...

"There's one more person?"

In fact, I can also tell ghost stories.

This chapter is actually 3,000 words, but in order to match the weird atmosphere of this chapter, I deliberately wrote it as 4k, which seems to be 1,000 words longer for no reason.

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