
Chapter 85 83 The miserable giant bear

Chapter 85 83. The miserable giant bear

"The gymnasium is right next to the tower, and there is a large equipment room or equipment warehouse inside. But it has been abandoned and has become a debris warehouse." Russell explained.

"No, Russell, the information is so vague, how could you think of it at the first time?" Arctic Wolf was shocked by Russell's intelligence level, and then suddenly remembered, "Wait a minute, it's the haunted equipment room! Legend has it that there was a recent appearance there An extremely ferocious ghost!"

"Yes! That's right there!" Russell confirmed this.

Everyone realized that the most important anomaly that needed to be covered up came from the gymnasium equipment room.

And the female ghost in the tower is just a decoy to deceive others!

Russell was very convinced that this magic circle must be very hidden, and it might have to use specific means to detect it.

Otherwise, he should have discovered it when he drove the ghost of the Chihuahua and created ghost stories in the equipment room!

Subway choked back his laughter and suffered internal injuries, coughing violently, and the giant bear patted him on the back.

Arctic Wolf suddenly remembered something important and hurriedly checked his mobile phone to check the White Wolf Club's group.

Isn't his subordinate Osprey exploring the equipment room of the gymnasium?

After scrolling through a large number of useless memes, party photos and some inappropriate pictures for children, he found the message sent by Osprey a minute ago:

"Big news! Let me just say that our department of astrology and numerology has a future. The previous groups of students who came to the equipment room for adventure could not find the source of the haunting in the equipment room. I found it!

"With the help of my roommate Violet's magic perception talent, we spent a long time and finally determined the source of the magic disturbance - the wall behind a large dusty cardboard box.

"After we moved the cartons away, I used our professional detection spell to scan the wall for a long time, and combined it with several divination methods, I finally discovered the problem - there is an extremely hidden magic circle here!

"I don't know what this magic circle is used for, but Violet said that the energy level of this magic circle is very high, and it may occasionally leak magical power, causing some abnormal phenomena nearby.

"Without a doubt, this is where the legend of the haunted gymnasium equipment room comes from!"

"Master Bai, you mocked me before and said that the accuracy of divination by me tossing a coin is not as high as that of tossing a coin yourself. You have insulted the thousands of years of history of prophecy and detection of divination magic. Why don't you give us a professional apology now!

"In case anyone doesn't know, I'm here to popularize the science. Our first-year professional core course in the Department of Astrology and Numerology is called 'Prediction', which covers various divination methods for seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune. You can also learn according to your own needs. A variety of detection and detection spells.

"If anyone needs divination, or has lost money or mobile phone, etc., you can come to me. If you are from our White Wolf Club, you can get a 20% discount on the friendly price!

"As for me, I know a little about Eastern Divination, Western Divination, and Yin Divination. What about Bazi, Ziwei Dou Shu, Da Liu Ren, Plum Blossom Easy Number, Liu Yao, Fuji, Astrology, Tarot, Dream Interpretation, Divination, and Dream Divination? , tea leaf divination, pendulum, MBTI type 16 personality test, etc., I know a little bit..."

Why are there all advertisements in the back? Osprey, you are taking this opportunity to make extra money, right? 12% off is not a discount at all. Arctic Wolf stared at his phone a little annoyed.

But anyway, Osprey has provided the most important information!

"Husky, is this MBTI 16-type personality test a kind of divination? The college's prediction courses are quite advanced with the times. There is a kind of beauty that combines technology and magic." On the shoulders of the Arctic wolf, there appeared Russell's face came over at some point.

"Ahhh! Russell, didn't your mother teach you not to peek at other people's phones? Are you an orphan?" Arctic Wolf hurriedly covered the phone.

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't reveal anything particularly important. Arctic Wolf comforted himself in his heart.

Fortunately, he is currently on the trumpet account and has not spoken during this period, otherwise it would have been exposed that he is not a "Husky", but the leader of the group, the legendary boss of the White Wolf Club, and a famous fourth-year powerhouse. Arctic wolf!

"Sorry, I usually don't peek at other people's phones. I just follow a similar plot routine. During adventures, the information in teammates' phones may be key clues, so I have to take a look. Next time I want to peek, I will be driven Ghosts share vision and will not be discovered by you." Russell apologized sincerely and added:

"Besides, I was indeed an orphan before, but I have been adopted."

"Oh, uh, then...I'm sorry." Arctic Wolf scratched his head, sorting out his words, not knowing what to say.

Russell had just learned from the message on his mobile phone that two girls had successfully discovered the magic circle in the gymnasium equipment room, and quickly shared the news with others.

"This Osprey seems to be one of the five people who bullied Kuroba-san more than two months ago. He is someone who only has a 50% accuracy rate in coin tossing.

"Violet, oh, she is a student of the element and energy department. She has previously proposed creative theories such as 'the function of the wand is to make the enemy think that I can't cast spells if I take away the wand', and 'use wind magic to attack wet targets and freeze them to death'.

"I didn't expect the two of them to be roommates. They are quite a match."

Russell mentally recalled it quickly and found that they were all acquaintances. As the protagonist of the story, he was already used to this kind of coincidence.

Subway was very excited: "Okay, Russell Russell, let's go to the gymnasium equipment room and have a look. If you report it to the academy, you will definitely get a great reward!"

Russell and Subway did not go down the stairs. They glanced at each other, pushed open the window, climbed out of the window.

"You won't fall to death, will you? Do you need me to use my wings to help you glide?" Arctic Wolf asked hurriedly.

But the two had already climbed out of the window and left.

The female ghost Feng Chi was stunned for half a second, then climbed out of the window and followed her contracted master.

"Can't you, a ghost, just walk through the wall?" Arctic Wolf complained.

Just like that, there were only two people left in the stairwell.

A silence filled the darkness.

The giant bear and the arctic wolf remained in the stairwell, looking at each other.

You look at me, I look at you.

"Giant Bear, why do you have such an ugly expression?" The Arctic Wolf noticed something was wrong with the Giant Bear's expression and frowned slightly.

"That female ghost ran away before returning the Blazing Sun Talisman to me." The giant bear looked cold.

Russell, Subway, and Wind Chime opened their arms and flew in the air toward the stadium on the ground.

The wind rushed past their ears. The hair of boys and girls fluttered gently.

Of course, from Russell's perspective, only the ghost wind chimes were flying. He and Subway were just held in the mouths of a dinosaur ghost respectively, pretending to be open-handed.

After reaching the late first grade, driving large ghosts has become easier for Russell, and he can drive two at once.

Gymnasium, equipment room.

The equipment room of the college, called the "equipment room", is actually a debris warehouse, which is the size of an entire classroom and can accommodate dozens of people without being crowded.

The place is covered with cobwebs and dust, and various equipment and cardboard boxes are scattered in a mess. The flickering lights on the ceiling barely dispel the darkness.

Osprey held her cell phone to see if any of her friends came to her for fortune telling.

Next to her, a purple-haired girl was squatting in the corner, studying the magic circle on the wall.

After the processing of detecting spells just now, this originally invisible magic circle was temporarily revealed.

This tall, dark magic circle is filled with incomprehensible mysterious incantations and strange carvings. As a perceptive magic genius, Violet can feel the majestic extraordinary energy surging inside, which seems to be connected to another extremely dark extra-dimensional space.

Could it be that this is a...summoning circle?


Suddenly, behind the two of them, the iron door of the equipment room was slowly pushed open.

Outside the door was a man holding a lantern.

He wore a ferocious demon mask with horns, and his robe was as red as blood, fluttering slightly in the evening breeze.

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