Martial King’s Retired Life

12. Six-fan Fighting Kirin

Remember in a second. \\[End Ben Shen Station\\]. Mobile phone users enter the address:

I slapped Mr. Liu down.

Everyone looked at me quietly, as if shocked by my advanced martial arts.

I can see something inexplicable in their eyes, that is respect, that is awe, that is... ahem, in short, my image seems to be taller all of a sudden.


Hey! Shen Yiren took a deep breath, and stared as if he saw two dirty things, Can you two make trouble elsewhere with this little effort? We don't accept such things in the six doors.


I bought one last year... cough cough cough.

Forget about this kid, can you not count me in! Didn't you see how handsome I was when I won with one move just now!

Auntie Xiaoshi seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, she laughed until she fell down, but obviously she didn't intend to help me.

Well, this guy can be regarded as your subordinate. I pointed to Mr. Liu who was lying on the ground with his eyes rolling, Didn't you ever think of hurting your face?

I don't even know who this guy is. If there is a little dust in your house, it will hurt your face if you can't see it? You still don't care about it, and you don't look like a man.

I lost 100 blood immediately with this girl's fierce talk...

The 'sister' of the Shen family held back her elder sister: Sister, don't worry. I know Mr. Liu, he is really good at martial arts. This Brother Ming was able to knock him down, at least it proves that he... er, strength As big as a bull.

Is this a compliment to a farmer or a master...

I objected: Anyway, I have defeated your subordinates, so you should stop pestering my aunt.

Ming Su asked. Shen Yiren called my little aunt's name directly, I frowned slightly, I have only called this name a few times in my life! Do you want to be so direct!

Shen Yiren didn't care about my expression, Since you have something to leave, I won't stop you. But your nephew is still with me. I don't believe you won't come back to find him.

What?! I was a little annoyed, and I yelled: Do you mean to keep me? I got the corrupt funds of seventy taels a month? ! My heart is full of joy~ My happy retirement life~

Hmph, I just want to keep you. I want you to be my cow and horse here, to work hard day and night, and to make your aunt unbearable.

I stared at this turbulent boss, and couldn't help swallowing, why did I always feel that every word she said had a feeling of going to the other side...

Auntie, I won't be able to accompany you later! I looked at my auntie and blinked without losing the opportunity.

But the little aunt returned me with a cold smile, which made my heart skip a beat, and the little aunt said menacingly: Feizhen, with such a beautiful boss to accompany you, you are naturally reluctant to leave, aren't you? ?”

Hey Hey hey! This is different from what you said! You agreed to watch me leave!

Auntie, what are you talking about. Have you forgotten that you are going home?

Auntie Xiaoshi simply stopped laughing, and stared at me with overwhelming domineering eyes, her mouth moved quickly.

I read her lips: This is your ultimate goal, right? There is a young beauty with a childlike face and big breasts to accompany you, and a pure and innocent younger sister to accompany you, you don't even want to be the boss. You worthless thing, I have been hurting you for so many years!

I am wronged!

I also quickly expressed my loyalty to the organization with my lips: I swear to God, I didn't know their existence before, this was purely accidental.

Auntie Xiaoshi: You have ghosts only if you believe in you. Do you dare to say that you don't know that there are beauties here?


That... the recruitment notice is indeed written on it, that's right...

Are you two finished? Shen Yiren impatiently interrupted my secret communication with my auntie, but before she could continue, our conversation was interrupted by a delicate female voice at the door.

What's the matter? Was Liu Yuan knocked unconscious by someone and threw him at the door? Ah, it looks like this was not a light blow.

A bewitching woman walked in through the gate. When she saw Mr. Liu who was being shot by me, she reached out to help him without avoiding suspicion.

But all of a sudden, I paid attention to her.

As soon as the woman's hand touched Mr. Liu's body, I saw his chest tremble suddenly. Then she quickly pressed Young Master Liu's back with one hand, and then slowly pushed him up. With three simple movements, done in one go, Mr. Liu, who was supposed to sleep for another day and night, slowly opened his eyes.

The inner family is really angry.

When this woman met Mr. Liu, she infused him with internal energy. And she even judged in an instant that Mr. Liu was stunned by internal force, she is a master.

Shen Yiren stared at the woman unhappily, with a prophetic expression of 'I knew it'.

What are you doing here? You Qilin Guards want to suspend our recruitment, so I'm afraid you came too late.

It turned out to be from Qilinwei, no wonder, no wonder, I heard that Qilinwei has been digging the corners of the six doors. Otherwise, I would also consider going to Qilinwei, maybe there will be new sparks.

Shen Yiren paused for a moment and then said: Fucking rotten girl, do you know that we are working on business now, if you make trouble again, I will have someone beat you out.

After hearing this girl's name, I think it's better for me to stay at the sixth door.

The 'dead rotten girl' girl pushed Mr. Liu away, covered her mouth and said with a laugh: What did Vice Governor Shen say? How could the slave family be making trouble?

. The slave family faced the saint yesterday...

Then we sued the emperor for a black case and asked us to suspend the recruitment, right?

The 'Dead Rotten Girl' girl was stunned, obviously she was hit. Shen Yiren proudly said: Apart from these fancy intestines, what fresh magic weapon do you have every day? The Holy Majesty must have not agreed, otherwise the imperial decree has already reached the six gates yesterday.

This time, it was the turn of the 'dead rotten girl' girl to laugh triumphantly: It is true that I did not agree, but my family has asked the Holy One for another decree. There have been no newcomers in the six doors for many years, and my family is afraid that you will not handle it properly. So please I have a supervisory position. I will check for you. The dead rotten girl winked, Your newcomers, let the servants come and check them one by one.

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