Martial King’s Retired Life

5. There is a ruffian in my family

Remember it in one second.\\[End Ben Shen Station\\]. Mobile phone users enter the address:

Before going to Qilinwei Courtyard, I first went to Mr. Sui's courtyard to find the scoundrels.

Under my introduction, this guy entered six doors to help Mr. Sui. Mr. Sui usually likes to plant bamboo, plum blossoms, peach blossoms, chrysanthemums and the like in his yard. This guy, who grew up in Taohua Village, is quite good at planting things.

His father died because of internal strife in Lan Jun Zhukong's investigation, so it's my responsibility. So I have to take some responsibility to look after him occasionally.

Brother Ming! Why did you call him here? He keeps looking at me all day long. I really want to dig out his sneaky eyes! Su Xiao stamped her foot, glared at the scoundrel who was laughing like a dog, and said to I complained: Why should we ask him to do this investigation?

This scumbag guy still looks at Su Xiao as a girl, and he still thinks that he won't be able to get into trouble...

But he's not completely useless.

Don't think he is incompetent in literature or martial arts. Sometimes you need this kind of person to get things done.

Su Xiao didn't understand my painstaking efforts at all. She glared back at the scoundrel who was still ogling him, snorted and stopped talking.

Alas, both of my colleagues have very good qualifications. There is one thing that is not so good. Tang Ye and Su Xiao are both good people in essence. Tang Ye is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He looks indifferent on the outside, but he is actually a warm man who can help the old lady walk down the aisle. Not to mention that Su Xiao is just a fool who knows how to hit the mark...

Both of them like to take the right path when handling cases, so they basically can't find anything.

You must know that the administrative system in the capital is complex and resources are limited. The imperial warriors all have their own hills. Seven of the imperial warriors died. It would be a great achievement for anyone to solve such a big case. Isn't that a grand event for gentlemen from all over to congratulate each other? I guarantee that when we get to the Qilin Guard compound, the surveying warriors can squeeze through the door frame.

If we follow the normal rules, we won't even be able to go in next month.

Let’s talk about scoundrels.

The scumbag is indeed a waste, but he can be said to be an expert in terms of being second-rate, being a bitch, being thick-skinned, pretending to be a tiger, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, selling dog meat as a sheep's head, and using chicken feathers as seasonal arrows. The shameless talent is more than ten miles ahead of my two colleagues. Even if we look at the world except for my master, the abbot of Shaolin, the head of Wudang, Yan Shisan, Ximen Chui Deng and a few other old devils, he can be regarded as a young man of his generation.

...I am deeply worried about the future of this world...

Qilinwei Courtyard is right next door, and we will be there in no time. But Su Xiao secretly looked at me with weird eyes all the way, and in the end I couldn't bear it anymore.

What's going on? Why are you acting so weird?

You're weird. Su Xiao pouted, Why did you talk to the deputy governor like that just now? You acted like you didn't care about the case at all. But didn't you warn us when someone died the first night? Be careful, did you run to check it several times?

Well... I touched my nose, I am a little concerned, but there is no need to explain everything to the boss. She is not the two of you. Boss Shen is so smart! If she feels that my ambitions are inconsistent with my usual performance, she will become suspicious.

This case, to be honest, interests me very much.

It is already very suspicious that the people who kill the alliance dare to provoke the imperial warriors.

Shalian's style is that it is good to get paid to do things, but it must also be able to ensure that there are no future troubles. Killing seven imperial warriors was something like this unless they could guarantee that no one would pursue it later. Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe that may have extremely wide implications and cause the entire killing alliance to be uprooted. The Killing Alliance sent out killers, which means they think they can sit back and relax afterwards?

I'll look in the direction of the Imperial City.

Our Emperor Yuan Sheng is a capable and wise king. How could he allow someone to openly challenge the majesty of the imperial court in his own place? That would not only lose face, but also people’s hearts. If the people lose confidence in the imperial warriors, the imperial court itself will be in big trouble.

Ah, what's going on! Why are there so many people!

We arrived, and it was exactly what I had imagined.

The open space outside the Qilinwei compound was packed to the brim. There were more than a dozen samurai and governors maintaining order at the door, but there was still no order at all. The Qilinwei Yamen, which has always been serious and majestic, would have such a noisy day. Perhaps even the people of Qilinwei did not expect it.

How come there are so many people, and the Qilin Guards don't even chase them away.

How can we blast them away? These are all imperial warriors.

Court warriors? Su Xiao blinked, But they are not from the Six Gates. Are these all from the King's side?

No, they are warriors in the field.

Explain it here. Not only people from the Six Gates, Qilin Guards, and King's Side can be called court warriors. Warriors who serve the court either officially or privately can be called court warriors. This kind of people is still the largest number among the imperial warriors, accounting for more than 70%. It was more than the total number of warriors of the three official forces combined.

It's just that although the number of warriors in the field is large, they are too scattered. Most of them choose to stay in their hometowns, few go to big towns, and even fewer come to the capital. Because the three major official forces basically have branches in big cities and towns, with Zhuyu at the forefront, it is difficult for them to achieve anything.

Furthermore, the evaluation of the Six-Fan Divine Machine Ranking is held in the capital, so very few of the opposition imperial warriors enter the Six-Fan Divine Machine Ranking. This involves the power-party struggle between the opposition warriors and the official warriors, as well as the imperfect and immature parts of our country's imperial warrior system. In view of these shortcomings, as a court

As a member of the Imperial Warriors, I have the following opinions...

Okay, no more playing.

In short, the number of warriors in the field is the largest, but there are very few elites who have climbed to the top. Although I also heard that this was because the Qilin Guards were keeping me down, I didn't investigate so I don't know the truth.

But there are really a lot of people there. We have to wait until they finish the investigation before they go in and the corpses will be examined.

Well, this is where the scumbags come into play.

Scumbag, original plan.


The scoundrel cleared his throat. He looked left and right to see if there were any suitable tools. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He went to the chestnut vendor nearby and snatched his cart, and also took the money from his cart. This... okay, we can add food tonight.

With the car in hand, the scumbag was full of energy. For a moment, he seemed to be possessed by the city management. He howled loudly at the crowd: Get the hell out of my way!! My big brother is here!! Then he rushed into the crowd in a hurry. deep.

I looked at his back without hesitation, admiring him as if the torrent of the river was endless, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

Well done! Scumbag!

Well done! Add two pickled pork elbows to your brother's lunch tonight!

The scumbag smiled brightly: Thank you, brother!

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