Moria the Pirate

Chapter 172: The Decline of the Capital of Seven Waters

After reading the detailed information about the Seven Waters, Moriah lay in a chair and thought carefully.

As the place with the most developed shipbuilding industry in the pirate world, the Seven Waters naturally has its own power divisions.

These shipyards are roughly divided into three categories: the first category is the shipyards with a long history in the Seven Waters, which are the largest, with superb technology and the greatest influence. Among them, the most representative one is Tom's Studio, which is now under close surveillance.

The second category is the shipyards supported by the World Government and the Navy. After seeing the developed shipbuilding industry in the Seven Waters, the World Government naturally does not want to let it go, and the Navy also follows up. In the Seven Waters, there are a number of shipyards, which can be said to be officially designated shipyards.

However, in recent years, with the advancement of the world government and the navy's technology, the shipbuilding technology design of the Seven Waters has been looked down upon by the world government and the navy. At the same time, in order to ensure that the technology is not leaked, the navy has moved the shipyard and no longer needs the Seven Waters to provide warships.

Without the orders from the navy and the support of the world government, these official shipyards quickly declined. After all, the navy has developed warships that can sail in the doldrums, and the government has also made significant scientific research progress. Naturally, it will no longer focus on these shipyards that have long lost their value.

The third category is like Moria. With the withdrawal of official forces, the remaining space of the Seven Waters City, except for a part swallowed up by local shipyards, the rest is occupied by these foreign shipyards. However, most of them are small shipyards, and the existence of Moria can be said to be top-notch.

It can be said that the current Seven Waters City, except for its name, has actually been on a downward trend.

With the advancement and spread of shipbuilding technology, whether in the four seas, in the Great Route, or in the New World, the shipbuilding industry has already blossomed everywhere. The Seven Waters City is no longer a place that people must come to, and the gap in technology is not that far away.

Therefore, the shipbuilding industry of the entire Seven Waters City has entered a period of decline. Except for those shipyards with a long history, which are still persisting, many shipbuilders choose to find another way out.

This is why the world government and the navy will withdraw from and transfer all the shipyards, because the profit is too little. Every year, the number of shipbuilding orders received by the Seven Waters is constantly decreasing, which means that more shipyards are rising in other parts of the world.

Just like Moria himself, he also built a shipyard in the Magic Triangle, gathering many excellent craftsmen to build ships specifically for his pirate ships.

Now, which of the larger forces has few shipyards. After all, it is not as reliable to hand over the ships to others to build as to build them by yourself, and at the same time, it also reduces the cost.

In short, the Seven Waters is no longer so attractive to people. There are so many shipyards now, and you don’t have to come to your Seven Waters!

This is an inevitable trend. Even if the iceberg integrates the shipyards of the entire Seven Waters, it cannot change the fact that the Seven Waters are declining.

However, this gave Moria an opportunity.

The opportunity to integrate the Seven Waters and turn this place into his own sphere of influence.

In the original work, Iceberg can do it, so naturally, Moria can do better than Iceberg.

Although this place is too close to the judicial island of the World Government, it doesn't matter, as long as one's goal is achieved.

Roger opened the Great Pirate Era, and countless people rushed to the sea to find the legendary treasure. However, people's ships have not changed much, and they still rely on the wind to travel.

Since Moria is going to set off a vigorous industrial revolution and let the World Government see the power of capital.

Then, as one of the most representative products of the Industrial Revolution, the birth of steamships is naturally indispensable, especially in this world where ships are the main means of transportation.

Although the emergence of steamships cannot completely make wind-powered sailboats completely withdraw from the stage of history, after all, the weather conditions in the pirate world can be described as very bad, and all kinds of strange phenomena may occur. In some places, wind-powered sailboats are better than steamships.

However, even so, the emergence of ships will be an epoch-making progress, and the navigation level of the entire pirate world will be greatly improved. In this way, social changes will be rapidly promoted, and the entire pirate world will face unprecedented changes, and it will also be the time for the world to reshuffle.

This is an opportunity that Moria must seize tightly.

So, under Moria's instruction, Moria's men began to acquire a large number of existing shipyards in the Seven Waters, wanting to integrate the shipbuilding resources of the entire Seven Waters.

Up to now, Moria has 28 shipyards in his hands, which can be regarded as a considerable number for the Seven Waters, which has 132 shipyards.

However, Moria is not satisfied with this result, because all the shipyards he controls are small and medium-sized shipyards, and there is no large shipyard.

You must know that more than 80% of the shipbuilding industry in the Seven Rivers City is firmly controlled by those large shipyards, and the remaining 20% ​​is divided up by these small and medium-sized shipyards. Even Moria Acquiring all the small shipyards will have no effect. If you want to control the Seven Waters City, you must attack the large shipyards.

But unfortunately, until now, there has been no progress.

After all, the City of Seven Waters is a place where the World Government directly intervenes in its management.

Only after coming to the pirate world did Moria understand the world government management model.

In the entire pirate world, in addition to the countries that are affiliated with the World Government, there are also many non-governmental affiliated countries and places that cannot be managed by the World Government. For example, the current New World is basically divided up by pirates.

As for the places it rules, the world government basically ignores them and basically adopts the method of autonomy. For the franchised countries, they only need to pay "heavenly gold" regularly. Regarding the governance of the country, it is entirely an internal matter. , Unless it is a super major event, the world government will not easily intervene.

Of course, in addition to the countries that are members of the World Government, there are also places like the Seven Waters Capital and the Chambord Islands that are directly under the government's jurisdiction, but they all adopt an autonomous approach and elect mayors for management.

However, in terms of fiscal revenue, in such a prosperous place, the world government sends special officials to collect taxes, which is equivalent to another kind of "heavenly gold".

In the Capital of Seven Waters, there are naturally officials sent by the World Government to collect taxes, but usually, as long as all taxes are paid, they will not interfere with who is the mayor or how to govern.

But this does not mean that the world government will do nothing and will still take care of what should be taken care of. Anyway, Moria has received a warning from the World Government and cannot act recklessly.

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