Moria the Pirate

Chapter 178: Moria’s “Infinite Physical Strength”

Facing the attack of this CP0 master, Moria felt particularly exhausted.

If his strength had not been further improved, he would probably have been defeated.

Of course, although he was always at a disadvantage, Moria did not feel the same as when facing Bakugan. Bakugan crushed him in all aspects, including physical skills, domineering, speed, and strength, and Bakugan had not yet used his full strength. Although this CP0 member had the upper hand, the opponent was also at his limit and had used all his strength.

Crocodile next to him had been watching the fight between CP0 and Moria, without any intention of taking action.

It was not that he did not want to, but that it was not the best time.

If he joined the battlefield at this time, he would probably face the siege of two strong men. After all, although the World Government recognized him as a Shichibukai, the World Government would never let go of such taboos as the historical text. Even if he was a Shichibukai, as long as he showed a little bit of his thoughts, he would be hit hard by the World Government and would never show mercy.

He just watched at this time.

However, he could not have no expression.

Crocodile has secretly contacted those subordinates. Although those people from Baroque Works are not qualified to participate in the battle between CP0 and Moria, it is no problem to clean up those annoying government spies and idlers nearby.

It is related to the historical text, especially the clues of the ancient weapon Pluto. Such things must not be exposed. The World Government must have known about it long ago and there is no way to hide it. However, it can be delayed as long as possible. As long as you are one step faster and get Pluto before the World Government, then all this is worth it.

Now, what is in a hurry is time. As long as the World Government cannot obtain accurate first-hand information, Crocodile can take the lead with this time difference.

"Fight! Fight!"

"The more intense the fight, the better!"

Crocodile shouted happily in his heart.

At this time, the battle between CP0 and Moria has entered a white-hot stage on the scene.

Moria's fighting moves that imitate Luffy have been used up, but the effect is not very good.

Although Moria's shadow can grow or shrink, stretch or shorten, and looks no different from Luffy's rubber fruit, it still lacks the most important point, that is, Moria's shadow does not have the elasticity of rubber. Therefore, whether it is stretching or shortening, Moria's shadow's speed is not as fast as Luffy's. At the same time, if Moria did not have the blood of the demon, his strength would have been far different from before. The power of these moves may not be as strong as Luffy's. After all, Moria has no elasticity to borrow, and can only rely on his own strength.

After figuring out Moria's shadow's moves, CP0 began to organize targeted attacks, and even forced Moria's shadow to retreat step by step, so that Crocodile, who was watching the battle next to him, almost couldn't help but take action.

"This is not the same as the script I imagined!"

"Brother, give some strength!"

Crocodile looked at the one-sided battle and was very anxious.

If this mysterious man in black is defeated too early, then, without a doubt, Crocodile will have to go up by himself. There are so many government spies on the scene, and the manpower he has arranged is not in place yet. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to get the historical text. At the same time, he will also face the full pursuit of the world government, and the probability of getting Pluto will be much smaller.

Therefore, this man in black must hold on. Even if possible, Crocodile hopes that this man in black will win with serious injuries. In this way, the man in black can divert the attention of the world government and give himself time to find Pluto.

"Hey, no!"

"Why did you get chopped again? There is something wrong with your position!"

"Hold on! Buy a little more time."

Due to the lack of proficiency in the moves, and at the same time, there is still a certain gap in strength between Moria and the opponent, Moria's shadow was seized by CP0 and was once again hit by a solid slash and flew out.

CP0, who had swung this slash, landed on the main text of history. Feeling this beautiful main text of history, he showed a happy smile under the mask. This time, going back was undoubtedly a great achievement.

In the ruins, Moria's shadow was struggling to recover its original form.

The previous blow had completely exceeded the upper limit of the damage it could sustain. The shadow collapsed directly, and at the same time, it directly drained more than half of Moria's physical strength. The hidden Moria's body was already panting.

"Damn it, let me show you how powerful I am!"

Moria muttered in his mouth, and took out various foods, nutritional potions, and essence extracts from the shadow space, and ate them crazily.

The shadow had been constantly suffering damage, and this time, it collapsed directly. Even if Moria had more physical strength, it had almost been consumed.

However, in this case, Moria was equivalent to two people, wasn't it just physical exhaustion?

Now I'll make it up to you!

In the pirate world, all the strong ones have an astonishing appetite, and at the same time, their digestion and absorption speed is also very astonishing. After all, energy absorption must keep up with energy consumption.

Although Moria can't digest and absorb food in an instant, his speed is far beyond that of ordinary people.

It's no wonder that in the original work, Moria always used Shadow Mage to fight Luffy at the beginning, and the main body only needed to rest aside. Such an ability is indeed very easy.

Moreover, theoretically speaking, as long as Moria's body absorbs energy at a rate that can keep up with the energy consumed by the shadow, Moria will, to a certain extent, gain immortality and be supported by unlimited physical strength. He can never be beaten to death. With this, Moria can consume the opponent alive.

Of course, it is necessary to ensure that Moria's true form is not discovered, otherwise, there will be no way to replenish energy.

If he were in the wilderness, Moria might still worry that he would be found by a domineering master. However, this is the capital of Alabasta, with a dense population. If you want to find Moria, it will undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack, unless there are multiple masters. Only a domineering master with full knowledge and intelligence can find Moria.

Moreover, the level of seeing and hearing color must be higher than that of Moria, otherwise, there is no way to discover it. This is the level suppression of seeing and hearing color.

Although Moria's domineering talent is not very high, after so many years of polishing, his domineering talent is naturally not too bad. If you want to discover Moria, you must have someone of the same level. possible.

However, where can I find so many strong men? If they really went out in such a big posture to deal with me alone, they would have run away long ago. In any case, their lives are still at stake.

Therefore, you, a CP0 master, just be honest and become your own sparring partner!

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