"Is this guy's talent really that good?

No, that's definitely not the case.

Gao Jin must have secretly taught him some special skills that I didn't even know about, without telling me.

Gao Jin, Gao Jin, I am your cousin and your relative.

You don't even teach me, but you actually teach an outsider."

Gao Yi stood aside, but found that he only had time to see two A's, and there were two more that he didn't know where, let alone reached out and got them in an instant.

But he saw Luo Hao did it in an instant. Something he couldn't do.

This made Gao Yi feel strongly dissatisfied with Gao Jin.

Although he had followed Gao Jin for so many years, he had made a lot of money and learned some gambling skills, but people in the gambling world could not do it. In his eyes, Gao Yi is just Gao Jin's follower.

To put it bluntly, Gao Yi is Gao Jin's dog.

How can Gao Yi, who is narrow-minded, accept this

? and resentful, but Janet looked at Luo Hao expectantly


Gao Jin said this, but with his gambling skills, in fact, Luo Hao already knew what cards Luo Hao was holding without opening the cards.

Luo Hao casually turned over the four playing cards in his hand. The four Aces of Peach, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, and Ace of Diamonds were clearly presented in the eyes of everyone present.

"He actually did it. Gao Yi gritted his teeth and thought.

Before Luo Hao opened the cards, he kept thinking that Luo Hao couldn't get four aces.

But the moment Luo Hao opened the cards, his face was swollen.

"Not too bad, considering you didn't waste half a year of my time."

Although Gao Jin was satisfied with Luo Hao's performance in his heart, he said in a neutral tone:

"Next level, listen to the dice."

Luo Hao glanced at the dice cup and the twelve dice on the table.

"How many points can you hear, and you pass."

Gao Jin picked up the dice cup and waved his hand. The twelve dice on the table had already entered the dice cup.

Although even gambling masters can hear the numbers of the dice in the dice cup through their keen hearing, but this It also depends on who is rolling the dice.

If Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers, is so easy to eavesdrop on, then he is not called the God of Gamblers. Just look at

Gao Yi's appearance at this time.

Gao Yi wanted to listen to Gao Jinyao's dice, but he felt dizzy and dazzled.

This made him take a few steps back, afraid to listen again, otherwise he would fall to the ground and be embarrassed.

But when Gao Yi looked up at Luo Hao, he found that Luo Hao's expression had not changed at all, and he was still listening to Gao Jin rolling the dice.

"Gao Jin, how many gambling skills did you teach him without telling me?

He gave you so many years, but he has only been with you for half a year."

Gao Yi made such a comparison and found that the gap between himself and Luo Hao was unimaginable.

The jealousy in his heart was like a gangrene attached to the bones, making him feel uncomfortable and crazy.

Naturally, Luo Hao didn't know what Gao Yi was thinking.

Although he can listen to dice cups, he can't hear people's thoughts. Moreover , now Luo Hao is only thinking about how to gain Gao Jin's approval and learn the skills of changing 3, so he will not care about Gao

Jin's thoughts.

The sound emitted when shaking the dice cup was like a magic sound filling the ears, as if it had a hypnotic effect, making people fascinated and dizzy upon hearing it.

However, after experiencing Gao Jin's selfless teachings, Luo Hao felt it. He was guarding his mind and was not moved at all.

Gao Jin noticed the change in Luo Hao's expression and nodded secretly. Knowing that the sound hypnosis had no effect on him, he stopped decisively and put the dice cup on the table.

"What time is it!"

The combination of twelve dice points can be said to be ever-changing, coupled with Gao Jin's unpredictable gambling skills.

Even if the gambling experts come, they can only come back defeated.

"How could this extremely advanced person come up with such a difficult question? How could Luo Hao pass the test?"

Luo Hao hasn't spoken yet, but Janet is already worried about Luo Hao in her heart.

"Originally there were twelve ones, but master you used your skill to crush one of the dice, so now there are only eleven ones left in the dice cup."

Luo Hao said


Gao Jin put his hand on the dice cup expressionlessly, and when he was about to open the dice cup, Luo Hao reached out and held down Gao Jin's hand.

Gao Yi and Janet both looked at Luo Hao in surprise, not knowing why did he do this

"Master, I haven't finished speaking yet. Why are you in such a hurry to open the dice cup?"

Luo Hao chuckled.

"you say!"

Gao Jin looked dissatisfied, as if he was unhappy with Luo Hao's actions.

"There are eleven ones in the dice cup, but that doesn't mean there are no others.

Master, while you were shaking the dice cup, you made a tiny sound when you crushed the dice and put another dice in it.

The number of this dice is six, so the real number in the dice cup is eleven ones and a six."

Luo Hao said unhurriedly. Gao

Jin slowly opened the dice cup. Gao Yi and Janet took a look and found that there were eleven ones and a rather eye-catching six in the dice cup.

This made the two of them They all looked at Luo Hao in shock.

Luo Hao could actually hear such points.

What shocked them even more was that Luo Hao actually told Gao Jin the whole process of rolling the dice.

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