My skills can be infinitely integrated and evolved

Chapter 7 Spiritual Cultivation Method Void Divine Refining Art

Chapter 7 Spiritual Cultivation Method—Void Divine Refining Art

"Niu Erha, about thirty years old, a second-level warrior. He is good at using a tiger-headed sword and once killed a family of thirteen in one breath..."

"Very dangerous, there is a reward of three hundred taels!"

"Liu Jiacai, about twenty-five years old, a warrior in the late stage of skin training. He brutally raped and killed five girls, and he was full of evil..."

"There is a reward of fifty taels."

"Jiang Sikuang is about fifty years old, and his realm is unknown. He is good at using poison, and he once poisoned a village of hundreds of people, leaving no chickens or dogs behind..."

"Extremely dangerous, with a reward of five hundred taels."

Looking at the information above, Xu Ning also frowned.

Sure enough, there is no one like Yi who can make the list.

Either they are powerful or they have unique skills.

He is embarrassed to admit that he is a wanted criminal if he kills less than double digits.

One good thing is that these people don't need to be captured alive. They only need to cut off their heads and go to work to receive rewards.

After standing for a long time, he exhaled sharply.

This breath has a red mist visible to the naked eye.

The waste blood in the body has decreased a bit.

This is the special function of the breathing method in "Liuhe Wind and Thunder Fist" - the "shock method"!

Use breathing to mobilize blood in the body.

As long as it can run for a full week.

This can force the waste blood out of the body and speed up the rhythm of blood transfusion.

Compared with low-level Huang-level skills such as "Iron Fist" and "Lingfeng Fist", the blood exchange efficiency is countless times higher.

What's even more valuable is.

At the final stage of blood transfusion, only about half of the waste blood was left in the body.

General exercises are difficult to rule out.

This waste blood can only be mixed with new blood.

Reduces its own potential and strength.

Using the "shock method" you can easily drain out the last remaining waste blood.

Reach the state of perfection!

Of course the disadvantages are also very obvious——

Very physically demanding.

It was just over an hour ago.

He is hungry again now.

"Let's go, let's go to the arsenal to choose exercises."

Liu Shulin came over and greeted.


Xu Ning nodded and followed.

He is not in urgent need of the exercises right now.

With the "Liuhe Wind and Thunder Fist", it would be enough for him to practice for a long time.

But since you can have sex for free, there's no reason why you shouldn't do it.

Now there is a martial arts "Gust Sword Technique", maybe you can choose another sword technique, and then it will be good to combine the three sword techniques.

Maybe you can get a Xuan level martial arts.

The arsenal is an important place for the county government.

Not only martial arts and martial arts, but also swords and armor, food and cloth, and even Huishan County tax treasury money are also here.

So the guards are extremely tight.

The outside is completely made of stones, leaving only a doorway as high as a person.

"You have some time to have a cup of tea and choose your martial arts skills. Remember, you are not allowed to make loud noises or steal things. If found, you will be severely punished."

A man wearing a gauze hat who seemed to be an official said loudly.

Then the arsenal door was opened, and a group of detectives walked in.

As soon as you walk in, you can smell the smell of kerosene.

More than ten large braziers were lit inside, illuminating the dark space like daylight.

Seven or eight large shelves were displayed inside, filled with things.

Xu Ning walked straight to the shelf of martial arts secret books and started to check them out.


Without exception, all the above techniques are of the lower Huang level.

Even the covers of some exercises are in tatters, and it’s unclear how long they have been there.

Nothing seemed to interest him.

Perhaps after practicing "Liuhe Wind and Thunder Fist", his horizons have become much higher.

These techniques are completely unsightly.

"What's the use of choosing a skill? How about giving me a few more taels of silver?"

Liu Shulin muttered and turned around.

After seeing Xu Ning, he whispered:

"An Ning. Have you been to Chunlai Tower? How can you pretend to go there often? I heard that the girls there are so tender..."

His eyes were full of expectation and yearning.

It was obvious that the girl from Chunlailou had occupied all his heart, and he could not choose the technique with peace of mind.

Seeing his appearance, Xu Ning couldn't help but shook his head.

Young people just think too much about things between men and women.

Once you experience it, you will find that it is indeed very pleasant.

He comforted him: "It's okay, Shulin. With your figure and temperament, as soon as you walk inside, everyone will know that you are a frequent consumer."

"Hehe, you are right."

Liu Shulin grinned, feeling confident.

Xu Ning caught a glimpse of a secret book in his hand, which seemed a little different, and asked:

"Can you show me the secret book in your hand?"

"Here, this secret book is mysterious. It must have been written by some fool. Don't choose it."

He took the secret book from Liu Shulin's hand. It was very thin, with only a few pages.

It seems to be made of some kind of animal fur and feels very smooth.

Scan the name on the cover - "Void God Refining Method".

It was different from all the names of the exercises he had ever seen.

After opening it and reading it, he suddenly became cautious.

This is a completely different secret book. It cannot be said to be a skill or a martial skill. It should be more appropriately called a secret skill.

It is a secret book for tempering your mental strength.

Mental power is something that cannot be seen or touched.

It is extremely difficult to enhance.

The above cultivation process is also very mysterious.

I imagine a hammer in my mind, like striking iron to remove impurities from the mental power.

No wonder Liu Shulin said that this stuff was written by a fool.

But for Xu Ning, it was like discovering a new continent. Some of the above theories and methods had a great impact on him.

Because of time travel, his mental strength is much stronger than others.

This method is worth trying.

I decided to choose it immediately.

The time for selecting a cup of tea was quickly over.

Someone on the side recorded the exercises and secrets chosen by everyone.

It will be returned in half a month.

If it is lost, compensation will be required.

Then he went to the accounting room and received twenty taels of silver. The entire police team was filled with excitement and restlessness.

Xu Ning is trying to build a hammer in his mind.

This thing is easy to say, just think about having a hammer.

But you can only think of a hammer in general, but you can't think of all the details clearly. It's completely created out of thin air in your mind.

Xu Ning tried several times and decided to start with the hammer's handle.

Then fill in the details bit by bit.

Although my mental strength was highly tense, I just persisted for a while and felt my eyes getting dark.

I can't help but be distracted, my thoughts are flying, and I can't continue.

It's more difficult than practicing breathing techniques, but at least your body can control it.

Adjustments can be made in various ways.

The mental power is completely uncontrollable, like a mess, it is too difficult to twist it together.

However, Xu Ning was not frustrated, but rather complacent.

The harder it is to get started, the more it illustrates the potential of the technique.

He only needs to reach this spiritual cultivation method to the first level and then he can use the evolution points to improve.

Bitter first and then sweet!

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