Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 88 Origin and Spiritual World

Clark Das seemed to like history, or researched that piece of history very much, gushing out: The Sotos family at that time was definitely a family that mastered mysterious power... And that Earl Aaron Sotos , in addition to those names on the bright side, in the mysterious world, he was also recognized as the master and founder of the occult at that time...

The manuscripts he left include not only scientific inventions, but also several precious mysticism books. They created the glory of the Fabry dynasty. When the dynasty fell, it was looted by a large number of Beyonders and scattered, forming a Different schools and paths...

So far, there are still many esoteric groups and secret associations that worship the Earl of Green Forest, and believe that the other party is just missing and not dead...

In my opinion, this is nonsense...because mysticism is constantly moving forward. Before a thousand years, the Earl of Green Forest might have been very powerful, but it would not exceed the level of the fourth element... And now, the kingdom The strongest among them has probably already opened the sixth element... but even they can't survive the long time of a thousand years...

Clark Das sighed: The power of spirituality is accompanied by danger. Beyonders are always accompanied by madness. Those who embark on this path rarely live to the end of their lives, let alone exceed the limit of their lifespan...

Wait, the original?

Aaron heard what he was interested in and asked quickly.

Extraordinary people have different levels, which are discussed differently in different schools... But now the general theory is the Kabbalah school, they believe that there is a tree of life in all people, and it has ten points. Fork, every time a Beyonder ascends a step, he will open a primordial essence, and there are ten such primordial essences in total, when all ten primordial essences are activated, mortals will be sanctified!

Clark explained: Ordinary people can achieve spiritual awakening in various ways, but they can only be regarded as half Extraordinary at most... Only when spirituality is promoted for the first time can they truly embark on the path of Extraordinary... The Extraordinary of the first stage has opened the first element—[Keystone]!”

In ancient times, the Extraordinary who unlocked the first quality was very rare. In the dark and chaotic era after the end of the Fabry dynasty, he could even become a lord of a party and do a good job...Unfortunately, after the large-scale use of guns , everything has become different, even the Extraordinary who has opened the second and third essence, is very likely to die if he is hit by a pistol, only the Extraordinary who has opened the fourth element——【Vigor】, The vitality is greatly enhanced, or the life form has been transformed, so that it is possible to be hit by a firearm and not die, but if it is bombarded by a cannon, or it is in the center of the explosion, it is also very dangerous.

Among the secret police, there are also many ordinary people, but there are not a few Beyonders who have died under their marksmanship!

Clark seemed to be admonishing.

Aaron, on the other hand, linked the fourth element with the 'Beast of Darkness', and understood that even among Beyonders, the fourth stage was a very important watershed.

Is there no exception? I saw a record in the notebook that its author once encountered a path of 'redness', which is equivalent to the Beyonder who opened the second original quality. I'm not afraid of firearms. Aaron looked puzzled.

The road of 'Red'...

An expression of disgust appeared on Clark's face: After they turn on the first element, they are called 'Bloodthirsty', and when the second element is turned on, they often gain the ability to stimulate blood vitality and increase physical fitness in an all-round way. If you hit the key points, you will die. If you want to turn into blood, be immune to physical attacks, you must at least activate the fourth element... There is a fallacy in your note, but this is normal. Maybe its author was in a mental state when he recorded it. Great……

I see.

Aaron nodded, understanding that Lin's 'Blood Spiller' seemed to be a hidden profession.

'But this is also normal. She has been favored by the mother tree of flesh and blood, and her physique is very suitable for that path...'

Where did we say, oh, rank and quality...

Clark Das patted his forehead: I told you, in the kingdom, the most powerful Beyonder can only open to the sixth element, the seventh element and more exist only in the In theory, however, the Kabbalah School named the seventh element—[Longevity]! It is believed that the Extraordinary who unlocks this element can truly gain immortal life... In the alchemy school, it is called 'Xianxian' Stone of the Master, these are all theoretical things, just listen to it... But many schools of thought believe that with the continuous development of mysticism, perhaps in this era, a real Longevity can be born!

Maybe, the 'Longevity' has long been born, but we don't know it...

I already know about the level of the Beyonder. I want to know more about the spiritual world and the dream world. How do I get in? Through dreaming?

Aaron asked.

Normal dreaming is not enough, but there are occasional examples of ordinary people contacting the dream world through dreams, but it is extremely rare... We want to enter the dream world now, only in the way of spiritual bodies, perhaps after opening a higher original quality. , you can physically enter... into a dream as a spirit, you need a simple ritual, a spell, it's called the 'Dream Key', this is very common knowledge, I can teach you for free. Of course, it uses The language is the 'spiritual language' full of spirituality! Or called 'secret language', it is a language with extraordinary power, many occult works are written in it, and there is an additional charge for learning.

Immediately afterwards, Clark said a spell.

Aaron's face twitched when he heard it, and he recognized it. It was the common language used by the dream world thousands of years ago: Thank you, I'll think about it, please continue!

Clark's expression became extremely serious: The dream world is very dangerous, it is completely different from the real world, with chaotic time and space rules, dangerous spiritual creatures, and forbidden knowledge... Yes, in the dream world, even knowledge is very Dangerous! It can corrupt and degenerate you, madly distort... However, there are still scholars who pursue those taboos one after another, they are mysterious pioneers, and they are fire thieves!

Seeing that the topic was too heavy, Clark smiled: Of course, the knowledge in the dream world also has some less dangerous content, such as technology... Master Isaac once brought out a book, so Invented railways, trains... and left behind the design drawings of steel warships... However, that time was when the black skins of the Bureau of Investigation were frantically persecuting other Beyonders, and everyone needed to keep a low profile, so he pretended' In the name of Aaron Sotos', it was announced that it was found in the remaining pages of the other party's technical manuscript...

Aaron was embarrassed when he heard it: So I'm still a professional culprit?

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