Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 93 Discussion (2-day countdown to the shelves)

What is more embarrassing is that in this world with extraordinary power, there is no real miracle of the Holy Spirit Cult, although thanks to the support of the kingdom, it is developing quite well among ordinary people.

But the reputation in the mysterious world, hehe...

But then again, those gods really didn't do anything good.

Embezzlement of public funds, fostering mistresses, selling indulgences and other things, also did not do less.

Therefore, the upper echelons of the kingdom have always been calling for a strict investigation of the Holy Spirit Cult, but most of them have no follow-up.

The scandal of one or several bishops that was occasionally exposed was also quickly covered up, making Aaron feel some undercurrents.

Of course, he still sees it as a joke.

''s time to get down to business. ’

After enjoying a leisurely breakfast time, Aaron was lying on the easy chair, looking at Sylvia who was packing the plates, and suddenly asked, Sylvia, your former employer, Mr. Benjamin...he or Does his family, servants... have any quirks? For example, worshiping idols that do not belong to the Holy Spirit, secretly performing mysterious rituals, etc.?

Sylvia froze: No, young master... Also, it is a shameful act to reveal the privacy of the former employer.

No, Sylvia, you know that I have special abilities, I just want to help Mr. Benjamin... I suspect that his family may have messed with some unclean things!

Aaron said in a serious tone: So... the information you provide is very important, and it may save the life of a gentleman or a family!

Sylvia's eyes were slightly confused: Mr. Benjamin hardly talks to us, and Mrs. Benjamin is a stern person, she will ask us to move the bulky furniture and clean every grain of dust on it, even in winter, We will also be ordered to kneel on the floor and clean the carpets and planks... But they are a good couple, even though they don't have children.

Then when did your abnormal feeling start? For example, your ominous... Aaron changed his method of inquiry.

Abnormal...? It's around April this year... Since then, I have always felt in a trance, breaking things... and then I was fired... Since that day, I seem to have fallen into Nightmare, the second employer, Mrs. Stara, is a very kind person, forgiving my faults a few times, but I always do wrong things...

Sylvia's voice was filled with apprehension and unease: Fortunately I met you, otherwise I would not have a third chance...

The second employer is willing to forgive you a few times, but the first employer has served for a longer time, but then fired when something happened?

Aaron smiled: It seems that it is indeed suspicious. By the way, where is Benjamin's house? What are you doing?

Mr. Benjamin is a timber merchant in the city. He lives in Joad District, No. 19. Sylvia replied in a low voice, while looking at Aaron with worried eyes: If the young master wants to investigate this matter, Please pay attention to safety!

I will, call me a cab for hire.

Aaron put on his formal suit, put on his hat, and walked out the front door.

He is not going to come directly, but wants to discuss with Clark Das.


Sycamore Street, inside Clark Das's villa.

After Aaron entered, he saw that there was another person in the living room, Bruce Field, an occult lover wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Good day, Mr Field!

Aaron greeted politely: Are you coming to visit too?

I'm here to return the book. Mr. Das's library has a lot of treasures to linger on. Otherwise, you can call me Bruce! I think we're friends already.

Bruce Road.

Addressing your name directly is a sign of intimacy.

So, Bruce, are you ready to leave? Aaron said fluently.

Yeah, I can't wait to go back and read it. Bruce clapped a thick black hard-shell book on his hands and was escorted out the door by the footman.

Then, Aaron entered the study and saw Clark Das.

Mr. Das, haven't you accepted Bruce as an apprentice?

He found a topic at random.

At this time, the footman has quietly brought the door.

Clark Das, wearing a loose silk robe, is standing in front of a row of bookshelves, putting books in: The study of secret history is a very boring process. Scholars need to find limited truth from the vast sea of ​​materials, and it often carries fallacies. , need to be careful and serious to distinguish the true from the false... To be a good historian, patience and carefulness are essential, Bruce... He is still a little impetuous.

Aaron shrugged. He didn't actually have much interest in whether Bruce could pass the test. He just made a random talk.

Then, he told the story of the maid and Mr. Benjamin.

Clark Das sat on the reclining chair, took off his glasses, and smiled with a sigh: Since you selected that maid last time, I think there may be some problems in the follow-up... You are ready to investigate, not afraid of revealing your identity. , attracting the secret police? Although... your identity is probably fake.

Why are you so sure? Aaron asked with interest instead of showing surprise.

Because you don't care about the trouble caused by your identity... The Iron Fist Gang in Xiacheng has been looking for you.

Clark Das said with a smile: Fortunately, they couldn't imagine that the one who attacked them was a gentleman from the upper class. You did a good job, you didn't kill people, and you didn't show any bizarre methods, so it may be less likely to attract the attention of the investigation bureau. …”

He looked at Aaron with scrutiny eyes, and paused on his purple eyes: Purple eyes... This used to be the symbol of the Fabry royal family's blood, but later with the demise of the dynasty, the remaining blood descended into the people. , After a lot of intermarriages, although purple-eyed people are relatively rare in Invis today, they are by no means absent... Also, some noble bloodlines may be relatively pure, with pupils like yours like amethyst.

Your wisdom and observation are really amazing... Aaron showed a wry smile: I am the descendant of a run-down nobleman, and my real name is indeed Aaron. As for the surname... Until the glory of the family is restored, you should continue to call me Aaron. I'm Aaron Yoggs!

Okay, Mr. Aaron Yoggs! Clark Das smiled, picked up the meerschaum pipe on the table, and filled it with shredded tobacco: Tell that Benjamin, according to your information, if it is If it is in April, it may be related to the path of that Si Sui. Well, we are already friends, so I will give you this knowledge for free... The Si Sui who is in charge of April is named 'Remnant Cocoon' ', He focused on the path of the 'pupa'...

It's a coincidence that the 'Lady in the Forest' who is in charge of July now spans the three elements of 'pupa', 'shadow', and 'Ming', so he also has 'Lady in the Forest', 'Stone Heart Old Woman', 'Winter Heart Girl' triple imagery!

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