One Piece Food System

Chapter 367 The Reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates

After Tina witnessed the miraculous effects of 'Billions of Birds' Eggs' with her own eyes, she quickly put all the remaining egg dishes in the small bowl into her stomach, with a satisfied look on her face!

No woman would refuse the opportunity to become more youthful and beautiful, and Tina, who is already a vice admiral in the navy, is no exception.

Speaking of which, she is now in her thirties.

Although she looks only in her twenties due to her strong strength and still improving physical fitness, no matter how powerful a woman is, her appearance will be eroded by time sooner or later.

Even top female powerhouses like Granny He cannot maintain their appearance, and Tina doesn't think she can be an exception. However, if she could borrow foreign objects to make her youth last longer, how could Tina refuse this opportunity?

"Brother Lefa, where did you get these 'billion bird eggs'? Can you help Tina get some more?" Tina asked a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it from now on." Lefa said with a smile, "Moreover, if we only talk about beauty and beauty, these 'billion bird eggs' can only be regarded as ordinary goods. I will cook some more precious ingredients for you in the future. , guaranteeing that you will still remain young even if you are eighty years old.”

Medicinal diet itself is also one of the important schools of cooking.

For example, the fifth-ranked celebrity chef in the world who is a prisoner of gourmet food - "Master of Medicinal Diet" Yuta is a top chef who is famous for herbal diet.

Although his cooking cannot revive human flesh and bones, it is much more useful than ordinary doctors, especially in terms of dispensing and maintaining health, no one can match it. 【△网w ww.Ai Qu xs.】

Using medicated diet to help people preserve their youth is also one of the essential abilities of a medicated diet chef.

Lefa's current strength is no less than that of the 'King of Cooking' Zeus, but in terms of cooking skills, there is a huge gap between them and the world's top chefs. But if it is just to use medicinal diet to help Tina's beauty, this It wasn't too difficult for him.

Moreover, there are quite a lot of ingredients that can be redeemed in his 'ingredient store' that can exert various effects, and some of them are even ingredients that he has obtained in the [gourmet world].

Tina was overjoyed when she heard Lefa's assurance!

Another person might be a little confused about where Leifa was going to get the magical ingredients he mentioned, but Tina believed in Leifa unconditionally. She firmly believed that since Refa had promised her, it would definitely be done. This was unconditional belief.

"Thank you Brother Lefa!" Tina said happily.

At the same time, she also started to eat the rest of the food.

Every time she eats something, she will be pleasantly surprised, because none of the breakfast on this table is something she has tasted before. Both in terms of texture and taste, they are all so novel!

A few months later, [Fishman Island].

The "Straw Hat Pirates" reunited and came to [Fishman Island] with high spirits, a wonderful island that ranks among the top ten in the Grand Line!

Needless to say, the special nature of [Murfish Island] is that this island, ruled by mermaids and fishmen, is located deep in the ocean, right under the ‘Red Earth Continent’.

If the entrance to Upside Down Mountain is regarded as the starting point of the great shipping route, then [Fishman Island] is the very center of this shipping route, and it serves as a link between the past and the future.

"Wow, is this [Fish-Man Island] here?" Luffy stood on the bow of the Sunny, stretching his neck in the air, looking at [Fish-Man Island].

"Is the legendary mermaid here, ahhhhhh!" Sanji's nosebleed spurted, and he fell into a state of heavy bleeding in his imagination, his face turned pale.

"You can't continue thinking about it, Sanji, you'll lose too much blood!"

Chopper rushed up and kicked Sanji unconscious!

Nami glanced at Sanji who was lying on the ground speechlessly, then looked at Robin and asked, "Robin, have you ever been to this [Fish-Man Island]?"

"Not yet." Robin covered his mouth and chuckled, "However, since the 'Whitebeard Pirates' were wiped out by the navy, the guardian of [Fishman Island] has become a natural punishment-"

"Ah, is it another divine punishment...Robin, your teacher is really awesome. There are traces of him everywhere." Usopp said with an exaggerated expression.

"There is a friend of the teacher on [Fish-Man Island] who once saved the teacher's life. It is natural that the teacher cannot watch it be destroyed." Robin explained with a smile.

"Robin, your teacher is so powerful, why do you still need someone to save you?" Nami asked in surprise.

It wasn't that there was something in her words, but in her impression, Robin's teacher should have been one of the most powerful people in the sea, and how could he have almost died?

Nami's words also attracted the attention of others. Even Luffy, who was looking at [Fishman Island] in the distance, retracted his head and prepared to listen to Robin's answer.

Zoro, who was doing two-finger push-ups alone to regulate his physical strength, also stopped doing push-ups and sat cross-legged, waiting for Robin's 'story'.

Whether you admit it or not, the relationship between the Straw Hat Pirates and God's Punishment is inseparable.

Robin's teacher, Zoro's teacher, and God's Punishment who rescued the "Straw Hat Pirates" and his party several times, etc.

Therefore, they have always been very curious about heavenly punishment.

In particular, Robin's teacher, who was the Lord of Heavenly Punishment, made them curious the most.

Seeing that everyone was listening, Robin knew that they would not give up if he didn't tell this story, so he smiled and shook his head and said, "You seem to have a misunderstanding all along. Do you think Teacher Leifa How old is he?"

"To be able to establish an organization like Heaven's Punishment, Robin, your teacher must also be a very powerful person. He should be a person of the same generation as 'Whitebeard' and 'Pirate King' Roger, right? Over seventy years old?" Usopp guessed.

"She shouldn't be that old, I guess around sixty." Nami said.

"She should be younger. I heard the teacher say that the establishment of Heavenly Punishment was not that long ago. He is probably over fifty years old?" Zoro also speculated at this time.

"Luffy, do you remember the 'White Hunter' Smoker who once hunted you?" Robin did not answer them directly, but suddenly looked at Luffy and asked.

"You said Smoke Man...remember, what happened to him?" Luffy didn't understand why Robin suddenly mentioned Smoker.

"He and Mr. Leifa were classmates and attended the navy's youth training camp together. In terms of age, Mr. Leifa was slightly younger than him." Robin said with a smile.


Everyone exclaimed in surprise!

"How can it be that you are so young? Are you kidding me?!" Nami couldn't believe it.

The others didn't question it, but looking at their eyes, they probably had the same idea as Nami.

If it was true as Robin said, wouldn't Robin's teacher be the same generation as them?

Even leaving aside Brooke, Franky and Robin are both over thirty. If Robin's teacher is about the same age as Smoker the White Hunter, and is still young, then Franky, who is the same age as Smoker, should also be older than Robin's teacher.

But comparing the current achievements of the two, people really don't want to believe this. .


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