In the world of Destiny, for the senses of many players, the bloody effects caused by the attack are completely blocked, and there will be no unbearable bloody scenes such as severed heads and limbs. Dodging the attack of the three wolves, Ye Tianxie's counterattack came in an instant. After stabbing the second wild wolf twice, they finally turned around and rushed back from their embarrassment. This time, the three wild wolves were almost At the same time biting at his body, Ye Tianxie squinted his eyes, and his body rushed forward at the fastest speed, passing through the body of the two wolves dangerously and dangerously. A sword was drawn on the body of the second wolf, and when it stopped, it appeared behind them again, with two consecutive swords. The target of his attack is without exception the second wolf.

-13, -15, MISS.

After being attacked five times in a row, the blood tank of the second wild wolf was nearly one-third empty. It felt the pain, howled and turned around to bite again, but the figure seemed to have predicted their movements again. One was short, and when he kicked the ground with his right foot, he kept an extremely short posture and smoothly slid forward nearly two meters away.

If there are other players here at this time, they will be stunned. A level 0 player with novice equipment is fighting three level five monsters independently, and after he attacked more than a dozen times in a row, three monsters The powerful monster didn't even touch him.

Even, he didn't even use the skills.

Even a level 0 player will bring a trainee skill for a trainee occupation. There is only one exception in the world, Ye Tianxie. He has no skills, no occupation, and can only chop, hack, and stab with a novice sword that is not gorgeous...

Ye Tianxie's body swayed under the attack of the three wild wolves like a swaying ghost, and the novice sword waving brought the howl of the wild wolves from time to time. In less than half a minute, in a powerless wolf howl, the wild wolf that Ye Tianxie had set as the only target to attack finally collapsed, and a dimly lit thing that looked like a coin burst out.

two. Ye Tianxie's tense nerves relaxed a little, changed from passive to active, rushed forward and cut his throat with a sword. If this is the real world, then this sword of his will undoubtedly bring up a bloody wolf head.

-12, -12, -14, -13, -12...

A martial arts master can defeat a mediocre hand with a magical weapon even with a branch.

Ye Tianxie's reflexes and perceptions that are many times higher than normal are vividly reflected at this moment, and this is also one of his greatest assets in the game world. Under the novice sword without any gorgeous light, another wild wolf quickly fell down with a wailing roar. With a smug smile on his face, Ye Tianxie casually ravaged the last wild wolf... That's right, a level 0 player with full-body novice equipment was ravaging a level 5 monster.

-15, -14...

At the moment when the last wild wolf's blood tank was emptied, Ye Tianxie slowed down and let the wolf claws pat him on his body.

-twenty one!

A slight pain came from the place where he was caught by the wolf claws, Ye Tianxie glanced at the injury on his head, and settled it with a sword.

All three wild wolves were killed, Ye Tianxie breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the ground. Next to the bodies of the three wild wolves, apart from the coin-shaped object that exploded from the first wild wolf killed by him, not to mention the wolf's eyes, there was not even a single wolf hair. His luck of 0 makes the explosion rate of all monsters killed under his hands take the lowest value.

Ye Tianxie squatted down to pick up the coin, looked at the words on it speechlessly, and risked enormous danger to kill three monsters at the fifth level, and even got a copper plate... Converted into real currency, that is, penny,

[In the world of destiny, one gold coin = 10 silver coins = 100 copper coins. According to official propaganda, after opening the currency exchange, 1 gold coin = 1 Huaxia coin. 】

Putting this first income in the world of destiny into the backpack, Ye Tianxie flipped over the body of the wild wolf, and then slapped his head violently... the wolf's eyes, it takes Collecting Technique can do it, but he just forgot about it.

According to past experience, these basic life skills can generally be learned from the village chief of the novice village.

Ye Tianxie got up and was about to consider whether to go back to the novice village first, when the familiar touch on his chest made him stunned for a moment. He tentatively stretched his hand to his neck, where he felt a familiar thin line.

This is……

He tugged at the thin thread, and suddenly, he pulled out the new coat of the black pendant that he wore every day, even when he was sleeping. Holding it in his hand, Ye Tianxie stared blankly at this ornament with seven different shapes of holes inlaid all over his body, and his body was emitting a strange black light, his eyes showed a complex sluggishness.

It's the only thing she left me...why be here! ? Here, isn't Destiny World?

With the barrier of the new clothes before, he didn't notice anything. And when he stood up from the squatting position, the hanging pendant instantly stuck to his chest, and the slightly cold touch finally made him aware of the strangeness. The thing in his hand is exactly the same as in the real world, even the hole and shape are not different from the faint colorful dark light that belongs to it.

How is this going! ? Why do things in reality appear here?

This is a totally counterintuitive fact!

While he was in a daze, the black pendant he held in his hand suddenly flashed a white light for a moment. The sudden light was a little strong, and it flashed Ye Tianxie's eyes. When his eyes turned back again, the white light flashed. The ray of light slowly escaped from above, and slowly floated up into the sky in Ye Tianxie's stunned eyes, floating in front of his eyes like a small white sun.

Oh la la... ahhahahahahahaha! I'm finally free, finally free, oh la la la la!

Ye Tianxie will never forget this tender, sweet and sweet, yet arrogant voice that makes people want to cover their ears. Because the owner of this voice has been entangled with him for a whole life, making him love and helpless, have a headache, and want to put her under him and spank.

The white light faded and dissipated, and a delicate figure appeared in front of Ye Tianxie. This was a little girl with jet-black hair, star-like eyes, and flawless skin and dress... This is indeed a Little girl, not only she looks at most twelve or thirteen years old, but even her body, at first glance, is no more than thirty centimeters in height.

Ye Tianxie's eyes widened, with a ghostly expression. Anyone who sees such a little girl appearing with such a wild voice is no wonder there are two reactions - one is stunned, and the other is wondering if he is still awake in the dream.

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