Online Game: I Am the One

Chapter 34 Further tasks

The sky changes; it can change into any appearance. It is one of the hidden props. Ah Feng murmured while holding this white mask.

Not bad, the old man said.

It's just average. This mask doesn't have any attributes. It's not as good as my Fate Refusal Mask. It's good for assassins and others.

Hey, ha, you don't know, right? This mask has a hidden attribute. All masks can be fused with it as long as they are not above the heaven level. That is to say, after putting this one on, the Fate Defying Mask will disappear, but the attributes will be the same. It will be above the sky.

Wait a moment, then let me ask first, what is the heaven level? I seem to have never heard of the heaven level?

Well! Heaven-level things are also called your immortal weapons, treasures at the level of artifacts.

That's it

How about my wine...

Here, it's good to play with this thing later. Ah Feng took out a small bottle of wine and gave it to him.

Huh!? It smells so good, you can already tell it as soon as you smell it...

Is the wine that good? Ah Feng thought in wonder, looking at the master who was completely intoxicated in it. Seeing that he was completely immersed in it, A Feng didn't want to disturb him, so he left first. He said goodbye to the old man outside and went to the ant nest. He is not a person who breaks his promise, but he can only go to Mount Emei and the top of Feitian Cliff later. It is almost dawn now and there is no time.

The little dragon was flying very fast. Ah Feng didn't know where Mount Emei was, so he asked, Little dragon, do you know where Mount Emei is?

Huh? Are you talking about Mount Emei in China? I have flown over it.

Oh, that's great then!

Don't even think about going there!

Hey, why?

Because there is Huashan Mountain on the way there, and there is a Chinese giant guarding the sky above Huashan Mountain. It is difficult for you to pass by from the air.

Really? Then let's walk.

That would take many days. Don't you know how big the dragon's control is? Anyway...

You are saying that if you want to go there, you must pass the Huashan Dragon level.


It looks like it's going to be difficult, Ah Feng thought.

When I arrived at the ant nest, I turned left and right for 10 minutes and took a shortcut to the fourth floor. When the visitor saw that Ah Feng was back, he was not surprised at all.

You're 15 minutes late, the two girls said in unison.

Oh, really? I'm sorry. Although I don't know why you are still playing games in the middle of the night, but I have to go down. The sun will come out in 2 hours, Ah Feng said calmly.

Hey, are you going to get off? It's hard for us to stay up all night, Jingjing said regretfully.

Yes, Ah Feng responded, summoned Xiaohuang and handed it to them. I have something to do, so I'll go to the third floor first and leave it to you first. Without waiting for their answer, he returned to the third floor. He wanted to thank those pirates. Although he didn't know how valuable the top ten fine wines were, they simply helped him complete the master's task and get the same interesting thing. He didn't want to thank him. I feel a little sorry.

Pirates, what are you doing? Ah Feng asked them.

We're having a bonfire party, haha, let's play together, kids, oh oh oh... The man with the sword yelled at Ah Feng.

Ah, I don't like doing exercise in the middle of the night, Ah Feng refused.

What did you come to us for? A giant man twisted his waist and shouted at the top of his voice.

Ah, I came here to thank you and brought you some wine.

Well! Wine, you won't give me back what I gave you, the swordsman said coldly, placing the sword on A Feng's neck.

Ah, Ah Feng didn't dare to talk nonsense to these lunatics. He smiled, took out dozens of pools of wine and said, This is what I got for completing the task. These wines are your return gifts to me.

Ah, oh...there is wine, eh! Good wine, haha... The swordsman suddenly shouted after taking a sip. The pirates were also drinking crazily, but the wine seemed to have no effect on these monsters. Then Ah Feng continued to take out hundreds of bottles of wine to fill their stomachs, and then they went offline. When I logged off, I asked: Do you want to watch the sunrise with me?

Xiao Ling said lightly: There may be a chance in the future.

Quietly watching the little emperor in his hand slowly disappear transparently, knowing that this happened because the owner was offline.

In the morning, Ye Yu got up and didn't see breakfast on the table. He just wanted to go to the room to see if his brother was still sleeping. Then he thought that today was Thursday and it was time for exercise. Ye Yunfeng was jogging on the road, wearing sportswear and earplugs in his ears, listening to music and running in the community. Looking at the mountains and forests in the distance, he knew that he would not be able to run there today. Every Thursday, it was Ah Feng's time to jog and exercise. He would run from his place to the hills in the distant suburbs, but now he had no time. He looked at his phone and found that Ye Yu had already woken up. When I came back, I bought breakfast and saw Ye Yu sitting in a daze at the dining table.

Eat it, Ye Yunfeng said calmly.

Yeah! Ye Yu didn't complain like usual about why he came back so late and started eating.

Brother, I joined the club

Huh? Very good, Ah Feng said calmly, looking at the ceiling.

It's the track and field team, why don't you join other clubs?

I don't want to anymore, Ah Feng said nonchalantly.

I don't have time, because I have to work, Ye Yu thought and then said; I will be back later in the afternoon.

I know, go ahead and be obedient, Ah Feng said with a sudden smile.

Brother, the autumn sports meeting is coming, what sports do you want to participate in?

Why do you want to participate?

Why not, it would be nice to be in the limelight once in a while.

It depends on the situation

The day passed by in ordinary time. After school, Amang and dozens of other people blocked Ah Feng, and Ah Feng asked strangely: What are you doing?

Haha, most of us are buddies. We don't have anywhere to play games at night, and you are not on it alone. How can this be okay, so we all raised money to buy you a gaming helmet. Amang said with a smile.

Huh!? Ah Feng frowned.

Don't be angry. You are like this because you don't have much money at home. This is just our intention. We are not pitying you or anything. You understand us, A Fei said seriously.

Yeah!? Thanks in advance, but... Ah Feng said lightly.

I don't have much time to play outside. My parents are too strict, so I thought of everyone playing this game together, Ah Fei said.

Yes, otherwise I would be embarrassed to lose you, Aman said with a smile.

Yeah! Sorry then, I'll treat you next time you get paid. Ah Feng originally wanted to say that he already had a helmet, but he didn't want to refuse, so he took it first because he had no other choice. Anyway, the money was just a small thing to them, but it was important. It's the intention.

When I got home, I thought about what they just said. A Feng, please remember our names. My name is XXXX in the game. Please call me when you come on board.

My name is XXXX, remember to call me, we are usually there

Hurry up and upgrade, or we can take you with us.

Let's fight together and level up quickly.

Hey, these guys, why are they so enthusiastic all of a sudden? Ah Feng said with a smile to himself.

Entering the game, Ah Feng was debating whether or not to keep secrets from them, but after thinking about it, he decided to send them a message.

Amang, it's me sent a message to Dazed and Charming.

Hey, are you A Feng? A message came immediately.


Your name is Sui Feng, why do you seem to be the one on the top of the charts?

It's me, Ah Feng said uncertainly.

Hey, you are the first batch of players

Ah, yes

Then why do you say you don't have a helmet?

Never said that

I... Then you took that one this afternoon?

How dare you refuse your thoughts? It's the same as giving them to others.

Well! You are actually a person on the list of celebrities. Do you have any treasures?

Well! You should be able to say that.

That's great, we're relying on you.



Ranking list; (1) Popularity ranking list, determined by popularity. (2) Strength rankings, referred to as level rankings, are distinguished by level. (3) Pet ranking, ranked according to pet level and strength. (4) Armor ranking list, ranking according to attributes. (5) Weapon rankings, divided according to attributes, are now one of the most popular rankings. (6) Jewelry rankings, divided according to attributes. (7) Ranking of rich people, divided according to the amount of money. (By the way, Sui Feng is ranked 18th on the rich list) Most of the rankings are based on the top ten, with the exception of 15th on the ranking list.

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