Online Game: I Am the One

Section 23 3 crazy days of National Day---Day 1

This one died under the main attack of Ah Feng and Wei Wei and the pressure of other small people. The thing that came out was not bad. It was blue equipment. It was okay to give it to poor guys like them.

Then continue to upgrade, now let’s talk about upgrading the team.

The main staff are about 20 people from Class 4, Grade 2. There are 20 men including Ah Feng and Wei Wei who is no longer studying. There is only one woman. And this girl is currently making out with her BF while fighting monsters. While making out.

It's strange to so many people. Didn't this young couple fall in love in school? Even in the game, it's so crazy. (Crazy love) It seems that the girl loves him so much that she wants to come with him even at the expense of sleep time.

Love is so great. This sentence was spoken in the hearts of all the male compatriots at the same time, except of course Ah Feng, who just glanced at it lightly, and then went to kill the monsters himself. Looking at the extent of their love, if I were alone, I would have wanted to go up and kill these two people, you see.

The man slashed a monster with his sword, with a faint smile on his face and slowly spitting out the words; there was water in the room. He looked at the girl with dishonest eyes, not knowing whether he saw that the monster had escaped.

The woman also smiled silently like this, taking the sentence in her mouth and saying it, but she was speechless. Then the eyes met, and a spark of love appeared in the middle.

Damn it, she's still speechless, she's already said so much, Aman thought unhappily.

Holy shit all the male compatriots PS them together.

A Feng's sword energy killed the monster they were about to kill, because the monster had already been killed in front of the two people, but they continued to recite poems.

The people are expanding rapidly in all directions. Ah Feng is one person with several monsters, while the others are several people with one person...

However, that couple is...

There was a frantic killing of monsters in the front, and the desolate murderous aura was in sharp contrast to the affectionate enthusiasm of the couple behind the moon while chanting poems behind the moon. I saw dozens of people in the front killing with sullen faces, and the two in the back...

How much sorrow can you have?

Just like a river of spring water flowing eastward (Li Yu - Poppy)

The sparkle in his eyes is really... very unpleasant to watch.

Because they are all liberal arts majors,

Who can't chant a few words? Ah Fei was not happy and immediately started to act strangely. He chanted: The flowers are falling and the water is flowing. (Li Qingzhao - Yizhimei)

Then the sword swung around in waves, but the sword didn't hit the monster, it just made people laugh a few times, it was really messy.

Others were messing around like that, Li Bai and Qu Yuan. Anyway, the leveling started to get messy, but a new group of monsters pulled them out of the joke, and then they started nervous mental battles again.

It went on like this until early morning. Maybe because we spent the whole night fighting monsters, everyone's strength has improved a lot. But for this reason, everyone was ordered to quit the game by the system. Of course, only a few people did not need to quit. Ah Feng, Wei Wei, That couple.

Everyone had no choice but to quit. Ah Feng only asked them to take a rest before starting again. Later I found out that the reason why they were kicked out after such a few hours was because they were too excited that day and couldn't sleep, so they worked hard until 12 o'clock, and then the tension started to escalate again, and their spirits were completely unbearable.

Ye Yu and Ling Yiran woke up from their sleep and saw Ah Feng coming back from the door after exercising. He was wearing sportswear and rarely let people notice the bandage on his neck.

Wake up he said to the two people who had just come downstairs.

Yeah replied at the same time.

Breakfast is already cooked, Ah Feng said, pointing to the milk and cake on the table. In fact, it was just a matter of heating the milk and baking the cake. No skills were required at all. (Unless this person has never done anything like this)

I didn't expect you to be the man of the house, Ling Yiran sat down unceremoniously and then said.

Yeah! Humph Ah Feng lazily argued with her, originally wanting to say; Damn, don't look at my little sister, she is so lazy, expect her to cook, don't even think about it, be prepared to starve to death.

Brother, we will also enter the game later, remember to help us upgrade.

I heard that Jingjing will also come up.

What about the other three people? I'm talking about the national treasure, a cool guy, and a... normal one.

I don't know, they should come up. They love to play this game.


Returning to the game, Ah Feng asked the two women to come to this place by themselves. There were almost all leveling teams on the road, so nothing would happen to them.

Not long after it went online, I received another response from Mao Liner, a game scammer. Let her come here by herself. She, Ye Yu and the others met again on the way, and then the four of them, four beauties, rushed to the place where A Feng was training.

Get the latest news! Qian Hui shouted as soon as he started the game with his mouth wide open.

What's wrong? Amang was unhappy with him and deliberately sounded cold.

Of course, the rest of the people had a different attitude, flying over and talking all over the place.

News just came out on the Internet that one day after the leveling activities and other activities ended, the world's best martial arts competition began, but it seems that it is only held in China, not in foreign countries, but I heard that the first place also has a chance to draw a lottery, and the worst You can find magical weapons wherever you touch them. The last few in the top five seem to be the worst purple weapons. Of course, as for magical weapons, it depends on one's luck. This news is exciting enough, Qian Hui said with a smile, but in his heart he was right. Analyze the event, analyze it again, and then think about how to make some money from it. He has inherited the good genes of his father and is a money-maker.

A Feng, do you want to participate? Wei Wei said.

You must at least get into the top five, really, otherwise it will be bad for the gang! The first gang didn't even get into the fifth place, which is unreasonable.

Well, but you won't participate?

Participate, but not as Elder Kaguya, but as myself, Ah Feng said, but there were still unspoken words in his heart. For example, he was thinking; it is difficult for us to enter the game, and the real challenge begins. Yet? But does it really start in this situation?

Why is this game started at this time? Generally speaking, players must at least reach level 400 before playing this kind of game? Is there something wrong? Aman was also analyzing in his mind.

Xiao Heng frowned, because his idea was basically the same as Amang's, but these were not their business, what they wanted to care about was playing! Because of this incident, everyone completely released their enthusiasm, improved it, accumulated it, and worked harder to kill monsters. Look at those monsters, running faster than the players, of course they escaped.

Latest news Qian Hui said a few words to the private chat and then started shouting again. Probably received the latest news from a friend. What's wrong? everyone asked in unison.

I heard that there will be another competition on the day of the competition, which is the pet competition. The prizes seem to be pet equipment.


What happened? The game company is crazy.

Two of them came at once, haha.

Most people are much happier.

Then just keep working hard, everyone, Ah Feng said calmly, and then looked at the results of his crazy upgrade last night, the numbers that had changed.

Oh, target! one person shouted.

Champion! Everyone cheered together. This is the characteristic of this class or this group of people.

Going towards the goal

Oh you have motivation only when you have a goal. This sentence is true. Look, dozens of people are really going crazy. Then everyone took out their pets because they are not allowed to be released during normal times. , asked why, the first reason is; they need experience, just because of this leveling competition, so they bear the pain and don't release it. Reason two: Because some of their pets are either too weak to be released, or too ugly to be released.

Ah Feng’s little emperor is of course different, everyone is taking good care of it! Surround it in the middle, that is, you can die, but Xiao Huang must not die. Look at these brothers, how good it is.

In fact, no one would have thought that seeing Xiao Huang's powerful magic would make him feel much safer around him.

Half an hour later, the arrival of the four women caused a sensation.

Boom, boom, boom really caused a sensation, but the ground moved because it had already arrived, probably because A Feng and the others killed so many of his younger brothers.

The four women arrived, without saying anything, and immediately entered a fighting state.


Pet equipment is equipped on pets. It is usually equipment with one or two attributes, but it is also extremely difficult to break. (I haven’t seen that A Feng has not broken one yet), so the champion’s items are not as good as fairy weapons. Bad.

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