Chapter 81

"I did also hear about Lady Jin's reputation of being like a fairy when dancing, thus I had the inspiration to make this outfit . Since there are also other Ladies here, why don't Lady try the outfit on?" Mu Yunyao suggested with a small smile .

"Good idea! Lady Jin, please allow us to have a look!"

Lady Jin had long been looking forward to trying on the dress . Now, together with the excitement in everyone's eyes, and the fact that it would be a little bad to reject their request, she stood up . "Then, I'll try it on . Yunyao, do you have a changing room somewhere?"

"It has naturally been readied . Lady, please follow me . " Mu Yunyao got up and politely apologised to the rest of the Ladies . "Please excuse Yunyao, I must ask Lady to wait for a while . "

"There is no need to be so polite, hurry on and help Lady Jin into the clothes . We can't wait to admire her in her dress . "

Mu Yunyao led Lady Jin upstairs and into a premium room .

"Yunyao, your taste is so exquisite, I even want to renovate my bedroom into something like this . " The floor was covered with a white cashmere carpet . There was a screen, a soft couch, vases, and other delicate decorations . At the centre was a huge bronze mirror that could reflect a person's entire body . Beside the mirror was a vanity table with a full set of makeup .

"Time was precious so I was only able to do a little bit of decorations . I have let Lady see something ridiculous . "

Mu Yunyao did not ask other people to help . Instead, she personally assisted Lady Jin to put on the clothing .

Lady Jin was slender, but the clothing was still tight at the waist . Lady Jin took in a breath and said, "This dress is honestly too tight at the waist, just a little bit more loose by a cun would be good . "

(T/N: 'Cun' is a Chinese measurement . It is equivalent 3 . 333… =3 1/3 cm . )

Mu Yunyao did not say anything . Instead, she lead Lady Jin to the front of the vanity table . When they passed by the bronze mirror, Mu Yunyao purposely blocked the mirror from Lady Jin's sight . "Please allow me to do your hair and accessories before you look into the mirror . I want to make it a surprise . "

"Alright, I want to see whether your skills have improved . "

Mu Yunyao took out a small mahogany box and pulled out the first drawer . She took out an accessory that looked exactly the same as in the booklet . She gently loosened Lady Jin's hair and did a fairy bun in a very short span of time . Then, she carefully slotted the golden buyao into the hair . Afterwards, she gently drew on Lady Jin's eyebrows .

"Lady, you can take a look now . "

Lady Jin had long become impatient . When she heard Mu Yunyao's words, she immediately went to stand before the mirror . "This……this is me?"

"Naturally, that is Lady . "

"This……this change is way too much . " Lady Jin, who had always been very composed, was currently blushing . Her eyes had hints of joy and happiness and she found herself unable to stop admiring herself in the mirror . "Yunyao, no matter how much this dress is, I want to buy it . "

Just then, Yin Hong knocked on the door . "Lady, Lady Zhao and the rest are urging you to come out soon . They wanted to know if you are done?"

Mu Yunyao replied, "Lady is ready . She will be coming out now . "

Lady Zhao and the other two Ladies were drinking their fruit tea . There were also some rose petals in the tea which floated beautifully on the tea . They were currently discussing that when they return to their residences, they would also make their tea like this too . That was when they heard the sound of footsteps nearing them . They quickly looked up .

The dress from "Dancing under the Moon" was not the most expensive nor the grandest, yet, it was the most heavenly of all the dresses . White silk was used as the base and there was not much complicated decorations on it . There were only light golden flowers embroidered out on the skirt . A thin moon coloured gauze was connected at the waist and surrounded the skirt . Together, the dress seemed to make the wearer seem like she was floating, as if she was under the moonlight .

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