Perfect Feast

Chapter IX The Police Come

Chapter Nine The Police Come

Until Liu Yang came out of Wang Yifeng's office, he was still a little dizzy in his head.

Wang Shu.ji was so busy that he called himself into his office, and it was just a short chat with his parents for more than ten minutes? He asked about his major, and then asked how he was working in the reception office. What did he mean?

However, it can be seen that Wang Yifeng still cares about himself. Not the kind of perfunctory concern, but real concern. Otherwise, he wouldn't have chatted with himself for as long as ten minutes.

Could it be that he wants to reuse himself and plans to adjust his job position?

But this is not like it? Until he came out, Wang Shu Ji didn't say anything, not even a hint. While thinking, after he left the inner room, Zhang Jian stood up with a smile: The talk is over? I'll take you down...

How dare you do that? I'll just go down by myself. Liu Yang quickly declined.

It's a joke, the first secretary of the municipal party committee serves the secretary of the municipal party committee, how can he pick him up like the second boy? When I came here, I was afraid that I couldn't find a place, so I came down to pick up what I still had, and now it's a bit embarrassing to ask them to send me away.

It's okay. If I don't send it down, the leader will blame me later. You don't want me to be criticized, do you? Zhang Jian said with a smile. Once he said that, Liu Yang had no reason to refuse. You can't let Zhang Dami go back and be criticized just because you don't want others to send you?

After getting into the elevator, Zhang Jian seemed to be interested, but also seemed to be chatting, and asked casually: You graduated from University B? Our leaders value talents the most, and we will definitely not let your pearl fall into the dust.

Liu Yang hurriedly said modestly: Director Zhang has won the award, what kind of pearl am I? At most, it is a piece of jade in the rough, and I will ask Director Zhang to give more advice and criticism in the future...

He didn't say that he was a stubborn stone, but that he was a rough jade, which surprised Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian looked at him with a smile and said: I don't dare to criticize, but when it comes to advice, I am older than you and have been working longer than you. I am often by the leader's side, but I have learned some experience. If you encounter something you don’t understand, just come to me.”

Then thank you Director Zhang. Liu Yang smiled gratefully and said.

Look? I don't treat you as an outsider, and you are still so polite to me? From now on, you will be called Brother Zhang when there is no one else. What is Director Zhang? My deputy director is just a name, and he is actually running errands beside the leader. It's you, with the support of the provincial leaders, and you are a talented student who graduated from University B, and you will definitely be promoted step by step in the future. Just don't forget about you, Brother Zhang...

While talking, he paid attention to the expression on Liu Yang's face.

Hearing that he was supported by people in the province, Liu Yang's heart suddenly moved, thinking that if I had connections in the province, why would I be bullied to death by that guy Liao Hongxing?

However, thinking about the sister he met in the guest house yesterday, and thinking about Wang Yifeng summoning him suddenly today, although Liu Yang was still a little dizzy in his mind, he also had a little understanding, knowing that Wang Yifeng summoned him suddenly, it is very likely It was because of the face of that sister yesterday.

Speaking of which, even if that sister yesterday was not a major leader in the province, at least she was in charge of a certain key department in the province. Otherwise, Wang Yifeng's majestic secretary of the municipal party committee doesn't have to give everyone face.

Although he understood it in his heart, Liu Yang didn't show any expression change on his face, he just said with a smile: Brother Zhang, you really think highly of me, don't say it's impossible to have such a day, if there is such a day, I will If you don’t know anyone, you dare not not know you, Brother Zhang!”

When the elevator reached the first floor, Zhang Jian sent Liu Yang out of the door of the Municipal Party Committee Building, and then waved goodbye to Liu Yang. When he walked into the elevator and went upstairs, Zhang Jian couldn't help but secretly praised Liu Yang, who was young and really calm.

Yesterday, the Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee mentioned him specifically when he was about to get in the car. Could this be a normal relationship? But the young man is not showing any signs of leakage, he just pretends to be a normal person. This person is not simple!

After walking into the office, Wang Yifeng looked at him and asked, Send him away? What did he say?

Standing in front of Wang Yifeng, Zhang Jian said respectfully, He neither denied nor admitted it.

Oh? What do you mean? Wang Yifeng asked with interest.

This time, Zhang Jian only said eight words slowly: Neither humble nor overbearing, calm and calm.

Oh? Wang Yifeng knew that his secretary had always had his eyes above his head, so he didn't talk much easily. He could say that, which showed that Liu Yang was really good.

Yesterday, when Fang Yuzhu, head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, was about to get into the car, she seemed to casually say that she had a relative named Liu Yang who was also working in the city, and this time he was gone in a hurry.

The speaker is not necessarily unintentional, but the listener is even more intentional. For a great leader like her, which sentence can be said casually?

Since she told herself that there is a relative working under her, she must want to take care of her properly. But through her as a relative, I can in turn get connected with Fang Yuzhu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the Organization Department. This is a matter of mutual benefit, how could Wang Yifeng not care about it?

Therefore, after Fang Yuzhu was sent away, Wang Yifeng asked Zhang Jian to find Liu Yang, just to find out who Liu Yang and Minister Fang were relatives. He couldn't find it yesterday, so he asked Zhang Jian to notify Liu Yang that he had summoned Liu Yang at work since he didn't do anything early in the morning.

But it was not suitable for Wang Yifeng to ask such words in person, so Zhang Jian was asked to test it out when sending Liu Yang off. Who would have thought that Zhang Jian actually said these eight words to himself, which was a bit beyond Wang Yifeng's expectations.

But considering that Liu Yang is a graduate student from University B, he must not be as shrewd as usual. Since this young man is so steady and solid, you can rest assured to arrange a suitable position for him...

But Liu Yang didn't know that after he left, Wang Yifeng actually moved such a thought. After leaving the compound of the municipal party committee, I returned to the office where I received myself from the municipal government. I saw a few colleagues huddled together and chatting about something. They were all beaming, as if they were very excited.

However, when they saw Liu Yang coming in, those people immediately fell silent and returned to their seats one by one to sit down. Because Liu Yang had something on his mind, he didn't pay too much attention to the expressions of those people peeking at him.

Li Shanshan, who was at the opposite table, raised her head to look at him, stretched her neck, and asked in a low voice, Liu Yang, are you okay?

This woman is about the same age as Liu Yang, with a round apple face and short ear-length hair. She is wearing a pink short-sleeve with small floral flowers on her upper body. The two buttons on the top are unbuttoned. The two balls in the front were full and just pressed against the edge of the table, and the neckline that was pulled away showed a deep white groove, which seemed much taller than usual.

My God, no wonder people say that women's grooves are squeezed out.

Liu Yang raised his eyes across the table, looked down at her mountains and rivers, shrugged his nose deliberately, sniffed the fragrance of Li Shanshan's body, and lowered his voice, What can I do? What's the matter? , what have you heard?

I hate it... people care about you! Li Shanshan winked at Liu Yang, as if she enjoyed the look Liu Yang just looked at. I heard people say that Fatty Liao has suspended your job and asked you to be in charge of cleaning. Is there such a thing?

It spread so quickly? You all know? Liu Yangxin said that when Fatty Liao said these words yesterday, he didn't see anyone he knew was there. How did the news spread so quickly?

First, Xia Lan called herself to break up after hearing the news, and now Li Shanshan asked herself again, presumably when she entered the room just now, those colleagues who had always looked down upon her were also discussing this matter.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, do these people have donkey ears?

Thinking of this, Liu Yang said with a smile: Not only let me clean up, but also let me write inspections. What's the matter with me, who will let other people's official colleges?

What's the matter, hearing your tone, how dare you not write? Li Shanshan smiled and stretched her neck forward again.

Speaking of which, Li Shanshan is definitely not a beauty. But this woman is plump, with a pair of mountains on her chest like two big balloons. In addition, she knows how to dress up, her skin is like snow, and she looks white and tender, which is very seductive.

Her father-in-law was originally the deputy mayor, but later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. From a real power faction to a second-line cadre who is neglected in front of the door, in Fatty Liao's eyes, it is dispensable.

Therefore, she didn't have a good impression of Fatty Liao, and she couldn't get along with those young people who depended on their family's wealth and power.

In this office, he and Liu Yang could still make do with each other.

I don't write, he can take my... Liu Yang was talking, a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses pushed the door in, and shouted in a rough voice: Where is Liu Yang? Liu Yang, come here... hurry up Come on, what are you dawdling about?

This person is Hu Xiaoping, the Section Chief of the Second Section of the Reception Office, who is Liu Yang's immediate boss.

This guy usually vents his anger with Liao Hongxing, and never takes Liu Yang seriously. Liu Yang had long been used to his gloomy expression, so he asked calmly, What are you doing, Chief Hu, am I here?

Hu Xiaoping snorted coldly: What are you doing? Don't you know what you are doing? You are so proud of yourself. The director of the Shizhong District Public Security Bureau came to the city government to arrest people in person. You are really giving our reception office a good face!

Following his words, with a bang, six or seven eyes in the office were all fixed on Liu Yang.

Liu Yang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and asked suspiciously, What do you mean, Section Chief Hu? You said that the director of the City Central Sub-bureau is here to arrest me? Why?

Although he asked this question, Liu Yang secretly thought: Could it be that the people in the Public Security Bureau knew about the fact that I beat Zhang Qiang?

impossible? Yesterday, I and Jiang Haiyan ran fast enough. I am not a public figure, and few people saw it on the street at that time, and even those who saw it could not know me.

This, what is going on here?

This article comes from Novel

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