The thin threads of sand that spread on the rope began to retract, and Crocodile stopped paying attention to her when he saw Robin retracting her hand from the sea of ​​clouds.

"Daz, look what's going on with the pointer now?"

The surrounding area was so white that it was impossible to tell the direction. Crocodile looked around and saw that there was nothing here except them.

"It's good and can continue to show the way."

Daz briefly tested the record pointer and found that it had not been damaged in the previous setbacks and could continue to be used.

Nodding, Crocodile asked Daz to adjust the direction of the sail and continue to set off according to the pointer.

Link returned to the lion's head and cut off the wooden boards around the lion's head with two knives. Then he felt a lot more comfortable. Then he stared at the sea of ​​clouds below, as if he saw something, and immediately shouted to Uta excitedly. .

"Uta! There are fish here! Give me my fishing rod!"

Smiling, Link's eyes stared at the white sea of ​​clouds and moved around, tightly locking the target below.

Are there fish?

The others were stunned when they heard this. Crocodile immediately used his sense of observation and began to investigate, and then looked at the sea of ​​clouds with a strange expression.

Link was right, there were indeed fish in the clouds, and there were quite a lot of them.

Gu Lewa became interested. Although she had lived longer and knew more, she had never been to Sky Island and had no idea about the situation here. After hearing Link say that there were fish in the clouds, she joined in excitedly. came over, and at the same time reminded Uta who was going to get the fishing rod.

"Bring me the bait I made for Link before, otherwise Link can fish here all day."

With a straight hook and no bait attached, almost no fish could be caught. If Link hadn't really caught it before, Gureva would have even wanted to remove the word "almost".

Olvia pulled Robin up by the rope, looked at each other and walked to Link's side with a smile. Uta also handed over the fishing rod and bait to Link with great enthusiasm, her big eyes constantly looking at the sea of ​​clouds. I looked around, wanting to see what the fish in the clouds looked like.

Seeing this scene, Crocodile sighed deeply, looked at each other and waved to him helplessly.

Looks like I'm going to stay here for a while.

Link and the others have become interested and cannot leave for the time being.

With this thought in mind, Crocodile also walked towards Link.

Anyway, that's it, why not take a look together? He is also very curious about the fish living in the clouds.

Link on the lion's head took the fishing rod and was about to throw the hook, but Gureva snatched it away. She reached out and bent the almost straight fishhook hard, and then hung the bait on it.

"Didn't I tell you before? You can't use straight hooks, you have to use curved ones, and you have to put bait."

Gureva was still explaining the basics of fishing to Link, but she didn't see Uta behind her staring at her deeply.

But Olvia and Robin both saw it, and they covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing, and had no intention of reminding Gureva.

Gu Lewa didn't even think about it. She had already told her before why Link didn't change and still fished with a straight hook without bait.

The answer is almost all out there. Who else besides Uta can influence Link's decision?

Maybe Gulewa didn't think much about it and was more curious about the fish on the clouds, so she forgot about it.

Linkhou anxiously took the fishing rod, aimed at the fish below and hit it directly.

The fishhook hit the fish directly, which frightened the fish and immediately swam away quickly.

Among the crowd, Crocodile was the only one who sensed this scene. He grinned and laughed, and the cigar in his mouth almost fell out.

Daz's Haki was still practicing, and the others didn't even know what Link had just done.

But maybe because there are almost no people here, the fish in the clouds feel a bit stupid. The fish that was knocked away before swam back after a while, following the smell of the bait, and bit the hook directly, killing Crocodile. They were all stunned.

Feeling the power coming from the fishing rod, the fishing rod in Link's hand was immediately covered with his armed domineering force, and even the fishing line turned black. He pulled it up sharply, and the fish under the clouds was pulled out directly.

This fish was tens of meters long, but its weight was very light. Link used too much force and threw the fish into the sky. If the fishhook hadn't been bitten by it, it would have flown away.

Using another force, he pulled it back and smashed it onto the deck of the Star. It occupied a large position and was flapping around with great vigor.

The body twisted and bumped around, and just when the fish tail was about to hit Uta, the fish's eyes suddenly turned white, it lost consciousness, and fell down helplessly.

Crocodile, who was about to take action, stopped and looked at Link deeply.

Sure enough, the domineering and domineering look is convenient.

And I don’t know if it’s Crocodile’s illusion, but Link’s control over Overlord’s color seems to be stronger than when he first met him.

He almost didn't notice the flash of domineering aura.

Is it because he grew up after the battle with Aokiji? Or does it involve Uta's safety?

But no matter what, as an ally, the stronger Link is, the better it is for him.

Uta was also startled by the sudden accident and couldn't help but take a step back. After the danger was eliminated, he saw the unconscious Kongyu and immediately understood what was going on.

When he was on the Experimental Island, the collision between Link and the golden lion's domineering color would cause the surrounding animals to lose consciousness. After seeing more, Uta also understood that this and the sudden loss of consciousness were the reasons for Link, but he still walked towards Link. passed.

"Be careful, I almost got hit by it."

Uta complained a little and pinched Link's face in dissatisfaction.

"Hehehe, I'm here."

If you want to hurt Uta next to him, this fish is still somewhat inadequate.

Gulewa ignored the two of them and walked over as soon as the fish stopped and started to see the fish's condition.

After touching in her pocket, she took out a sharp scalpel and easily cut open the fish's abdomen.

Gulewa felt something was wrong as soon as she got her hands on it. This fish was too light. It was about a hundred times lighter than fish of the same size. Most of its body was air and the fish had very little meat, but the meat looked extremely tender.

"Okay, I'll take it to the kitchen. Let's taste the fish together later."

Gureva dragged the fish into the kitchen. The huge fish almost filled the kitchen, so she had to cut it into several sections to free up a lot of space.

But Gulewa mainly wanted to see the body structure of this fish. If she did it on the deck, she was afraid that Uta wouldn't be able to stand it. It was much easier to do it in the kitchen, and it could be dismantled in more detail.

Olvia and Robin followed, one was helping Gureva, and the other was taking notes and taking notes. Except for the blood, everything was normal.

Link didn't make any sudden decision. Crocodile immediately told Daz to set off quickly, lest Link be attracted by something again and have to stop.

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