Romanian Eagle

Chapter 16 Flight

1905 passed quickly, Eder's efforts are slowly changing the historical trajectory of Romania, and industrial equipment from Germany is being continuously sent to Romania. Growing this small Balkan country. Everything makes Edel emotional.

Today is the big day when the army reorganized the first batch of troops. Carol I personally reviewed the reorganized troops accompanied by Edel and Preshan and others. Your Majesty, please look at the newly reorganized Second Division of the Guards, which was reorganized by the Guards Division and the third division. Most of the officers at the lower level have been trained for a period of time, and they are the elites of our army. Preshan pointed to The neat team in front said, I'm very happy that you have done well, and I hope you will continue to work hard. Carroll I said to Pleishan next to him. We will definitely reorganize the rest of the army, as powerful as your majesty, Puliesan replied to the old king. After all, the old king had limited energy. After a while of inspection, he was exhausted and returned to the palace, leaving Edel to continue his inspection.

Now tell me about your difficulties. Edel asked to Preshan. His Royal Highness is mainly short of Mauser 98 rifles, and there is still a shortfall of 20,000. The remaining soldiers are still using Manshali 1895 rifles, and the artillery is also short of 16 105 light howitzers. The field hospital is also short of medical equipment, and logistics troops are still short of mules. There are still 1,200 horses missing, and communication equipment is not enough. Preshan complained to the crown prince, he had never experienced such a large-scale reorganization before, and it is normal to have some problems. Eder was taken aback and asked, Let the existing arsenal build the rifle. Others can only be solved gradually after completion. Use the current equipment for a while. Medical equipment and communication equipment will be purchased from Germany. said distressedly. This is the result of Eder's own ill-consideration. Before, Eder only purchased 30,000 rifles, and he did not purchase enough artillery. Edel had a good idea and planned to build it slowly, but now it can only be used first.

Okay, Your Highness. Puliesan and other high-level military officials did not expect the Crown Prince to solve the problem. The main purpose is to complain about the suffering, so that the crown prince can understand the actual difficulties of the army. Seeing the appearance of the crown prince worrying about military supplies, Preshan decided to say some good news, otherwise he would appear a little incompetent. Now the combat effectiveness of a reorganized division of the army is 20 percent higher than that of one that has not been reorganized.

Edel came as soon as he heard the interest. Have you done exercises before? the crown prince asked the chief of staff. Before, I only did it at the battalion level, but I didn't have time to do it later. Preshan answered the crown prince's question. You can reach the division level this year, and let the whole army see the results. Edel said with great interest, and the chief of general staff of Preshan calculated and said. It is estimated that it will not be ready until May. I will let the king come to visit the exercise at that time. Edel said to the chief of staff of his decision. The final result of the deliberations is still scheduled for May to conduct division-level military exercises.

After Edel toured the army, he came to the Prime Minister's Office to meet Prime Minister Stuart. Didn't your Highness go to inspect the army? Why do you have time to come to the government? Prime Minister Stuart asked straight to the point, and Edel responded. The main reason is that the army still has a little medical and communication equipment, and needs some funds from the government. How much money does this need? Prime Minister Stuart asked, fearing that the crown prince would speak loudly. Not much, just 5 million marks. Edel knew what the Prime Minister was thinking. It's easy for me to ask the Ministry of Finance to give it to the military. Prime Minister Stuart heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the numbers, just as he was afraid that the crown prince would back out, Eder said goodbye to the prime minister and returned to the palace with satisfaction.

After a while, Henry Coanda came excitedly, told Prince Edel that his plane was ready, and invited the crown prince to visit his test flight. Eder became interested and wanted to see the masterpieces of Romanian flying pioneers, so he agreed.

The next day, Edel went to the suburbs in casual clothes. There was a large group of people around a flat grass. In the middle, he saw Henry Coanda's precious flying machine.

In addition to the two layers of canvas covering the wings, the whole body is a skeleton structure, and the seat is still sewn from two pieces of leather, Eder's concept of the aircraft has been refreshed. Henry Coanda said something to his assistant with a smile on his face. Edel didn't step forward either, just stood on the side to see if the flight plan would be successful.

Go tell him to start when you're ready. Edel instructed a guard next to him, who nodded and walked to Henry Coanda to tell him what the crown prince meant. Henry Coanda looked around and saw Edel, the crown prince signaled to him not to come over, Henry Coanda nodded and prepared for the flight. In order to ensure the success of the flight, Henry Coanda and his assistants had already carefully inspected the very original aircraft.

Seeing Henry Coanda sitting on the aircraft, the crowd dispersed. As the assistant starts the engine, the propeller starts to turn. When the propeller turned to a certain speed, the assistant removed the stone in front of the vehicle's wheels. The aircraft moved faster and faster, and after taxiing for 200 meters, the aircraft left the ground. At this moment, the people around were cheering. Henry Coanda waved back and forth in the sky to the people on the ground, and also vented his excitement, thinking that he was looking for sponsors for funds, working day and night for the manufacture of aircraft, and flying into the sky. For a moment, it was all worth it. Henry Coanda landed after flying more than ten kilometers in the sky. The crowd rushed up to greet the hero of the flight. The reporter also stepped forward to take pictures of Henry Coanda and asked to interview the hero.

Seeing the completion of the flight, Edel stepped forward to congratulate the pilot. Henry Coanda is a successful flight. I hope you will continue to make better aircraft. Hearing the crown prince's encouragement, Henry Coanda replied with a smile. The success of this flight is inseparable from the great support of the crown prince, otherwise I can't even build an aircraft. The next day, the newspaper reported the flight in the headlines, and the headline was that the Romanians also flew into the sky, which made Henry Coanda has also become a household name.

Edel looked at the newspaper and thought that the Romanian Air Force had fallen. Although it is still budding, I have enough time to wait for it to grow and bloom, but it still needs to be watered and fertilized. Thinking of this, Edel called the captain of the guard Carust to speak. The subsidy for Henry Coanda can be increased to 30,000 pounds. The captain of the guard nodded and went out.

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