Romanian Eagle

Chapter 21 Pipelines

In the following days, the weapons and equipment produced by the arsenal continued to support the smooth progress of Edel's reorganization plan. Edel is also overseeing other plans.

Just as Edel was watching the great development of Romanian industry, the captain of the guard Carust gave him good news. Henry Ford built the truck Edel needed after several months of research after returning to the United States. Now Henry Ford told Edel the good news.

This news is too good for Edel. Now the car factories are all hand-made cars, and they are all passenger cars, and the cargo car has not been paid much attention. Eder will open up this market first, and come up with mature products to open up the market. Coupled with the sharp tool of the assembly line, most automakers can be blocked out. This can make a big difference in Romania's economy. A truck can carry three times the weight of a horse-drawn cart, which is a good boost for both dock transportation and factory transportation, which is no less than a gold mine for Edel.

Eder asked Henry Ford to bring the prototype car and technical team, and he is now eager to see Ford's masterpiece. Twenty days later, Edel saw the technical team led by Henry Ford in Constanta under the name of inspecting the steel plant.

Mr. Ford didn't expect you to come here in person. Edel stepped forward and held Henry Ford's hand. His Royal Highness is very grateful for you to welcome our team in person, come and see our baby. With the roar of a car, a relatively primitive truck drove up to Edel.

His Royal Highness, let me introduce this car to you. His car is 4 meters long, 1.6 meters wide and 2 meters high. The cab can seat two people. The tires are made of hollow rubber and have a width of 20 centimeters to ensure that it can be used on the road grass. For driving, we use the carriage according to the request of the crown prince. The carriage is made of iron and wood and can carry 1.5 tons of cargo without crushing the axle. The 150 horsepower can ensure that it can walk like a fly. This is a perfect masterpiece. Henry Ford introduced Edel about his masterpiece.

It's very good. How many kilometers does it run with full gas? Edel asked the topic of his greatest concern. We designed it with a big fuel tank to run 200 kilometers per hour at 40 kilometers per hour. Ford answered Edel's question.

What is the maximum capacity of this car? Edel asked.

We have done experiments to drive 2.5 tons of cargo to run 100 kilometers, but the car needs to be repaired after the run.

Is there a name? Edel asked, pointing to the prototype car. I haven't given a name yet. I'm waiting for His Highness to go for this new car. Henry Ford gave Edel a little flattery. Then let's call it Dongfeng, I believe it can be popular all over the world. Ford and the people around him nodded in approval of the name.

How much can such a vehicle cost now? Edel asked. A truck is too expensive to be used for transportation, and it can't be too expensive to replace a horse-drawn carriage.

His Royal Highness, according to my calculations, now manufactures a truck like this, and the cost should be $1,000. Henry Ford said a little proudly. Henry Ford has his proud capital. Now a car in the United States sells for about $4,000. , but that is all kinds of materials are used high-end goods, is specially sold to the rich. And the vans don't need those things, so that's why the price comes down. Edel thought it would be too expensive or not, and it would cost almost £260 to sell it for $1,200 at a profit. There will be no market at all, and it seems that it is necessary to enlarge the recruitment.

Edel asked Henry Ford, Do workers make cars now that one car is built and then another? Henry Ford was surprised that the crown prince would ask this question and answered truthfully. Cars are made like this now, what's the problem with the crown prince? Eder decided to tell him about Henry Ford's greatest creation, which made Ford stand out as the greatest man in automotive history. That is the great innovation of the assembly line.

This is Ford's inspiration from the slaughterhouse, which uses what can be called a demolition line, that is, a slaughtered cow or pig carcass is moved in front of many meat cutters, each cutter only cuts a specific some part of. Ford reversed the process, with the chassis traveling on a conveyor belt from one end to the other at a constant speed. Moving forward, the engine is gradually installed, the empty system, the carriage, the steering wheel, the instrument, the lights, the window glass, the wheels, and a complete car is assembled. The first assembly line shortened the assembly time of each Model T car from 12 hours and 28 minutes to 10 seconds, increasing the production efficiency by 4,488 times!

Edel told Ford more about this plan. Ford was greatly inspired and very excited, grabbing Edel's arms and saying excitedly. Your Highness, you are really a genius, so that I can make ordinary people can buy a car. You must know that a car is now a symbol of rich people's status and status, and ordinary people can't afford it. My dream is to make ordinary people use it. Get in the car. Edel thought in his heart that this is your greatest creation, and you don't need to thank me for making your dream come true in advance.

So after such optimization, how much cost can our Dongfeng truck achieve? Edel asked, It should be able to reduce the cost to $700, and it will only get lower as it goes on. Workers only make one component. , the requirements for workers will not be too high, it can reduce our training time, and it is also very beneficial to our expansion. Henry Ford said excitedly. The cost price of less than £145 makes Edel very satisfied, and this price can play a huge role in the transport industry.

Apparently Ford was also outstanding as a businessman and knew right away the power of the price. Can His Royal Highness hand over the authorization of the Americas to Ford for production. Ford also raised this topic in advance. Edel knew that what Henry Ford wanted to grow was the Ford Company. One was the president and the other was the shareholder. Everyone knew the choice. And Ford has really developed, and the Wall Street consortium will not let this gold mine go. As a small European country, Edel can get benefits from the consortium, which is not possible for a consortium with a private army.

Well, Henry Ford, I can sell Ford for $10 a car in the Americas, and your new models will be sold to me in Europe for $10 a car. Edel is targeting the Model T, and I believe that the current Ford won't default on its debts, and by the time it's grown enough to default, Edel will have made enough money.

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