Romanian Eagle

Chapter 32 Financial Turmoil

Edel looked at the petitions sent by the Bank of England, the National Bank of Paris, the National Bank of Russia, and the Deutsche Reichsbank. Looking at the petition, which was called an ultimatum, Eder felt heavy pressure. After all, he was in the country before, and no one could move him with Carol I backing him, and now the old king may not be able to withstand it.

Edel is now thinking about how to deal with the financial attacks of major foreign banks. No matter how you deal with it, you must have sufficient funds. This is the ammunition for fighting against this group of capitalists. Edel came to the old king's office, and now he needs the support of Carol I.

What do you think of Edel? In Carol I's room, the old king asked Edel's opinion. No matter how we deal with it, we must raise a large amount of money first and hold them back for a few days. The old king listening to Edel's speech was thinking to himself, he and his son did not expect the other party's reaction to be so big, and it was not as expected. Same. I blamed myself for being too optimistic before and wanted to leave Edel a better kingdom, but now this petition has forced myself to have no way out. Now I believe that many people are watching the government's decision. Whether power controls capital or capital controls power can only be known after a struggle.

If you lose everything, don’t mention it. The prestige of the government and the royal family will be greatly reduced. I believe that some people will request to reorganize the government, and the power of the royal family will be greatly handed over to the future government. This is unacceptable to Carol I, the founder of the Romanian kingdom. Winning can guarantee that the royal family has absolute rights for 20 years. King Carroll has seen the growth of the European bourgeoisie now. While they grow themselves, they will also demand corresponding power and status.

Ederty's financial bill is the royal family's means of trying to control the bourgeoisie. King Carroll also wants to take advantage of the financial crisis to regulate them. I just didn't expect that these foreign banks representing European powers would be completely united, two opposing camps they could represent. It seems that this little profit in Romania has actually allowed the two opposing camps to unite.

The king and his son called Viscount Adri, the chief steward, to report on the family. Because His Royal Highness Edel has invested in industries such as oil, cars, bicycles, etc., the royal family now has 3.8 million pounds in cash... The Carroll and his son discussed after the chief executive reported his departure.

You must have 10 million pounds of funds in order to resist the financial attacks of these guys. Edel, who has experience in later generations, said that for Edel who has experience in later generations, he only knows that the two major socialist countries will default if they can't pay it back. . How much help to Romania, only God knows. This small Balkan country, now surrounded by European powers, can only abide by the rules of the game and dare not go beyond it.

It's still too little. King Carroll thought of the chief executive's report. In fact, the royal family has a lot of assets, but most of them are real estate, and it is also difficult to realize land and housing. No one in China can eat it, but there are abroad, but the royal family does not dare to sell it.

Actually, there is a way to prepare enough funds. Edel continued to talk while watching his father. Americans have always been very thoughtful about the European market. We ask them to mortgage and borrow goods, and I believe they will not be rejected.

Edel and the old king discussed the details, and after they felt it was feasible, they called Prime Minister Stuart to discuss. As a king supporter, Stuerley is very qualified, after listening to the crown prince's plan. The old Prime Minister thought for a while and said, His Royal Highness, we must act secretly and quickly, and don't give them too much time to react.

After the government sent a reply to the four major foreign banks, it said that it would take a few days to consider because of the importance, and the heads of the banks who received the reply discussed again. This time our ultimatum will make Romania submit, and no one can resist the four of us joining forces. Tiromotov said with a bit of interest, and the other three could also see it. Because of the discussion today, Diromotov still has a bottle of wine in his hand, and it seems that he has been under a lot of pressure recently.

Hope this for the best,

As long as we unite the Romanians we can only submit. Mondrick said this, still looking at Cromander, obviously his worries still have some reason.

Cromander saw this scene and knew that he could not raise suspicion. I won't have a problem here. I'm afraid that Mr. Mondrick forgot to prepare the funds for the payment. If so, the Deutsche Reichsbank can do it for you.

Hearing Cromander's mockery, Mondrick's face changed, and he was obviously ready to return to this place, but was persuaded by Ellison who had not spoken. Well, we can't bring a little profit to the bank by arguing, now we need to unite to share the pie.

After listening to Ellison's speech, the two of them could not help but calm down for him. Ellison was very satisfied with the effect and continued, I don't think it would be so simple to make them submit. From what I understand, the king and his son are not simple characters. There may be twists and turns in this matter.

So what should we do now? Diromotov, as the party with the greatest interest, is also the most concerned. We must first remove the trash fish now. Those who don't listen to us will reduce their loans and raise interest rates to force them to stand by us. We must also closely monitor the actions of the palace and the government, and be careful that they may attack us unexpectedly.

Very well, we'll do it this way. Tiromotov nodded and said that although the other two were dissatisfied with the Russians, it represented the dissatisfaction of the others. Still nodding in agreement, after all, this is a very good idea.

During the four secret negotiations, Edel called the captain of the guard, Carust, to quietly instruct him. Go and invite Mr. Smith, don't let anyone know. Okay, Your Highness. Carust replied and left the room.

After a while, Carust walked out of the palace with a bodyguard. It is said that he went to Ploiesti to buy things for the crown prince, and came back the next morning with a bunch of things.

Your Highness, what are you looking for from me? Smith, who was wearing a guard uniform and hat, asked. Smith knew he had to speak to himself about being secretly brought back to Bucharest. An assistant told himself about the events of the past few days, making Smith feel that this is an opportunity, an opportunity to climb up.

Mr. Smith, I need you to send this telegram to Mr. Rockefeller in your company. Edel handed the document in his hand to the American, and Smith took it and saw it. The royal family is willing to mortgage 60% of the shares of PetroRomania and 80% of the shares of Volkswagen to Rockefeller's banks in exchange for a loan of US$25 million, and a loan of US$25 million for part of the land in the name of the royal family. At the same time, American capital is welcome to enter Romanian finance. A total of $50 million (£10.24 million) has been loaned out on a conditional basis. It is paid off in eight years and the interest rate is 4.5% per annum.

Seeing this, Smith felt full of energy. He knew about oil companies and car factories, and thought the valuation was reasonable. Your Highness, please wait for my good news.

That night, the document appeared in front of John Rockefeller's desk, and it also attached Smith's current situation in Romania. Sample.

John Rockefeller Jr. thought about it, It's a good deal.

John Rockefeller nodded to the butler and said, Call Morgan I think he'll be interested.

After a while the housekeeper handed the phone to John Rockefeller. Good evening Morgan, I hope I didn't disturb you for dinner. I have a good deal here, do you know if you're interested? Rockefeller can call me at dinner time, I'm very interested in this deal. ' said Morgan on the other end of the phone. Rockefeller relayed the telegram from Smith to Morgan.

This loan is very good. The Rohenzollern family in Romania is still very rich. I took over this business. A land loan of 25 million US dollars can be sent to them through the European branch. By the way, I will also send your A loan was also sent to them.” Morgan knew that the purpose of Rockefeller’s call was to send the money quickly through his own channels. For a foot in the Balkans, not only Rockefeller was interested in Morgan as well. If you can make money yourself, you can also expand the business scope of the European branch, which is indeed a good business.

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