Romanian Eagle

Chapter 46 New President

At a time when European powers were concerned about the Bosnian crisis, and Bulgarian independence sparked tensions between him and Ottoman Turkey. Eder is also paying attention to the development of the situation, but Romania is weak and does not have much impact on the situation. Therefore, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can only continue to work hard and develop Romania's national strength to lay a solid foundation for the next World War.

Now after three years, the Ploiesti field is finally fully completed. Now Edel is under the leadership of Standard Oil Representative Smith and Mayor Calaturi to visit the completed refinery area.

Looking at the towering factory building, Edel said to Smith, who was glowing red on the left. I remember when I first came here three years ago. It was still an open space. You were scolding the workers for their work. It felt like yesterday.

Facing the praise of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Smith said sternly. All of this is due to the help of Mayor Latourie, especially the lack of manpower last winter, which seriously affected the progress of the project. It was Mr. Mayor who helped us convene people to work to ensure that we could complete the project on time.

Smith is also a man of elves, knowing that the factory has a close relationship with local officials in order to survive better.

About the understaffing last winter. This is a group of local gangsters who often harass the factory construction, so they make small moves. According to the law, the police cannot catch them due to insufficient evidence. Smith didn't want to disturb the crown prince because of this trivial matter, so he gave a little money to pass away.

Who knew that this group of local ruffians was so confident last winter that the lion suddenly opened his mouth and wanted to make a fortune. After being rejected by Smith, he ran to the workers' homes and threatened them not to go to work. Smith approached Mayor Latour for help, but the mayor ordered the arrest of all these rogues on the grounds of threatening the lives of others, and was sentenced to five years of hard labor. They also have a share of the credit for the completion of the refinery.

Edel also knows about this, there are such a group of mindless people everywhere, just need some education.

Edel stood in the middle of the refinery and said while looking at the surrounding factories. This is the beauty of industry, and only industry can strengthen Romania.

His Royal Highness is very correct. Only by relying on industry can we people become rich. Mayor Calaturi took the lead in supporting the Crown Prince's words. Caraturi's words were like a starting pistol, and then everyone spoke up. Yes. That's right. If you want a strong country, you need industry. Your Highness's words are very reasonable.

This makes Edel a little helpless, but just a sigh of his own can also attract a lot of attention. However, the crown prince knew that with the passage of time, this kind of thing was inevitable. After three years of understanding, officials have gradually figured out the habits of the crown prince, knowing that Edel wants to expand the industry and values ​​his subordinates based on his ability.

However, the habits of the officials will not change because of the addition of an Edel, and the current praise is not harmful, as long as they are sober, there is no problem. Edel ignored the group of officials and asked Smith who was beside him. I heard that Mr. Smith will be transferred back to US headquarters.

Yes, Your Highness, I only found out yesterday.

Mr. Smith, you are actually a department manager when you return to the United States. You can jump out and become the general manager of an oil company. Edel invited Smith, and Smith was very surprised. He was a little overwhelmed by the two sudden good news.

His Royal Highness's news is too sudden for me, I have no choice. Smith stammered to Crown Prince Eder.

Edel looked at Smith who was a little embarrassed and said. Mr. Smith, you sometimes think about what I would do if I were a company executive. You know it will take you at least 10 years to reach the decision-making level in Standard Oil. And there is a lot of corporate resistance, which will make you take it. A lot of time to clean up. The new company doesn’t have this problem and can operate as it understands.”

Facing the tempting topic of the crown prince,

Smith is still hard to let go. His Royal Highness, can I think about it? Edel knew that it was almost the same, and it would be ineffective if a wise person said too much.

Okay, I'll wait for your news.

I won't make His Highness wait for a long time.

Eder is so anxious to find the president of the oil company, mainly because the previous president's ability is too poor. It caused the smog in the Romanian oil company, various office politics, and bloated personnel, which caused Edel a lot of headaches.

If you want to find one outside, Smith, the representative of Standard Oil in Romania, enters the crown prince's sight. Understand the operation of the oil company, know the problems of the Romanian oil company, the most important thing is very capable. Was going to look at Smith, who made him do a good job, and Standard Oil wanted to bring him back to headquarters. Jean Edel can only invite in advance and tell Smith, who is now the most suitable for Romanian Petroleum.

When the sky was dark, Smith returned to his residence. This was a two-story building climbed by vines. Smith lived on the second floor. There is only simple furniture in the room, and a large bookshelf is placed on the side against the wall, with neatly stacked books on it. Standing by the bookshelf, you can see the raw edges of these book corners, obviously the owner often flips through them.

Smith was just walking back and forth by the bookshelf, thinking about Edel's words today, comparing the advantages of two jobs. 'Going back to Standard Oil can fight hard in the biggest oil company and have the opportunity to run this trust enterprise. In Romanian oil, you can now, and you can control one side of the world. ’

One is the present and the other is the future. Smith didn't know the choice either. He slowly stopped as he walked, as if he had made a decision. Smith pulled out a two-lei coin. The front is to go back to the United States, and the back is to stay in Romania. Let God arrange all this.

Smith threw out the coin in his hand. The coin rolled in midair and fell onto the soft carpet. The Romanian words on the back came into Smith's sight. Smith thought to himself, God wants me to stay.

Early the next morning, Smith, dressed in neat and formal clothes, came to the crown prince's residence and told the guards at the door. Please inform His Royal Highness Smith to visit. Please wait a moment. Edel, who received the report of the guard, was discussing the latest news in Bosnia with the chief of the guard.

Let him go to the living room and I'll come down right away. The guard led Smith to the living room. Edel tidied up his clothes and walked down the stairs slowly, looking at Smith's smiling face. Mr. Smith, have you brought good news? Smith said after taking off his hat and bending over to salute. Your Highness, your recognition of my ability has moved me very much. It is my lifetime honor to be the president of PetroRomania.

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