Romanian Eagle

Chapter 77 Jan Antonescu

When Eder asked about funding constraints, he also dropped plans to build a diesel engine factory. Everything has to wait for the speculation to succeed, in order to complete their ideas.

Edel can only continue to be busy with other domestic affairs with regret in his heart. A guard came in and said to the hard-working crown prince. His Royal Highness, this is the report completed by General Preshan inviting His Highness to participate in the training of the Twelve Divisions.

After hearing the guard's words, Edel took the report and looked. Because the reorganization of the army is a major event, the inspection of the royal family has become a reserved program. In order to cultivate Edel's influence in the army, Carol I, except for the first reorganization, was presided over by Edel every time.

There are ten days left for the ceremony in Galati on October 14th, so I can just go out and have a look. The crown prince thought about it in his heart.

Tell General Presan and I will preside over it, Edel told the guards.

Okay, Your Highness.

Ten days later, Eder came to the Bucharest train station and met Pree Mountain, who had been waiting for a long time. After some greetings, the group got on the train bound for Galati, and as usual, Preshan and the crown prince sat together.

How's the army reorganization recently? Edel asked about Preshan.

This year is not bad. The 12th Division has been reorganized. The 15th Division still has a little gap between artillery and machine guns, but it's not a big problem. The arsenal has already coordinated, and the equipment will be sent next month. It's a little difficult. Preshan truthfully told the crown prince the situation, and by the way said Mi's difficulties next year.

What happened next year?

In the face of the crown prince's question, the chief of staff spoke out the question. Next year, the tenth, seventeenth and fourteenth (not thirteenth) divisions will be reorganized. There is a certain shortage of qualified officers, mainly technical officers, especially military doctors and veterinarians.

When Edel heard Pleishan's complaint, he couldn't do anything about it. A qualified military doctor in the army must be an excellent surgeon. He knows everything from amputation to cold and fever. You must also be strong and not too old. This kind of requirement is a very high requirement in Romania, a country with poor medical conditions. Doctors with this technology are very popular in major hospitals. In the face of high salaries in hospitals, the point given by the military is not enough.

The same is true for veterinarians, who are faced with much less salary than outside. Although they are promoting patriotism and salary every day, which is related to their own interests, many people still choose the realistic side. Some people may ask why they don't raise their salaries. If they raise their salaries alone, it will destroy the salary structure of the army and attract more people to be dissatisfied.

This problem can only be solved internally in the army, such as transferring someone with education and talent to study and letting him work for the army for 15 years as compensation for training costs. Edel recalled the method in his previous life and suggested.

After hearing the crown prince's suggestion, Puliesan only smiled bitterly in his heart. This method of the Crown Prince is too time-consuming. It takes at least three years to train a qualified military doctor, and it usually takes five years, and the cost is not cheap at all.

Your Highness, I will seriously consider your suggestion.

After General Preshan finished Tai Chi, he felt that he wanted to divert the topic. His Royal Highness, let's improve the soldier's training syllabus, do you need to take a look?

Edel was a little intrigued by Preshan's words. It can be seen.

After hearing the Crown Prince's interest, Preshan called to a young officer. Antonescu brought the training plan.

Edel's expression was a little stunned when he heard Preshan's words. But it changed back immediately and was not seen by the chief of staff.

Edel looked closely at this young captain named Antonescu, who had a high degree of acquaintance with the dictator of World War II, but looked much younger. In Edel's mind, it seems that it is him.

Captain Antonescu walked up to the Chief of Staff with the document,

Hand it to him and turn away.

This is an officer who was recently transferred to the General Staff. He was a platoon commander in the cavalry division before. He is a good guy. Seeing the crown prince taking a few more glances at Antonescu, Pleishan seemed rather impressed. Interested in talking about him.

Soldiers who can be praised by the chief of staff must be excellent.

Hearing that the crown prince was really interested in this Antonescu, the chief of the general staff planned to give the officer he was optimistic about a chance. Antonescu, come here.

Under the envious eyes of many young officers, Antonescu came to Preshan and Edel again. Looking at the young officer who came up to him, Preshan told him. Introduce yourself to the crown prince.

Antonescu said after a military salute. Okay, Your Excellency Chief of Staff.

His Royal Highness, I was born in 1882, I am 27 years old this year, I come from Pitesti, I have been honored by my father as a soldier since I was a child...

Through Antonescu's introduction, Edel learned that he was born in Pitesti in 1882 to a family of cavalry officers, and later became a soldier following the family's traditions, and in 1898 entered a school for the children of officers. In 1902, he was admitted to the Infantry and Cavalry Officers School. In 1904, he graduated first in the class. Before coming to the General Staff, he served as a platoon commander in the 1st regiment of the cavalry division. Later, because of his excellent performance, he was valued by Pleishan and transferred over.

After listening to Antonescu's explanation, Eder can be sure that he is the one who tried to save Romania's fate in World War II. Although he did a lot of wrong things later, there was no problem using him as an officer. Now it's not appropriate to do anything to help him, let him learn more from Pu Lieshan's side. Edel, who had made a decision, told him.

Captain Antonescu, you have a very good family. Your own efforts have paid off, and I hope you will make a great contribution to Romania in the future.

In the face of the crown prince's praise, the Captain Antonescu replied with a flat face. Thank you for your highness's expectation, I will make it my goal.

After seeing that the Crown Prince had finished his question, General Presan told him about it. Captain Antonescu, go and do your own business.

After Antonescu heard it, he gave the crown prince and the chief of staff a military salute and left.

Seeing Antonescu leaving, Edel spoke to General Presan. Give him one of the training places in Germany this year.

His Royal Highness intends to train him.

In the face of Preshan's inquiry, Edel said. It's a chance to give him a chance to see how much he can learn.

On the other side of the carriage, returning Antonescu was surrounded by several staff officers.

Hey, Antonescu, you are lucky to be summoned by the crown prince and the chief of the general staff. In the future, you can't forget us. A staff officer joked and praised. The staff officer's words made several officers nodded in agreement.

Okay Mikiko, don't make fun of me, I'm almost sweating in the face of the crown prince and the chief of staff. Antonescu said to the staff.

Why wasn't I the one who summoned me? I want to sweat too. The staff officer named Mikiko asked reluctantly.

That's because you're not handsome enough, Antonescu said with a quip that resolved the issue. Several other officers who heard the explanation said to the staff officer with a smile. Did Mikiko see it, this is the gap.

That's right.

The officers' fights did not affect Antonescu. As a man who has dreamed of being an officer since he was a child, now is just the beginning for him.

The train arrived at Galati in the afternoon, and the work of completing the 12th Division for review and reorganization had just begun.

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