Romanian Eagle

Chapter 9 Reorganization of the Army

After Eder got what he wanted from the Prime Minister, he saw Pleishan who was busy at the Ministry of War, and saw Pleishan saying to a staff officer, Send this batch of rifles to the Guards Division, they keep saying The replacement G98 is not enough, and now the addition of this one should meet the demand. Now Preshan looks rosy and energetic, that is because he has just been promoted to chief of the general staff, for this reorganization plan and promotion The position of the crown prince in the army, King Carol promoted Preshan to the rank of lieutenant general and presided over the work of the general staff. Seeing Edel's arrival, General Preshan came over. His Royal Highness, you can call me if you have anything. I don't know what you have to do this time. Let's go to your office to talk. Edel obviously didn't want too many people Know in advance.

When he arrived at Preshan's office, Eder told Preshan about the harvest of the Prime Minister's Office this time. His Royal Highness has raised the salary of the army this time. We will play a very important role in rectifying corruption in the next step. At that time, everyone will be convinced by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As Edel's spokesperson in the army, Preshan can enhance the crown prince's prestige in the army. very happy. This allows him to benefit too.

For the time being, only you know about the military. Come up with a plan and I will approve it. Edel also knows how to give some benefits to his loyal subordinates, I can put the plan on the crown prince's table tomorrow. Shan assured the crown prince. After Edel left, Preshan began to make a reasonable calculation of how much salary increases should be received at each level of the army this time.

The next morning, Edel really saw the plan on his desk. In this plan, ordinary soldiers increased by 25%, non-commissioned officers increased by 30%, and lieutenant-level officers increased by 35%. , the school level is 30%, and the general above is 25%. The main purpose of this plan is to improve the middle and lower ranks of the officers, which can reduce the chance of corruption in the army in the future. It seems that General Preshan is also very attentive. Edel signed the plan and asked the guards to hand it over to General Presan.

Soon the army knew, and the pay increase made everyone happy. I am very grateful to the crown prince for their actions to fight for their interests, which is a great bonus to the crown prince's prestige. Just be grateful now and you'll feel the majesty, Edel thought. Your Highness, or leave it to your ministers to do it, so that the dissatisfaction in the army will not be linked to the crown prince. Chief of Staff General Preshan said to his crown prince, My chief of staff, you don't have to worry, Some thieves in the army can't threaten me. The army can't only feel kindness, they should also feel majesty. Edel said quite confidently.

A few days later, a notice to inspect the armament of each division was sent from the General Staff. The inspection teams formed by Eder himself are ready to start systematic inspections of each division. According to their report, Crown Prince Eder will clean up these worms in the army and show the majesty of the future king.

The inspection team of the Fifth Division is checking the logistics inventory. There are a total of 1,643 guns reported damaged, but only 817 guns have been reported damaged here, and there is a gap of 712 sets of military uniforms. Where did you go? A young investigator asked the sweaty logistics officer beside him, the fat logistics officer, looked around at the investigators who were checking, quietly took out an envelope, and said nervously. Actually, the rest is written on it. The investigator took the envelope and opened it and saw that there was a thick pound of pounds inside. It seems to be 500 pounds. The young investigator said. It's actually £600, replied the chubby logistics officer.

Jigger, come here. The young investigator looked at the terrified logistics officer. Take a note of Major Glasd, who tried to bribe the inspection team with 600 pounds. You must remember Giger. It's gone. The investigator named Giger wrote with a mocking expression. You have to remember, this is not something I can do alone, with the support of big people. Major Glasder was doing his last struggle,

You mean you have a big man behind your back. I'm very interested to know who he is. The investigator looked at the major with a very interested expression. Major Glasd obviously realized that if he said it, he would die. , If you don't say that it is possible to save yourself, you will immediately keep your mouth shut.

Looks like he's still a smart guy, but I'll let you speak, but you won't like it. The investigator leaned down and said to the terrified major with a smile.

When setting up the investigation team, Edel realized that corruption in the military would involve a great network of relationships. At this time, he needed a certain ability to protect himself and the continuation of the investigation. Eder gave each investigation team leader a secret warrant, which could requisition the gendarmerie of each division when the investigation was interfered with and could no longer be carried out.

Soon, various investigation teams sent news that there were quite a few problems. It was no longer a big deal that guns and ammunition were not taken into account. The 7th division lost two artillery pieces, which made Edel quite speechless. What a lack of intelligence. Performance. The division chiefs and chiefs of staff were all involved.

General Preshan, it seems that the training of senior officers must be carried out. Edel said to his chief of staff, I didn't expect it to be so serious. Does His Highness need to investigate further now? He asked with a guilty conscience, General Preshan was afraid that this incident would prevent the crown prince from coming to power, which would be a big blow to the crown prince's prestige.

Edel was still a little hesitant. He was also afraid that he would be injured by the tiger instead of dying, just like Prince Jiang in the history of his previous life. But in a world war, if there is no army with outstanding military achievements, it is very difficult for Edel to accept. Thinking of these, Edel himself has made a decision. And this is also different from Prince Jiang.

Let the investigation team continue to investigate. In the end, they can't fight against the kingdom. Edel said to Preshan.

Returning to the palace Edel stopped a servant and asked. Where is my father. The king is in the study. The servant hurriedly said to the crown prince. Edel went to the study and saw that Carol I was working on a document.

Is Edel okay? The old king looked up and saw Edel entered the study. Yes father, I need your help. Edel replied, Tell me, what help do you need from me. The old king straightened his waist and asked the crown prince in front of him. I need the kingdom's spies to help me keep an eye on the military's top generals. Edel told the king about his request. What's wrong?

Edel told Carroll I about the investigation report, saying that it was still the result of an in-depth investigation. The old king pondered for a while, and called for Viscount Adri, the chief steward. Call Milok for me. As Your Majesty the steward saluted King Carroll and the Crown Prince and walked out.

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