Romanian Eagle

Chapter 84 The Change of Little People

When Lieutenant Colonel Midrafeel happily led the naval personnel to Germany to receive the new warship. Others in Constanta are also moving to Ploiesti for a new life.

At the Volkswagen plant in Constanta, Sodaval was discussing with his long-time friend Nisidel that the Ploiesti Machine Works would transfer Volkswagen staff. It's not that they have nothing to do, but that Sodaval is one of the recruited members.

What should I do now in Nisidel. Sodaval, who lived in the Volkswagen factory with great taste, asked his friend's opinion. Because they entered the Volkswagen factory earlier, and their young age belongs to the stage where they can still learn. Later, both of them were sent to specialized training schools for re-education. After they came out, they both took the workshop team leaders. And Sodaval was promoted to the deputy director of the workshop because he was more resourceful and eager to learn. He was definitely young and promising at the age of 22.

Have you been sent over to give you a raise? Nisidel asked about the topic he cared about most.

Nisidel, you have been taking 130 lei for a month, are you still thinking about the money? As long as the teacher taught us at our age during training at school, we need to master enough skills to help us stand Facing his friend The nature of a financial fanatic, Suodaval once persuaded him.

You're here again, Sodaval, you're even more annoying than my mother. Besides, you've got 210 lei. Can I be jealous? Nisidel knew that Sodaval was well-intentioned, but he couldn't bear it. his advice.

Okay, I won't talk about you anymore. This time, the management personnel who were transferred to the management have a 20% salary increase, and the workers only have 10%. But they have to go to Ploiesti and can't refuse. Sodaval said himself get the message.

Isn't that soon you can buy a second car? After Nisidel got the answer, he asked his friend after a little calculation. In the past few years, Suodaval used most of his monthly wages to subsidize his family, and later bought a low-cost Dongfeng truck from the factory (80% of the market price, but only one can be purchased as a benefit from the Volkswagen company, which Also caused many Volkswagen employees to buy a car.). Let his father run the transportation, and his family is a lot richer, and his younger brothers and sisters can go to school in the town. Because both of them are smart and eager to learn, now his younger brother is studying in a local middle school, and his younger sister is also preparing to go to a middle school. But Sodaval's current salary is enough to cover their tuition and living.

To put it another way, due to Romania's industrialization, although Eder did not increase funding for education, ordinary people who made money also sent their relatives of school age to study. The number of students enrolled in six-year primary schools in Romania has increased from 506,000 in 1905 to 618,000 now, and the enrollment rate has increased from 83.1% to 91.7%, which can be regarded as the primary level of national education, and the number of teachers has also increased from 12,100 to 1.49 million people.

In fact, the biggest change is in Romanian secondary schools, whose enrollment has increased from 11,900 to 21,600 now. The fact that the population of secondary schools is so small is related to the lack of education funds, and the subsidy received in Romanian secondary schools is less, resulting in higher fees. None of these can stop the desire for education of the people who got rich first. These are the credits of industrialization.

Alright, let’s get back to it, Sodaval faced Nisidor’s question and sighed inwardly before speaking. There is no discount for buying a car now. My money is only more than 900 lei. It will take at least half a year to save enough.

After hearing this, Nisidel thought about it too. Although the cheapest Volkswagen Model T still needs 1,800 lei, the working class needs at least two years without food or drink to buy one. This is still a Volkswagen. The result of price cuts for the Model T (significant cost reductions due to standardisation of parts and assembly line proficiency, also to crush other European automakers.). Don't consider the more expensive Dongfeng truck without more than 3,500 lei.

Sodaval is fortunate that your salary is much higher now, so that you can afford the tuition of your younger siblings. If you are still like me, I guess you will not be able to save money. Talking about his younger siblings, Nisidel also remembered My sister, Minina, is not a reading material at all. She is now a 19-year-old girl, and the family plans to marry her to a young man named Bisiyaku in the next village. This guy is not bad, quite a hard worker. Their family also bought a truck for transportation. The last time I saw my sister was very satisfied with this young man.

Now the family is estimated to be busy with his sister's life-long affairs, and it is estimated that he will be given to him. Thinking of this, Nisidel also hurts to himself. How come none of the girls in Constanta can see his goodness? His friends don't have this trouble at all. Sodaval, who looks pretty good, has many good girls who have secretly promised him in the past two years. Especially after being promoted to deputy workshop director, a few good-looking girls asked him to pass on private messages to his friends, which made Nisidel extremely sad. The object of his jealousy brought him back to reality when he was hurting himself over the events of his life.

What are you thinking, Nissedr?

Just wondering why no good girl likes me. Nisidel told his friend what was on his mind.

If you go to Constanta's brothel a few more times a month, Nisidel, probably no one will like you. Sodaval said his friend's biggest weakness. Every month Nisidel's salary is not only handed over to his family. Half of it, the rest is basically spent on it. He had tried to persuade him many times, but Nisidel would not listen, and he used the pretense of caring about the living conditions of the stray girl.

Okay, I'll correct this problem, and I'll go a few times less in the future. After Nisidel replied, he continued. Sodaval, after you go to Ploiesti this time, when will we meet.

Don't worry, it's not too far away now, and I have to stay in the factory until November.

It's not been less than three months, Nisider said.

So we must cherish friendship. If I get married and have children in the future, I will definitely ask you to be the godfather of the children.

Okay Sodaval, I will have a child in the future, and I ask you to be the godfather of my child.

No problem at all.

It's still vivid when I think of when we walked out of our hometown.

Yeah, I still remember the scene where you brought me news about the public recruitment of workers. If it weren't for you, I would still be doing farm work at home.

Faced with Sodaval's words, Nisidel quickly explained. I just hope to have one more partner in the factory, it's not as exaggerated as you said.

The two fell asleep while chatting, and the next day Sodaval went to the assigned office to report. They have to go through more than two months of training. After all, there is a difference between a tractor factory and an automobile factory.

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