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Accidentally listened to the two ears of Youmeng: ...

Seeing You Meng coming out, the little novice immediately said to the beautiful woman: "Come out, I will take you to see the abbot right now."

The pretty woman nodded indifferently, and followed the little monk.

Youmeng's eyeballs seemed to be glued to the woman's body, and she almost stared at her with a good eye. When she saw that the little monk was leading the woman and was about to pass her by, she suddenly said: "This beautiful sister, you ghost! She is full of qi, with black mist on her face, and there must be a lot of minor disasters recently... If you have any needs in this regard, you can find me, this temple is just—" It's just for fame, and even looking for the abbot can't solve her problem.

Before Yumeng finished talking, the little monk next to him immediately became dissatisfied: "Don't listen to her nonsense, benefactor, she...is not very good here." He said and pointed to his head.

The little monk didn't feel that he was talking nonsense, after all, this person asked ghosts and gods when he first came in, and he wanted to see the abbot, and now he started to deceive others.

The woman frowned for a moment, then said to You Meng with a good temper: "Thank you little sister for your concern, you can't help me with my affairs."

You Meng still wanted to talk, but when another young monk came up, he pointed at You Meng with a broom: "Are you going? If you don't, I'll take care of you. Don't you see that this is Ji Tang, so you want to sign it? They just came here to offer incense to the Buddha."

Seemingly believing that You Meng came here to snatch "business", the little monk actually picked up the broom and pointed at You Meng, actually intending to use this method to drive him out.

But Ji Tang couldn't stand it anymore, walked over to stop him, took out the signature pen in his bag, and stood in front of You Meng with a smile: "It doesn't matter, since you can recognize me, it must be because you like me and want to sign That's all, it's not a big deal."

After finishing speaking, Ji Tang hesitated, gestured twice with a pen, and asked You Meng: "Where do you want me to sign?"

No matter how ignorant You Meng is, he knows that Ji Tang in front of him should be a star.She didn't intend to be too nosy at first, but she felt that she was deceived on this trip today, so she said a few more words when she saw that someone was also "deceived".

It's just that I didn't expect that kindness would encounter such an attitude, and I thought whether these people believe it or not, she would leave without the little monk chasing her away.

It's just that this celebrity named Ji Tang is quite good, so You Meng thought about how much she could help her. Thinking of this, her tone became more sincere, but she also knew that this person probably wouldn't believe what she said, so she just gave him a contact information. It's her kindness.

Sure enough, seeing her shaking her head and refusing to sign, Ji Tang didn't want to say anything more, and she did come here because she had something to do, so he could only apologize slightly when he saw this: "I'm really sorry, this time I came here in private , so I hope my little sister will help me keep it a secret."

After confirming that You Meng did not need his signature or group photo, Ji Tang entered the abbot's meditation room.

The little monk glared at You Meng bitterly: "If it wasn't for the good intentions of Ji Tang, I would be able to kick you out right now."

The more You Meng thought about it, the more angry he became, the tighter his facial expression became.

Her beauty is extremely aggressive, and she can bluff people by looking at people coldly without saying a word. The little monk moved his lips, and was a little scared by her, and left in a hurry after leaving only a few words.

You Meng will stay because he thinks Ji Tang is a good person and can help.

Liu Yang always talks about cause and effect, but when he meets someone he cares about, it doesn't matter if he breaks the principle a little bit.

After going down the mountain, You Meng adheres to the theory of cause and effect, and never dares to have too close contacts with people, for fear that cause and effect will become more and more, but now...

This is the first time Youmeng breaks his "principle", almost rushing to help.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would wait outside until the afternoon.

Ji Tang was also quite surprised to see You Meng after she came out. She quickly thought that maybe You Meng was too shy before, and felt that it was a pity to miss the autograph and group photo. In addition, she had just talked with the abbot, and she felt that although she was worried I suddenly became enlightened, and my mood was much more relaxed than before.

So when I saw this twisted girl again, I was extra patient.

Unexpectedly, just as Ji Tang opened his mouth, You Meng refused without hesitation, still using the same rhetoric as before.

If it was the time when he first arrived, Ji Tang probably would have lost his patience.

She smiled, and reached out to touch You Meng's head affectionately: "You should still be studying at your age, don't think about it, go back early, your family should worry."

You Meng Ji Tang never believed it, and suddenly remembered that Liu Yang used to say viciously, "It's hard to persuade a damned ghost", and now thinking about it, he thinks it is very reasonable.

Instead of "wasting words" with Ji Tang, she took out the talisman bag containing the talisman paper and handed it to Ji Tang, thinking that this was the last time she would help him, and she said, "This is the peace I drew by myself." Talisman, it can protect you from a small disaster, just wear it with you.”

Ji Tang smiled, and wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought that the little girl's behavior was really strange, and the other party just said that she had been suffering from minor disasters as soon as she saw her, which was really too weird.

——In addition, she has indeed been unlucky recently, but she has never taken it to heart.

So what should have been rejected, at this moment, he reached out to take Youmeng's yellow|color talisman bag, and said with a smile: "Then thank you."

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