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Didn't dare to say it out loud, just made a mouth shape.

Jinghong sighed in his heart, there was a lazy wife at home, and she had to wash her hands and make soup for the lazy wife.

With only one sigh, she thought about what to do for You Meng in the morning, the preserved egg and lean meat porridge from the day before yesterday was quite popular with You Meng.

Jinghong clicked his tongue and thought: Lazy wife doesn't know what to eat, she only likes to eat these things.

After thinking about it, it was time to wash up in bed and prepare to make some porridge for my lazy wife.

After bathing and washing, Jinghong went out in the form of Yuanshen again, casually took away the ingredients needed in other people's supermarkets, and then threw the money directly at the cashier, regardless of the shocked look on the cashier girl's face that "the money just appeared out of thin air", He walked home slowly.

On the way, I bought another pair of fruits and used my soul power to pick out the sweetest ones. Then, as before, I threw the money into the hawker cart and went back directly.

She has been buying vegetables like this for a long time. There is nothing wrong with it, and it has not caused any panic. It is even very convenient, even more convenient than transferring money by mobile phone.

Besides, she didn't mean to communicate with others.

When he got home, the lazy wife hadn't gotten out of bed yet, Jinghong sighed heavily, rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen, his voice could be lowered a lot.

When she finished cooking, she brought the porridge and side dishes to the bedroom, and when she woke her up, Youmeng was still quite unhappy, so Jinghong almost handed her the toothbrush.

"With a wife like me, you should be secretly happy. To marry a wife is to marry a virtuous man. Look at you, how can you look a little bit virtuous?" Jinghong kept talking while feeding You Meng.

Youmeng didn't want to eat breakfast at first, but someone kept nagging her to wake her up, insisting that breakfast is gold, lunch is silver, and dinner is copper, let her eat it before going back to sleep.

Now that Jinghong was chanting like this, she also pretended not to hear it, anyway, it went into her left ear and out of her right ear, and she wondered when Jinghong would find the New Year gift she had prepared for him in the living room.

Fearing that Jinghong would not be able to see it, she deliberately hung a sign on that body with the words "New Year's gift" written on it.

After eating, Youmeng lay down, it was really exhausting to reshape the physical body, I'm afraid she won't be able to recover within three days.

Seeing You Meng lying down again, Jinghong was speechless, thinking that he didn't bother You Meng much yesterday, could it be that she has become stronger?

While thinking deeply, Jinghong took the empty bowl to the kitchen, put it in the dishwasher, leaned against the counter and thought about it, and felt that it was just a day of poor spirits, so it shouldn't be.

Is it...

Is it? !


You Meng was directly picked up from the bed by Jing Hong, and then completely woken up by the other party. Amid the screams similar to groundhogs, You Meng showed a somewhat smug smile, and was about to enjoy the admiration and grateful eyes of his lover At that time, she heard Jinghong's voice trembling slightly and asking with endless joy——

"When did you have it? How many months? Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Youmeng felt that she hadn't woken up. No matter how developed and populous it is now, it seems that there is no example of women having children with women. She frowned: "What?"

Jinghong here is already quite excited, she thinks why Youmeng doesn't value herself so much?Having children and still being so reckless, while feeling pregnant women are like this, don't scold them, while reaching out to hold You Meng's wrist, and began to take the pulse seriously, with a dignified tone: "Strange, why not?"

At this moment Youmeng was already awake, she admired Jinghong's performance with a half-smile, "Pregnant? If you are a man, you can still make me pregnant?"

"Lily's novels are all written like this, how can it be impossible?" Jinghong withdrew her hand and said as a matter of course, her brows were tightly frowned, "Besides, you are particularly lethargic today, obviously abnormal."

You Meng stretched out her hand and was about to pinch Jinghong's place, but Jinghong quickly dodged, but unexpectedly her ear fell into the opponent's hand - You Meng was ruthless, she grinned her teeth in pain, and begged for mercy: "Good dream, let go Me, it hurts too much, my ears are about to fall off!"

"I've grown up so much, I haven't seen Yuanshen's ears twisted off." You Meng said calmly without letting go.

It was just a small lesson, not to be serious, so Youmeng let go of her hand, seeing that Jinghong Yuanshen's ears were really red, she felt a little distressed, raised her hand in a gesture of beckoning a dog: "Come here, let me have a look."

Aggrieved, Jinghong moved closer to You Meng and showed her his red ears.

"I'll give you chuī chuī, it doesn't hurt anymore." You Meng's hands were cold, and he gently rubbed Jinghong's ears, not to mention, it was quite warm, more effective than those hot water bottles and paper talismans.

After coaxing her, Jinghong asked her what she wanted for lunch.

You Meng had no appetite at the moment, and thought of Jinghong's pregnant nonsense, so she ordered two dishes, and Jinghong happily let her continue to sleep, saying that she was going to go out to make money.

Of course, this money is also earned from Ji Tang. On weekdays, Ji Tang's fame is used to exorcise ghosts for those stars, movie kings, and queens, and then sell safe charms at high prices.

A few days ago, I actually went back to a courtyard house in the capital.

After asking, I found out that it was through a movie queen that he got acquainted with a powerful and wealthy senior official.

How should I put it, they have all become a primordial spirit, and they are still so restless.

When asked, this person has a special reason: for the sake of his wife and future children, if he doesn't work hard, what will he do when he gets old?

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