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As soon as the evil ghost choked, the evil ghost bag bulged into a small bulge, she said: "That's also for salvation!" What's more, she also saved You Meng, this little celestial master should be interested in her!

You Meng shook her head, but she didn't bother arguing about it, she just said lightly: "It's different."

"You're quite fussy!" After the evil ghost said this, he stopped making a sound, and went to his mobile phone to type a copy.

Unexpectedly, the person who challenged her made another request, saying that he would PK with her today. The evil ghost felt amused: the mere ants still want to make progress.

Unexpectedly, "Ant" also laughed: If you don't compare today, you don't know if you can still go online in the future.

The evil ghost narrowed his eyes and sent a message to the other party: What do you mean?

Unexpectedly, the other party was also online all the time. After seeing the message from the evil ghost, he immediately smiled and said, "You think I don't know?You are about to be reincarnated, and you are still playing with me!

The evil spirit followed the news and wanted to catch this person out, but it didn't expect that this person was as slippery as a loach, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.When the evil ghost withdrew his yin-inducing breath angrily, this man appeared again in a lowly manner, telling her to advance the time quickly.

The evil ghost was so angry that he couldn't bear to let You Meng see it.

Whenever she gets angry, the gang suffers, and the gang members go directly to find You Meng, and let You Meng coax the gang leader bitterly.

You Meng didn't want to care about it at first, because the evil ghost is moody and angry at every turn.

But there were more people to persuade, so she went to ask.

The evil ghost is not such a ghost who doesn't know good and bad. Besides, compared to face, it's better to take that person out to relieve anger. Besides, Youmeng gave back the steps, so she talked about it, and said sinisterly: "This When people see it, they will have ulterior motives, and they may be afraid of some kind of ghost."

You Meng glanced at her, thinking to herself who is the real ghost...

She took the ghost's cell phone, opened the dialog box with the other party, and put her palm on the screen of the phone, and saw a bright light flashed in the place where the two closed, overflowing with power that could burn the ghost, the evil Gui Qi asked, "How did you do this?"

You Meng opened his eyes to look at her, and said honestly: "I'm new, I don't need to write the formulas on the talisman paper, but it consumes more power than usual..."

As she spoke, she frowned and said, "The other side is also a ghost."

Youmeng didn't finish talking, and only glanced at the evil ghost vaguely. The evil ghost didn't understand, and asked her: "What are you looking at me for?"

You Meng threw the phone aside, thought for a while, and said slowly: "This is a 'ghost' who likes to play games."

It seems to be a ghost who died suddenly after playing games, it's really weird...

Chapter 49

Wang Ming is a typical young man addicted to the Internet. After graduating from university, he stayed at home and played games. His parents told him that he was reluctant to play games. He also thought about sending him to Metamorphosis for a while, but he finally compromised. , thinking that if he could still move, he would earn more money, and Wang Ming would forget about playing games for the rest of his life.

Wang Ming thought his parents were nagging, so he simply moved out by himself. Because he is a good gamer, sweeping the rankings of all major games, so sometimes he can use word of mouth to make some money. With the advent of the era of online games and mobile games, Wang Ming transformed himself and relied on playing games to get a lot of money.

It’s just because I entered this industry too early and signed some studios at the beginning, so my personal interests are relatively small, and sometimes I’m jealous of those anchors, but I can receive gifts and soft hands for a few hours of live broadcast every day.

And Wang Ming died suddenly in the game some time ago.

No one found out about Wang Ming's sudden death, even Wang Ming himself didn't know, because he was still roaming the Internet as before, and he became more comfortable, and his whole person was like the funny sentence on the Internet "You are Are you living online?"

And because of roaming the Internet, using loopholes to make ill-gotten gains.

A few days after the first "local tyrant" life, he became obsessed with killing the leaderboards of various games, and this obsession made his soul more solidified.

What Youmeng can perceive is limited after all, at most, you know such a little thing. Although the evil ghost plays games, she really doesn't know about this aspect, so after hearing what Youmeng said, she understood : "This is called 'I was just a game in my previous life', and everyone else is just playing tricks."

You Meng shook her head, glanced at the evil ghost, and said to herself that you are not bad either.

After knowing that it was a little ghost, the evil ghost said that he didn't need Yumeng's help, and he had a "battle" between ghosts and ghosts with the little ghost.

The evil ghost directly arrested the little ghost, and was going to take some time to ask Youmeng to help him save him, so that the ghost could be reincarnated early.

She grabbed the ghost with her front foot, then started the game with her back foot, pretending to wait for the ghost to go online, but in fact, the ghost had already been subdued by her, so naturally it couldn't go online.

Two hours after the agreed time passed, the evil ghost pretended to be generous and said, "It's fine if this person doesn't want to come..."

The newly captured little ghost, Wang Ming, also lives in the bag, but the evil spirit despises him, so he asks Wang Ming to find a vase to stay there.

Wang Ming didn't believe that he was dead at first, even though he could see other ghosts later and spy on other people's lives through the Internet, he just thought that he had played too many games and had superpowers, so he would never think that he was dead.

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