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Shen Lanfeng stretched out his hand to her, but whether Lan Wenchen wanted to go or not, Shen Lanfeng would not leave Lan Wenchen here.

Chapter 14 Sand Sculpture Blue Friend 14

Lan Wenchen is not a person of faith, she still prefers to take the cable car to go to the mountain to contribute incense money.

Although the mobile phone is broken, the headset is also lost.But fortunately, when he fell into the water, Lan Wenchen put the camera in a special bag and protected it very tightly.It can still be opened, and it can still take pictures normally.

The two of them packed lightly, brought some water and supplies up the mountain, and put other insignificant things in the tent in the canyon.It happens that there is no signal in the mountains, and neither GPS nor mobile phones can be used.There are many signposts on the side of the road, Shen Lanfeng followed the signs most of the time.Lan Wenchen looked like a follower most of the time, except for tinkering with the camera, he didn't do anything of value.

However, as an expert in the information industry, Lan Wenchen still has the skills to take pictures at Yidian.Shen Lanfeng walked in the woods in front, and Lan Wenchen secretly took a photo behind.

The people in the photos seem to be in a fairyland, and Lan Wenchenguang is so hot that he is sweating just looking at the photos.Last night... If only she had taken the opportunity to do something?

The two walked and rested all the way, from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon.Shen Lanfeng sat on the stone steps, took out a piece of Black Forest cake and handed it to Lan Wenchen.

"Eat?" Shen Lanfeng said in a low voice, "About walking a little further, we will reach the viewing platform. Let's take the cable car to wander around for a while, and then return to the place where we live."

Lan Wenchen stayed for a while, but there was no movement.

"The suspension bridge in the scenic area is in front, and there seems to be no place to rest." Shen Lanfeng said seriously, "You didn't eat anything at noon, I'm afraid you will be hungry."

"Okay, thank you boss!"

Lan Wenchen hung the camera around his neck, took the cake and ate two bites hastily.

"You have been holding the camera for a long time, do you want me to carry it for you?"

As soon as Shen Lanfeng finished speaking, Lan Wenchen refused.Shen Lanfeng obviously carried a lot of things on his back, and the sum of supplies and some food may be much heavier than the camera.

What's more, Lan Wenchen didn't want Shen Lanfeng to know that she secretly took many photos.Those were diary material, which was found to be a little awkward to explain.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Shen Lanfeng didn't ask any more questions.After Lan Wenchen finished eating, he went to the spring to get some water to drink.

After walking about 300 meters forward, the two stopped beside a suspension bridge.

It's a bit hard to say, the suspension bridge is a dangerous place, although it may not be a big deal to some people, but there are too many people walking, it may be a little wobbly from time to time.

Shen Lanfeng felt a little guilty, and Lan Wenchen also knew that she was afraid.

"I'll take you there."

"Looks like I haven't told you that I don't like drawbridges much?"


Shen Lanfeng never said it, but Lan Wenchen remembered it.When I was in elementary school, there was a low suspension bridge in the school playground, with a sandpit underneath.During physical education class, the teacher will let the students go up to exercise.

When Shen Lanfeng accidentally made a mistake and fell, it was Lan Wenchen who sent her to the school infirmary.Although Shen Lanfeng didn't say anything at the time, after that day, she would deliberately avoid the suspension bridge and the bunker.

This place is much higher than the primary school suspension bridge, Shen Lanfeng will definitely not have a good impression of this place.

"Really... really don't want it?"

Just as Lan Wenchen was about to withdraw his hand, Shen Lanfeng took a step forward and held Lan Wenchen's hand tightly.

As if she was afraid that Lan Wenchen would suddenly abandon her and leave, she didn't dare to let go of her hand for a moment.Obviously just rested, the weather is not hot, and Shen Lanfeng's palms are still full of sweat.

"Don't tell others!" Shen Lanfeng said in her ear affectionately, "Also... I want you to carry me over."

Lan Wenchen took a look at the suspension bridge. In fact, the two sides of the suspension bridge were not too wide. Lan Wenchen could grab the rope and walk forward with Shen Lanfeng on his back.

So she stood on the suspension bridge and squatted down, turned her back to Shen Lanfeng and said, "Come up."


Shen Lanfeng remained silent, but despite Lan Wenchen's repeated invitations, she still cautiously put her hand on the other's shoulder.

"You won't...are you okay?" Shen Lanfeng put his face close to Lan Wenchen's ear, "I'm sorry, I let you see a strange scene."

Generally speaking, as long as Shen Lanfeng doesn't intentionally make things difficult for Lan Wenchen, there won't be any problems.


Lan Wenchen took a deep breath, then grabbed the rope and took a step forward.Although the suspension bridge will appear a little trembling, but fortunately, the design of the suspension bridge is very stable.It just looks a little high, which makes people feel empty.

In order to free the person on him from fear, Lan Wenchen said, "Shen Lanfeng, let me tell you a story, do you want to hear it?"


"Once upon a time there was a child who was afraid of crossing bridges. Every time her father asked her to herd sheep, she refused to cross the bridge. She would rather go home in the swamp and mud. Every time her mother saw When she came back, she would scold her for not being clean, but mother didn't know that she became like this because she was walking in the swamp." Lan Wenchen was still walking forward bit by bit, holding on to the rope, "Father wanted to let his The child became better and began to train the girl to cross the bridge, and when the girl didn't want to, he beat her and scolded her."

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