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"By the way, there is one more thing. Sister Shen hand-picked your name and asked you to go with me, so...you'd better be honest today and take the medicine."

Click... click her name?

Shen Lanfeng has a different impression of Lan Wenchen, which is usually not the case.

"I guess it's very likely that the Security Administration wants to find someone with a better computer to help solve the case. Sister Shen can't think of anyone else, so she has to pull you in."


Could this be Shen Lanfeng's idea!

This is the seat's idea!

Chapter 17 Sand Sculpture Blue Friend 17

It's rare for Lan Wenchen to be valued by others, and everyone in the company is happy for her, but Lan Wenchen is actually...not particularly happy!At the end of the day, she didn't have the nerve to call the bureau in advance, and when Shen Lanfeng came back from the meeting, she secretly went to inquire about the situation.

"Sister Shen!" Lan Wenchen pretended to be happy and called out to her, "I heard that the company has a case to deal with recently, right? You...recommended me?"

Shen Lanfeng nodded and said: "Yes. They have repeatedly asked the person who knows the most about computer technology to come out. I think about it, and you are the only one in our department."

"But... can I do it?" Lan Wenchen bit his lip guiltily, "If I mess up something, will they be happy?"

"It seems that you are a technical nerd, so you don't have any confidence at all?" Shen Lanfeng gave her a look, "Actually, I don't think you have a big problem. However, tomorrow is a business, you can put on a little make-up, It will look a lot better, and people will be more confident."

She was so frightened that she took two steps back. Lan Wenchen had never come into contact with such things as rouge and gouache, otherwise she would not have chosen such things as toilet water and mosquito repellent as perfume.

"I... teach you?" Shen Lanfeng thought for a while and said, "Speaking of which, there is a guest room in the place I rented. I can teach you a little bit tonight. So if you want, you can come and live with me?"

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Invitation from super charming boss to live together.

Why did Lan Wenchen refuse?

After returning home from get off work, Lan Wenchen simply packed up the changed clothes and went up to the 31st floor. Shen Lanfeng sat on the sofa and waited for her.

"Tomorrow I will take you directly to see the security bureau. You should relax a bit and don't be too nervous." Shen Lanfeng pulled her to his side, "And... don't be stupid."

Although being nervous was not a big deal, Lan Wenchen was prone to causing trouble when she was nervous, and her ability was not hidden.


It took Shen Lanfeng an hour to explain to Lan Wenchen the knowledge of dealing with people, and then he prepared cold medicine for her, and it took only one day to finish the calculation.

Shen Lanfeng went back to the room, Lan Wenchen took the medicine and fell asleep on the sofa.


Early the next morning, Shen Lanfeng woke up Lan Wenchen on time.The time to go out today will be much earlier than yesterday, after all, I am going to meet the people in the bureau.

Shen Lanfeng called a car to the company, and the driver who was responsible for picking up the seat had already gone out, and it was estimated that he would be there in a while.

"Are we just waiting here?" Lan Wenchen asked proactively.

The environment around here looks like a reception hall, and it is also a luxurious reception hall.As far as she knew about Ju Zuo, Ju Zuo might not like such an environment.

"Yes." Shen Lanfeng made a pot of tea, "Speaking of which, I left some materials in the drawer yesterday and forgot to take them. Can I trouble you to make a trip?"

"Of course...no problem." Lan Wenchen immediately agreed, "Then I'll go there first, and I'll come find you later."

The longer he stayed in this place, the more depressed Lan Wenchen became, wishing to leave immediately, even for a while.Fortunately, the air outside was still fresh. Lan Wenchen took a deep breath and returned to the office building of Platinum Building.

There were a lot of people in the office building, and they had already arrived one after another. Lan Wenchen took care of the people in his department, and then continued to walk forward with his head bowed.

All kinds of voices nearby made Lan Wenchen feel very uncomfortable, no matter where she went, she felt that she could hear the voices of the other seats.

But the answer is, that person is not actually there!

Lan Wenchen shook her head, unwilling to think too much, she started to walk forward with her head raised, and at the next corner, she saw the administrator...

And the bodyguard who greeted temporarily yesterday.

hide?This is the only way to go to the office to help Shen Lanfeng get things, and she will be questioned, and she, Lan Wenchen, has done nothing wrong.

The bodyguard first saw Lan Wenchen, he turned his head and gave Lan Wenchen a wink, then blocked a blind spot, and gestured to Lan Wenchen.

She didn't have time to thank her, thinking that it would be enough to bypass the administrator.



"Lan Wenchen?"

But Lan Wenchen was only focused on hurrying and ignored him.

"Wait!" The administrator let go of the bodyguard, turned and ran to the side of the corridor, "Brother, please help me replace for a while."

"What am I replacing? I won't investigate..."

The bodyguard was in a dilemma. He wanted to grab the administrator, but when he stretched out his hand, he was in vain, so he had no choice but to say, "Come back early."


The administrator chased Lan Wenchen for a long time before catching up with Lan Wenchen, but the other party still had no intention of stopping and was still rushing up the stairs.

"Lan Wenchen!" He shouted again out of breath, "Stop! There is no one here, just the two of us."

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