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The person on the other end of the phone was a little silent.

"I can't just make a direct move like this." Lan Wenchen turned the pencil absently, and then explained, "I fully understand that you want to get your things back, but you have to wait."

"Wait until when?"

"Wait until I want to blow up their electricity..."

After the words fell, Lan Wenchen hung up the phone and continued to work.Most of the time, the surveillance is not directed at people, and there will only be a short 30-second surveillance in every half hour to shift the screen.

Lan Wenchen glanced at his watch, it was 11.30 am.

According to this time in the past, the position of the surveillance camera should be moved.Although there was little chance of a figure appearing, Lan Wenchen still wanted to know something intently.

After a while, a shadow appeared at the monitored crossing.Lan Wenchen maximized the window in that area, and a girl with long curly hair and wearing a white shirt suddenly appeared on the surveillance screen.

The girl was about 173 cm tall, with long and thin legs. Lan Wenchen finally kept his eyes on her for a long time.This was the first time she was fascinated by watching someone. The curly-haired girl was chatting with another tall and thick man.

Looking at his extremely wretched movements, one can guess that he should be a suitor.

Obviously she was the one who fell in love with this girl first.

Lan Wenchen hated him very much.

Not only that, Lan Wenchen also hated many things, such as this failed life.

Maybe it was the girl under surveillance that reminded Lan Wenchen of something.

Most of those unpleasant things happened when Lan Wenchen was in elementary school.

She was still a tall, strong and fat doll back then, and Shen Lanfeng in the class next door was their school belle, even though everyone was only in the second grade.

What attracted Shen Lanfeng to Lan Wenchen was her curly hair, because it was very popular at the time.

But Lan Wenchen didn't expect that day to come so suddenly.

Shen Lanfeng was bullied by the school bully.

The school bully is a bad boy who is ignorant and incompetent. He is in the sixth grade.The thin and weak Shen Lanfeng was pushed to the ground by force, and Lan Wenchen who happened to come back from the toilet saw this scene.

She was very angry that someone dared to play her mind.

So Lan Wenchen kicked the older sixth-grade child three meters away with great force, almost falling down the stairs and becoming disabled.The school bully might just be ignorant and playful, but Lan Wenchen knew how to attack people at that time.

This matter had a great impact on the school, so the school gave the bully a punishment, but Lan Wenchen was expelled directly.

After she dropped out of school, she went to another less well-known elementary school.

Of course, that was also the last time she saw Shen Lanfeng.

More than ten years have passed like this, and Lan Wenchen is still thinking about it.But in the eyes of the other party, she may not be that important, just a righteous person who draws his sword to help when the road is wrong.

When Lan Wenchen came back to his senses, he realized that he still had business to do.She continued to watch the monitor after receiving the urging from the text message. The curly-haired girl had already turned around to leave the viewing angle. Lan Wenchen hurriedly cut out the interface and jumped to the next screen to continue observing.

Although it had been more than ten years, Lan Wenchen still remembered her appearance even if more than ten years passed.

"Shen... Lanfeng?"

She put her hands on her chin and cheeks, thinking about something.

"I'm here to find you."

Chapter 2 Sand Sculpture Blue Friend 2

When she was a child, she was obsessed with Shen Lanfeng. If she hadn't felt inferior because she was a chubby girl at that time, maybe she would not have lived a life of hiding.

Now that the opportunity is once again in front of him, Lan Wenchen must do something.


Shen Lanfeng stayed in the surveillance screen for a long time before returning to her own seat.

It wasn't until the figure disappeared that Lan Wenchen turned around in astonishment.Then she saw the disposable mobile phone that she kept beside her and had never been touched.

She could feel how much the urging voice was.

The dream is over, wake up and go to work.

So Lan Wenchen got up and took out half a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and put it beside him, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

Since this was the first time that Lan Wenchen contacted the investor, the attitude of the person on the other end of the phone was also very friendly, and he even told them to contact them if there was any problem, and offered Lan Wenchen like a Buddha.

"I've already found the location of the server. Do you need to complete the task now, boss?" Lan Wenchen said lying on the chair, "By the way. I don't care, I can walk and run, anyway, no one can find me."

"This is a case, not your private work. Please take it seriously, Lan Wenchen!" The other party's tone was a little impatient, so he said, "What kind of company do you think Platinum Building is? This case is not what you imagined So easy..."

"Then you won't call the police...?"

"I'm sorry, we belong to the network security management organization. The case belongs to us. It's useless to call the police." The other party thought for a while and said, "I know what you're worried about. Do that."


What a sarcasm...

However, whether to protect the information or not has no effect on Lan Wenchen, because it is just a name.

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