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Fortunately, it was just a one-sided relationship, and the old man's memory and her appearance have also changed.

Lan Wenchen didn't care anymore.

"Who is this girl?" Father Shen saw Lan Wenchen sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone as soon as he entered the door, "Is she your friend?"

"Well, he's a good friend." Shen Lanfeng got up and replied, "The technical geek newly recruited by the company has helped me a lot these days."

Lan Wenchen followed Shen Lanfeng and said, "Hello, Uncle!"

Father Shen smiled at Lan Wenchen.

"Is it a colleague? But I think this girl looks familiar." Father Shen scratched his head suddenly and said, "But it doesn't matter. The house is too small, and you may be wronged to live here for a while."

"It's okay, everything is used to it."

Lan Wenchen almost burst out saying "Thank you for taking me in", but this sentence made her sound like a homeless child, so she held back in the end.

Father Shen led Grandpa into the house, then took two steps back and closed the door.

The kind old man looked up at Lan Wenchen, and Lan Wenchen was doing the same.But for some reason, she still felt a little guilty.Don't dare to look at the old man for too long.

After all, Shen Lanfeng is here.


But finally, the old man spoke first: "Blue bird?"

Lan Wenchen felt that he had suddenly fallen into an abyss.

Even if Shen's mother takes care of her in every possible way, it's good for Shen's father to say he knows her well.This could all be the influence of the seat, and they might not necessarily know Lan Wenchen's true identity.

But Grandpa Shen was different, he had seen the blue bird, even if he was confused, he did not admit his mistake.

Lan Wenchen was about to lose his composure!What should Shen Lanfeng do here?

This exit made her unable to justify, and the more she justified, the worse she was.

After the people in the room became silent for a while, Lan Wenchen only said simple words to clarify: "Old man, my name is Lan Wenchen."

"That's right, isn't that the blue bird?" The old man insisted on his point of view, "Do you remember that when I was young, I bought ice cream for you, and my granddaughter was there..."

"Hey, why did you change your name?" The old man started talking nonsense, "The name Blue Bird is so nice, why did you change it to Lan Wenchen?"

Lan Wenchen himself couldn't explain why he changed his name.

"Impossible, this child hasn't been out for many years." Shen's mother stopped her sewing, turned to Shen's father and said, "Your father is talking nonsense again, don't embarrass the guests. Take him Go back to your room and rest."

Father Shen responded, and the matter was not settled until the old man was dragged down.

Lan Wenchen breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Shen Lanfeng: "Sister Shen, I..."

She got up from the side of the pillar, and then said listlessly: "I told you, don't be frightened by him. I'm going to prepare a quilt for you to cover at night now. You should go to bed early."

Lan Wenchen nodded in a low voice, "Okay."

She walked up to the attic, then turned on a desk lamp and waited for Shen Lanfeng to come up.


"I've been waiting for a long time." Shen Lanfeng didn't go up to the attic until a long time ago, she put the quilt on the small desk next to her, "Do you need my help?"

"No, I'll do it myself." Lan Wenchen took what Shen Lanfeng gave her, "Sister Shen, go and rest first."

Lan Wenchen had no choice but to consider sending her away, but the other party didn't seem to have the will to leave.

She was still thinking about the one or two "nonsense" that Grandpa Shen said.

Shen Lanfeng turned around and wanted to go out the door, but she stopped soon.

"Lan Wenchen, my father said that he is familiar with you, so I can ignore it. Because he has never seen you before, it's just a feeling." Shen Lanfeng looked back at her and said, "But my grandfather called you Blue Bird, he saw you I’ve lived with blue sparrows, and I know I like them the most. When I was 11 years old, I was withdrawn, so he gave me a sparrow to make me happy.”

It can be said that Grandpa Shen has been helping Shen Lanfeng remember the blue bird all his life, no matter how demented he is, he will never make such a fatal mistake.

"Why haven't you come back to me?"


Now she would rather jump into the other party's arms and talk nonsense, admitting the wrong person.He didn't want to let her go again.

But Shen Lanfeng did the same.

Lan Wenchen took two steps back in a panic, and grabbed the leg of the table.

The girl rushed up and hugged her, hugging her hard.

"I like you, Blue Tit."

I like it very much.

On this day, the goddess confessed to her.

But on this day, she was regarded as someone else by the goddess.

She really wanted to hear the goddess say it herself: Lan Wenchen, I like you.

But for now, it's still unlikely.

Lan Wenchen reached out and hugged Shen Lanfeng as well.


You scare people.

After calming down, Shen Lanfeng let go of her hand a little bit, but she still hugged her.

"Sorry for calling you her all the time." Shen Lanfeng said in a crying voice, "Is it okay to be my blue bird tonight?"

Chapter 22 Sand Sculpture Blue Friend 22

Be her blue tit?

After a few seconds, Lan Wenchen seemed to only remember Shen Lanfeng's words.

She didn't know whether to answer well or not.

Shen Lanfeng did not return to his room after that, but stayed at Lan Wenchen's place for the night.It's not that they haven't lived together, even if Lan Wenchen sleeps tossing and turning in the middle of the night, Shen Lanfeng is used to it.

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